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Hondo's Bar


Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Freebird


    yes... nuts are the devil... someone who agrees with me... thats great!
  2. Freebird


    how did this thread just die? it was a pretty good topic... maybe it was just in my head. :mmm:
  3. is sailormoon considered anime? i watched an episode of it before and i thought it was bearable. i had a friend that was named anna mae.... i thought that it was fitting for this thread... and i may be the only one who cares... haha
  4. i would be perfectly fine with jennifer lopez if she would have stuck with movies. when she crossed over into the music scene i was thoroughly disgusted with the things that music industries were putting out. it no longer is about the music but rather how much sex appeal you have. quite sad.
  5. i have to admit that i was quite a huge creed fan with my own prison. that whole album basically kicked ass... then they went the way of mainstream... sad that things like that have to happen to good bands ??? (sigh)
  6. *((upon meeting incubus for the first time))* brandon boyd- hi how are you? me- im im... im... hi brandon boyd- ((chuckles and goes in for a hug)) ((meanwhile, the rest of the band is laughing at my retardedness)) me- ((i stand there like a dumb ass shaking while he's hugging me)) brandon boyd- ((smiles and signs my cd cover)) me- ((force a smile from my dumbstruck face, utter "thank-you" and quickly walk away)) and that my friends is a perfect example of how to make a fool of yourself in front of a celebrity!
  7. all in all... after reading both Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, Harry Potter seems to be a watered down version of Lord of the Rings. Kind of generic too, but good for little kids cause its written at the 3rd grade level. Lord of the Rings meanwhile requires a hellauva lot more imagination, i mean the guy friggen invented a whole new world (with maps and everything), as well as his own language. now that's friggen amazing. as for plot and character development Harry Potter is really lame and has no surprises, very predictable. Lord of the Rings has complex conflict, internal and external, as well as some really well developed characters. i mean look at golum, that's one friggen complex and well developed character right there. then you have Harry Potter, the orphan who lives with his evil aunt and uncle, yet never complains or asks for anything. if that's not a stock character, than i don't know what is. this is the kind of stuff that seperates literature from commercial.
  8. today leah and i went into scott e. bizarre's and got the basic idea for what her tat is gonna look like... so far the idea is pretty darn rad. scott e. is a cool guy. yes he is. okay folks thats it for today. now off to the three hour horror fest that is my chem lecture... blah... :mmm:
  9. sunday maria and leah were gone, and i realized how bored i am without them. also, today maria and leah were gone from school. i was so sad, like this ??? ... yes, like this ??? . leah's back but maria is gonna be leaving again tuesday morning. so sad, so sad. well at least i got to see her for a hot second today. leadership people suck! :P
  10. the sound of acoustic guitar is soo soothing. i love it when my dad plays slack key.. it can lull me to sleep oh so easily... but then again im tired anyways... :sleepy:
  11. i wish everything could be as easy as this bus. class.... i mean for goodness sake it's not a computer class, yet i found a way to get on a computer and post. now thats a cool class.
  12. sundays are so boring. sad too. i have the day off, but as the day goes on i realize how much it sucks because i have school the next day. then i sit around and think about all the shit i have due on monday that i should have started earlier. i wish i could actually get around to doing it, but i just sit there and think about it. isn't giving thought to the idea worth about the same as actually doing it?! i mean the amount of time that it would take to do it is just about the same amount of time that i think about it. daym i hate being lazy. what i hate even more is when im lazy and try to justify my actions with really stupid excuses. :(
  13. LMAO... i knew someone was gonna harp on the feminist thing... it was just there, too easy... haha ... poor leah!
  14. maybe im just really retarded, but i don't get what your asking us to post about leah... LoL...
  15. hmm.. there's a totally random thought...
  16. my hair's getting long... i think i need a haircut im hungry and craving chocolate.. problem is there is none around im so very tired and am in desperate need of sleep... but i have class today my hair's getting long... i think i need a haircut
  17. it's so embarassing to fall asleep in a lecture hall. it's even more embarassing to fall asleep and snore in a lecture hall. what's even more embarassing is falling asleep, snoring, and not waking up to leave at the same time that everyone else did. :plain:
  18. leah- i didn't say black... i meant whack! LMAO
  19. (me, becky, leah, and maria driving to the porn shop) michelle- their soo gonna kick us out. maria- yeah me and becky don't look like we're eighteen becky- im gonna stay in the back leah- why are there so many black people?! maria- haha... yeah there's hella black people going into the porn shop michelle- no their going to that club limelight or whatever next to the porn shop becky- im gonna stay in the back leah- damn hella black people... nigga what?!?! ((chuckles to herself while they glare at us)) maria- haha i know! michelle- leah!! my windows aren't sound proof. and even if they weren't it wouldn't matter cause my window's ROLLED DOWN! becky- im gonna stay in the back leah- ah shit niggas gonna kick my ass. michelle and maria- LEAH!!!!! becky- im gonna stay in the back
  20. Freebird


    OoO sushi... i love california rolls... avacado, crab, and cucumber so many foods...
  21. Freebird


    kona coffee mochi ice cream... mmm... sooo good. it's a sort of japanese dessert
  22. (me, maria, leah, and becky driving) *the time we were lost in the boondocs* becky- my hot chocolates hot. michelle- damnit how the fuck do i get off this road?!? leah- the rednecks are gonna fucking kill me!!! their gonna be like ooo a terrorists lets kill her!!! maria- (downing chocolates) im gonna be sooo sick!! becky- my hot chocolates hot. michelle- what the fuck! we are so fucking lost. im hurrying up maria! im soo sorry! leah- their so gonna shoot me with their rifles!!! maria- ahhh... i hate these hills!!! becky- my hot chocolates cold... you want it maria?
  23. ((me, maria and leah driving)) maria- if you were stranded on an island who would you eat first? michelle- becky because she would be the first to die anyways. leah- but she's so skinny there wouldn't be much to eat. michelle and maria- yeah that's true. michelle- well anyways if you had to bring three items with you and you were stranded on an island what would it be. leah- my JUSTIFIED cd!!!! maria- leah that's only one thing. leah- oh okay... justified cd, food, and water. michelle- then how are you going to play your cd? leah- okay fine... my justified cd, a radio, and batteries. maria- you'd hella die!
  24. ((me, leah and maria driving in walnut creek)) michelle- hey lets look to see how many ugly cars we can find! maria- okay! michelle- look there's an ugly car parked in between that lexus and that corvette! haha maria- a beretta! haha michelle and maria- yah that's a hella ugly car! leah- ummm guys... that's the kind of car yahve has. michelle and maria- well we mean... ummm... it's not that ugly!
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