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Da Cap'n

The Slingers
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Everything posted by Da Cap'n

  1. Man, I just had to post in this thread!!! This is my favorite book out right now!! Hands down!! Kirkman is the MAN!!! Nick put me on to this while back so I bought the first trade! I didn't read it till about a month later and man was I pissed that I waited!! Since then I've gone back and bought all the single issues, except for #'s 1, 2, 4, 5! That book also got me to go back and buy all the Romero zombie flicks and read "The Zombie Survival Guide"!! I dream of zombies now (just ask Sarah)!!
  2. ...................... they're heeeeere............................
  3. I think it was the guy that does Daredevil (art)! Oh and Kevin Smith did co-write!
  4. Ok, so they (Marvel) brought back the "What if's?", but they're pretty much crap! The only only that was really good (well two) was written by, you guessed it, Bendis!! The one that really stood out with me was the "What if Jessica Jones had joined the Avengers?"! I really suggest this one for all the "Avengers: Dissasembled" fans!! The "What if Karen Page had lived?" one was good too! I know I'm the Spidey bitch, but I really didn't like the "What if Aunt May had died instead of Uncle Ben?"!! It was smart..., but stupid at the same time!! The others are really not worth mentioning!!
  5. THIS IS FOR REAL!! From the director of Spawn? Worst movie ever? I think we got a winner... but why do I feel the need to watch it? Funkin Frankenfish!!
  6. After reading Identity Crisis #7, I have decided that I shall give something back to fans by writing a "alternate ending"! One that doesn't end in pure crap! I was thinking that Gleek the Monkey got pissed and went on a killing spree!! Hows that?
  7. I hear Disney bought Crossgen for the low, low price of... 1 million dollars! Damn...
  8. Postin' from work is fun... wait, a 32 year old, fat guy that still lives with his mom, with glasses you can see into the future with just walked in! I have to attend to his DC needs!! *walks away* "Hey buddy, can I see those glasses for a sec?" *puts on specticles* "Woah, Sole is gonna be a model? I guess she got THOSE genes from her dad... Lord know it wasn't from Sarah!"
  9. X4 (X-Men/Fantastic 4) #1 dissapointed the hell outta me! The arts nice, but I wasn't really feeling what was going on! It starts off with the cliche "misunderstanding" fight that the two super teams go through to get the comic going, but I'm sick of those... it ain't the ninedies anymore! Don't they both know that they're the good guys? New Avengers #1 was awsome! Oh that Bendis... X-Men: The End, Book One wasn't that bad! Yeah, it's gonna take forever, but I'm gonna stick with it till the end to see what happens. The only thing that I think is weird is the fact that it only takes place 15 years from the current Marvel timeline... I thought they where a little more bad-ass than that! She-Hulk, Nick? Come on buddy, I taught you better than that...
  10. 303 - Garth Ennis' new military book. First issue was pretty bad ass! Nick needs to read this one...
  11. "Spider-Sense warning me of something... I just can't figure out what..."
  12. 2Track, love the Bubba Ho-Tep avatar!!!
  13. So I saw "Old Boy", a Korean (I think) movie that really fucks with your head! It was reaaaal good!! I don't wanna give to much away, but basically some guy gets kidnapped and held prisoner in a room for 15 years!! Dude finds a way to escape and goes on the hunt for his captors! It's really cool cause the guys been locked up for 15 years and he gone a little... crazy!! I don't know what American movie to compare it to, but it's pretty fucked up!! It hasn't really made a buzz yet, but if you can get your hands on a copy, check it out!
  14. 2 more reviews... MK Daredevil 2099 - Great fuckin book!! I did not expect that!! Too bad it's only a "one-shot"!! They need to follow that one up! I highly recommend it!! MK Punisher 2099 - Not very good! I was expecting better since I read DD 2099 first! Don't bother with it...
  15. I was just thinking... Why is Anime Hurricane called that? I mean, if we're a store that specializes in anime (Japan/China/Korea) then why do we have the name HURRICANE? Wouldn't it be Anime TYPHOON? These are the little things that are makin' us lose buisness, people!!
  16. I really wish The Nick would look at my comic reviews... Next time I'll invite Nick out with us... well maybe on second thought, I just take more pictures... HA!
  17. Today I brought home a whole string of first issues I guess Marvel is trying to push! I never really liked when they do this, cause it throws alot of garbage out there and they kinda start to lose thier cred! Oh and it just fucks up continuity (yeah, I'm a fanboy)!! Jubilee - Ok, I guess... if you're 15! Rogue - I guess this one was better, but I just couldn't figure out why Gambit was blind (?)!! Maybe, I missed something in the X-Men shit... Gambit - NOT BLIND!! You might wish YOU where after reading this ish! Nightcrawler - What the hell? Are they just GIVING titles away? When's Da Cap'n #1 comin' out?! This would of been better if it would of come out around the time that X2 was released! I did like the Spidey reference though... Conan - Ok, not an X-Man (not even Marvel), but I brought this home cause a Piggy! It was ok! Not my cup of tea though...
  18. I guess no drunken posting after all, sigh...
  19. I can feel (another) Drunken Post tonight...
  20. Black Hole Sun, won't ya come and wash away the rain Black Hole Sun, won't ya come, won't ya coooome...
  21. Today I brought home and read: Catwoman: When in Rome Ch.1 - by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale (of Daredevil: Yellow and Spider-man: Blue) and it wasn't that bad! I might just pick up 2 and see where this one goes... Strange - Story of Doc Strange's "humble" beginings. Also promising... MK Wolverine #20 - (hasn't come out yet... thats why they call me DJ Mr Exclusive) first Mark Millar/Romita Jr issue! Goooood!! Villian reminds me a little of Morlan from Amazing Spidey...
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