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Hondo's Bar


Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Subject: : Moving to Florida April 30th: Florida is fantastic! Just got here and love it already. Now this is a state that knows how to live!! Beautiful sunny days and warm balmy evenings. What a place! Watched the sunset from a park lying on a blanket. It was beautiful. I've finally found my home. I love it here. May 14th: Really heating up. Got to 89 today. Not a problem, I live in an air-conditioned home and drive an air-conditioned car. What a pleasure to see the sun every day like this. I'm turning into a real sun worshipper. June 5th: Had the backyard landscaped with tropical plants today. Lots of palms and rocks. What a breeze to maintain. No more mowing for me. NO MORE SHOVELING SNOW EITHER! Another scorcher today, but I love it here. July 1st: The temperature hasn't been below 90 all week, not even at night. Where are those ocean breezes we heard about, still seems hot. Getting used to it will take a while, I guess. I sure miss my LP collection, though. I'll have to remember not to leave anything made out of plastic in my car. Got one of those fuzzy steering wheel covers, cheaper than the burn ointment for my hands. I always wondered what burnt flesh smelled like. July 15th: Fell asleep by the pool. (Got 3rd degree burns over 60% of my body.) Missed two days of work, what a dumb thing to do. I learned my lesson though: got to respect the ol' sun in a climate like this. July 20th: I miss our cat, Tabby. He snuck into the car when I left this morning. By the time I got out to the hot car for lunch, he'd swollen up to the size of a shopping bag and just as I opened the door he exploded all over $2,000 worth of leather upholstery. I told the kids he ran away. The car now smells like Kibbles and poop. No more pets in this heat! July 25th: Ocean breezes, my ass. Hot is hot!! The home air conditioner is on the fritz and AC repairman charged $200 just to drive by and tell me he needed to order parts. Only hope for a break in the heat would be a hurricane. July 30th: Been sleeping outside by the pool for three nights now. Swatting the swamp mosquitoes that are as big as B-52's. $1,500 on darn house payments and we can't even go inside. Why did I ever come here? Aug 4th: 100 degrees. Finally got the air conditioner fixed today. It cost $500 and gets the temperature down to about 90. The electric bill is almost as much as the house payment. And two old lady drivers almost ran me off the road. I hate this state. Aug 8th: If another wise jerk cracks, "Hot enough for you today?" I'm going to tear his head off. damn heat! By the time I get to work, the radiator is boiling over, my clothes are soaking wet, and I smell like roasted Garfield!! Aug 10th: The weather report might as well be a damn recording: Hot and sunny. It's been too hot for two #@*& months and the weatherman says it might really warm up next week. And whoever came up with the statement, "it may be hot, but at least you don't have to shovel it" should die from heat exhaustion. Doesn't it ever rain in this Godforsaken place?? Aug 14th: Welcome to hell!!! Temperature got to 102 today. Forgot to crack the window and blew the windshield out of the Lincoln. The installer came to fix it and said, "Hot enough for you today?". My wife had to spend the $1,500 house payment to bail me out of jail. Aug 30th: Worst day of the summer. I'm not leaving the house. The monsoon rains finally came and all they did is to make it muggier than hell and drove the damned roaches out of the ground. I wasn't aware they could fly! The Lincoln is now floating somewhere in the Caribbean with its new $500 windshield. That does it, we're moving back to New York where all you have to worry about is getting mugged. I hope this state breaks in half and floats to Cuba
  2. The world is a dirty place, Bobby. These people are dirty. Don't let them touch you. They gots the poopy on their hands. It's all over them. They just be POOPING AND WIPING AND POOPING AND WIPING AND POOPING....
  3. ...i wonder if random quotes & music lyrics are as random as people get? "Is this really as good as it gets?" - Jack Nicholson, As Good as it Gets
  4. ...you goin for the "Every breath you take" Sting/stalker angle :kitty: ? 'Sides, this topic aint for that, its subs vs dubs, in which i vote for subs, espeically after illustratin my superior japanese skills. Muteki! Shinobi! Oro? :wasabi:
  5. Got outbid...there's another pair up for auction right now (its under watch status if ya wanna see em) but dont think i have the $ right now anyway so itll be another time, no big deal. PS Ill post more props as i find em, for those followin.
  6. Swear to god Junker....at least catch it on video, its entertainin, at least worth a look. Your standards for the film seem almost as low as mine were, so ya oughta rather enjoy it...man, that sucker didnt pull any punches at all. :ill:
  7. Prolly a dumb question, but is Hard Boiled anythin like the John Woo movie? I know its Miller, so its black & white and lots o' guns an such most likely, but just wonderin....the only book i read of his that got a lotta hype that i wasnt big on was Ronin...it was interestin, but not what i expected.
  8. Hey, my Ebay wanker was cheap...DAMMIT i mean the Duke, the Duke was really nice to give that lighter to my old man (godfather) in Khee San. Looks just like this, and no not DC official neither.
  9. Feel free to post more pics of her & help out yer cause, but by god, watch m'girl do her bellydancin thing when ya get a chance...you wont be let down.
  10. "O Ireland, my first and only love, where Christ and Caesar are hand in glove." - James Joyce ...James, did you even bother readin your own book, "The Dubliners"? I'm fuckin glad youre dead.
  11. "...where there is no harm to be prevented and no potential victim to be protected...it is difficult to understand the assertion that conformity, even if motivated merely by fear of the law's punishment, is a value worth pursuing, notwithstanding the misery and sacrifice of freedom which it involves. The attribution of value to mere conforming behavior, in abstraction from both motive and consequences, belongs not to morality, but to taboo." - H.L.A. Hart, Law, Liberty and Morality Edited by IrishCowboy on April 10 2002,04:19
  12. I dont know if Aria Giovanni, Chasey Lain & Ashley Juggs every did anythin together, but I'm off to Kaza to find out.
  13. Kylie Vs Shakira This one goes to m'girl hands down; if youre not convinced, go watch the "wherever, whenever" video, with the bellydancin... Uh i gotta use the bathroom, be back... :embarrassed:
  14. Ah, slow down folks, too many damn replies! People, if you dont look outside of the comic forum, its just unfair to the other corners, really.... PS I was being sarcastic! Anyway, Read the 1st arc of Cable, and i was really impressed. The art's decent, but the writing is completely different...now that he's completed his mission of killin Apocalypse, who will stay dead till the next writer runs outta ideas most likely, he's taken on a mission of "savin the world", only doin so through 3rd world countries & revolutions & such; the book got very political all of the sudden, and its an interestin twist. Ill be pickin up the rest of the run at Anime Hurricane tomorrow; lemme know if anyone (local) is interested in readin it, its been great thus far - they actually made me give a shit bout this character.
  15. For bacchus - Flowers gathered in the morning, afternoon, they blossom on, still are withered in the evening - you can be me when I'm gone.
  16. I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari-Kari rock! I need scissors! 61!
  17. In the future, there won't be anymore men or women...there'll just be wankers. - Renton, Trainspotting
  18. I think its funny that Athena went lookin for a music deity in Norse mythology & only found warriors...says a lot bout the culture :shoot: Again, there's still Egyptian and others, must look up more stuff later, but in the meantime keep the suggestions comin folks. PS GIR...what's that in your feet?
  19. I hate that, too.... Well, at least ya read 2 great storylines there, tho that Cassandra Nova one's still goin, and its been like a year now! Im lovin it, but im with ya on Quitely....mainly i just dont like how he makes m'boy Wolvy look like a greasy Soprano....not to be racist but fuck, the man's canadian/american lookin. I also like his costume a lot more but i hate the bare-chested thing...fuck, the man must get cold, give 'im a wife-beater shirt or somethin! At least in his regular series book he gets a shirt under the jacket, looks less like a hobo. As for Phoenix Saga...good vote, i expect it to win, and while i just actually finished readin the TPB of that arc (it was great shit, read it i ya can) the cartoon did a pretty damn good translation if i remember correctly, so ya pretty much got the story. Anyone else an X-Men fan? :thinking:
  20. Yeah, but i was kiddin... Again, i say we try to explore other mythologies: Norse, Egyptian, Indian, Babylonian, etc. hell, i like hte idea of Hondo's as a bar 'cause of the American West mythological element of it. Ill look up music gods later....cmon people, i know you people know some of this shit, or at least a good music name.
  21. Not bad...this is tricky. I agree with Yahven in that if were gonna keep usin the deity thing, we should try other mythologies (ie egyptian, babylonian, indian, norse etc), and yet the reference cant be too obscure either. What does everyone else think? Music, Culture, and maybe even the forum Bar (not the bars within it tho, i like their names) could use new names, so lets hear em....i might just copy this to Stonehenge & ask the board from there.
  22. Many folks kinda see anime as an OBO forum, nothin wrong with that...i almost gave you folks that as your own group as more came in. People've heard of ya, youre not the Stonecutters or anythin. Jumbie - how is Bastard, anyway? Ya used to rant & rave bout it but never really said how the series was. Sango - Havta check out this Grappler Baki, thanks.
  23. There's a music forum a few clicks above this one, feel free to start R & B, rap etc threads there, ill help out if ya do. True, id rather the traditional claws or some variation too. What other Preacher props tho, the Saint's guns? I'm still pretty happy i found the lighter on eb...that is, that my old man got it from the Duke in Khee San. :wary:
  24. Raging Balls The Cockateer Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Scrotum
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