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Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Ha, thought Pi'd be # 1 with you, cant imagine why... cool to see Lebowski & Carlito's Way, i think those 2 are great, get underrated alla time. Day of the Jackal? The one with Gere & Bruce Willis? Or another one?
  2. hee hee hee...nobody knows im sittin here naked.
  3. Tell me, do ya think it'd be alright, if i could just crash here tonite... you can see, im no shape for drivin, and anyway ive got no place to go...
  4. No, no porn names here, thats another thread! This here's just porn movie names argh. Mr Smith goes to wash-his-cum For whom the cock blows In & Out & In again Bang Em High
  5. This is my 1988th post, for those keepin score. Corben Dallas, multi-pass!
  6. New company's licensed out to do Marvel video game acessories, such as a great Spider-Man controller, X-Men memory cards, etc...take a look. Naki.com - Spidey controller
  7. Fist Club How to stain an American Quilt Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Scrotum The Boy Suck Club Lord of the Ring more to come, as i jack em from Preacher's forum...
  8. Riding Miss Daisy Das Booty Glad-he-ate-her (thanks, Devil's Ad) Goodfellatio Wet dreams may cum C'mon people, help me out here!
  9. You just...you just dont eat horseys!
  10. Bacchus needs to cook more often. "I detest life-insurance agents; they always argue that I shall some day die, which is not so." Stephen Leacock (1869 - 1944)
  11. No good with names these days...hey, how come no Van Halen, no Slash? I know theyre not underrated, but neither is Harrison or Krieger... :D
  12. Ok, here's how it goes: how many cool movie names can ya spoof into porn movie names? Ill get the ball rollin. Robocock Good Will Humping For a Few Dollars Whore and, finally...
  13. No, no they do have em, i swear! Theyre cool, wish i had an image, but i gots me one on Ebay a while bac...er, that is, my old man got it from the Duke in Vietnam.
  14. Ive decided not to get awkward durin the quiet moments: ive no need to dominate the conversation any longer, like Depeche Mode, ive opted to enjoy the silence.
  15. Keep shakin them hips, Shakira....you cant escape me forever.
  16. Wang is itchy, and nowhere to go. "The music is nothing if the audience is deaf." -Walter Lippmann
  17. PS i gotta make these rundowns shorter, or none of you are really gonna read them, are you? Ah well...i tried to be succinct, but im just makin it worse here, so, uh... Oh and vote if ya get a chance.
  18. Ok, a quick rundown on the storylines to remind folks, so of course.. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « +Days of Future Past - 2 issue series, a wolrd where the humans win. Sentinels slowly kill of the remaning outlaw X-Men as new President Kelly ordered. Classic Chris Cleremont & John Byrne.+Dark Phoenix Saga: Most folks know this one from the cartoon: Jean Grey is taken over by the godlike entity of the Phoenix, features such highlights as an X-Men war vs Shi'ar empire, Wolverine alone bailin out the team, and finally, Jean Grey's sacrficie...this one'd win in most corners. +Mutant Massacre: The underground Morlocks are slaughtered by Mr Sinister's band of Sabretooh & his killers; the X-Men are forced to kill in retaliation. Great Wolvy/Sabertooth fight, Angel loses his wings, etc. +Inferno: hell on earth, Madelyn Pryor, goblins, etc - i never finished this one. +X-Cutioner's Song: Maassive battle of X-Teams vs Stryfe...id hype it more if i managed to read it, sorry. :embarrassed: +Fatal Attractions: Xavier's all out war against Magneto: Collosus defects, Wolvy loses his adamantium, and folks die. This one was great, spread out across all X-books that month with gatefold covers & great holograms on em. Art by Jim Lee. +Age of Apocalypse: Xavier is killed before the X-men come about, its the opposite story of "Days of Future Past", where the mutants rule and all humans in America are slaughtered by Apocalypse. Its a great "What If' series, my vote prolly goes here to be honest. Written by Mark Waid of Kingdom Come, art by Adam Kubert. +Onslaught: Xavier betrays the team, and it takes the entire Marvel universe to take him down. Badass stuff, also by Mark Waid, but hard to read, as it spread out across the entire marvel universe that summer. +E is for Extinction: First series of the New X-Men book, Cassandra Nova is introduced & begins her complete deconstruction of the X-Men, i cant say enough good bout this one. Grant Morrisson (JLA, Invisibles) and Frank Quitely on art, who i still kinda dont like. +The Tomorrow People: 1st arc in Ultimate X-Men: see Cyclops defect, another grand Magneto/Xavier battle, and a lot of new twists on it, all to the art of Andy Kubert, with Mark Millar at the helm. Other possible arcs i had no room for are X-Tinction Agenda (i didnt read it, either), The Phalanx Covenant (which introduced Generation X), The Magneto Wars (it wasnt that good), Operation: Zero Tolerance (it really wasnt very good), Weapon X (2nd arc in Ultimate X-Men), and the current runnin line in New X-Men, which isnt over yet so i cant really put it up here. There's plenty here, some of which i think a few of us have read, so lemme know... For now, im goin for Age of Apocalypse, despite the Phoenix saga bein the classic that it is. AOA went across a season, spannin 40 books in its entirety, but even just readin the bookends (X-Men Alpha & Omega) is worth the trip. The storyline took balls, and Marvel pulled few punches on it - i still wish one book from this timeline was around, perhaps a plot-based one like Sin City, but then it prolly works better 'casue it ended on a rather high note.
  19. I stole this idea from Thomas Cashel on the Preacher's Divinity board, where the topic had run to 672 replies and 3571 views in 6 months ( ! ) The idea is to post anything you want, with ONE RULE ONLY: **YOU MAY NOT REPLY TO OTHER POSTS** every post must be random, no connection at all to the previous......let's begin: One day, I'll have an original thought. I will. Someone told me that once. Today was rather windy, i had perky nipples like half the fuckin day. I garuntee i found this far more disturbing than you did.
  20. The NZA


    Ah, yes Orko...man, did he get butchered in the "He-Man" movie...but then again, he used to do a lotta queer shit, like this: ...so maybe he wouldntve worked out anyway.
  21. I read the comic after LeakyBucket recommended it (i think it was him, either him or Judge), forthcomin post over in comics section....lemme know if ya wanna borrow it, not sure how faithful movie was but im sure it was close anyway.
  22. Good calls so far, but im movin this over to music, which still needs a better name....anyway, if anyone disagrees, lemme know. PS If were talkin Original Scores, im for Braveheart, Horner outdid himself. Also, Junker's right, Requiem has some very distrubing strings, even if you havent seen the flick.
  23. Sounds good, Chiefy - any word on that patch? (ie, can we all mooch the paid-for copy offa you?)....hope itll hold over till Heroes...lemme go free up some room on my drive. *must relocate the smut* :wary:
  24. I swear, you two oughta be in Marketing... :plain: I replied to yer forum ideas, go look ya alky! PS Anyone see Ninja Scroll Resurrection: Revenge of Jubei? I got part 1, i hear its part of a series tho, and part 2 is either out or comin soon...anyone know bout this?
  25. Yeah, I'm with Kee here....Jordan should, of course, retire, but not till he's good & ready. He's a great athlete, he'll know when its time.
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