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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Ok, need to see Princess Mononoke, Vampire Hunter D, and X. PS I didnt hear good things bout the live action Fist of the North Star, but then i dont hear much good bout live action anime movies (ask Chiefy bout La Blue Girl). I am curious bout the live action kung-fu ones that strike me as anime-like (largely in battle sequences), like Storm Riders.
  2. Good stuff, tho ive never actually seen "Vampire Hunter D", sadly. Spiffy had it once but taped over it, for "Sailor Moon" or somethin... :plain: I still say my first anime may very well have been the ballsiest ive seen....
  3. Hmm...while i think of more, ill put the obvious choice: the old soundtrack to X-Men: Age of Apocalypse & Quake I.... With STP, nine inch nails, Rage against the Machine, etc it's hard not to like. PS Anyone heard the soundtrack to "O Brother Where Art Thou"? I hear its great.
  4. Here are my 2 favorite. 2001: Nintendo Oddysey Pac-Man & The divine Whaddya'll think? Any other contenders? PS Junker - you know you like the 2001 one, you Kubrick monkey.
  5. After the X-Men movie, twas some Wolvy claws (yes, im tryin to get a pair, even if they are just mounted) Here's the bat signal i mentioned... Green Lantern ring (gots me one, of course) & Power Battery And finally, the Kryptonite. PS Those interested in such fine products of dorkdom should check out this link, and be sure to see the bottom of the page for Factory-X's list....there's gonna be a Dr Doom cowl, Spidey web shooters, and even an Infinity Gauntlet (! ), also has a link to Spider-Man movie props like Green Goblin pumpkin bombs, gliders etc....really cool shit.
  6. Ok, I know im a huge fanboy here, but i think the recent trend of comic props is the coolest thing theyve done in years. Over the last few years, DC put out a few cool ones - A Batarang, the Bat Signal, Green Lantern's ring, a shard of Kyrptonite, etc - ill inclue pics of those later. Anyway, Factory X (they should be up soon) has been licensed to do some Marvel propls, and so far, they're badass....im lookin to get Mijoulnor (Thor's Hammer), take a look.. Coming in June, a life-size Captain America shield... (you cant see the back, but the 2 leather straps are there to carry it, god knows how heavy it is) Just for Chiefy... And finally, Nick Fury's gun & badge! Just wanted to get em out there...theyre not cheap, often between $100-200, but well constructed, it seems....ive messed with the hammer a bit, and it was cool. More pics on the way, sorry modem folks. ???
  7. ...not since BMG took away their "bill me later" option to Mr Art Vandale, Mr Puddin Tame, Mr Tony Stark etc ??? Uh...i take recommendatinos here a lot, actually. The last few songs i listened to on Winamp are "Wolftones - Men Behind the Wire" (irish song, heard of it at Preacher's Divinity), "Chicane - Offshore", and "Craig David - Rendezvous". That, and some Johnny Cash, as per usual.
  8. The NZA

    ff4 brawl

    I done already said my piece...."...uh, whats bahamuts # again? Hello?" Mind you, Edge scores alla time, and he knows a prude lil tease when he sees one, so the last thing she sees as she tries to give it up & beg for mercy is... then its alll
  9. Fear not, weekend comes soon, then its back to the timed mines...ill update then. Thanks again for alla help....the game's badass now that i know what the hell im doin. It sucked when my handmade weapons like Sword of the Badass, Neisword, Spear of Longinus, Axe of Medicority/Golden Axe etc would do 1 pt of damage to certain creatures, before i realized the difference between edged/piercing/ etc. PS Dunno, i dont steal magic for health, tho i can see where itd be helpful. Usually, i can just win a fight, heal like mad, hang for a minute and wait till MP comes back, then move onto next screen.
  10. For the love of god, people - back to Pixar, Ice Age, etc. I assure you, there's a great anti-artistic thread over in fight club, those prepared to not take things too seriously are encouraged to post, otherwise help me out by actually talkin anime here...i really dont wanna crap shack such an active thread.
  11. The NZA


    Hmm....Cartoon Network's been droppin those 2 names for years now, but i hope youre right: that'd be really cool. Caught some He-Man episodes off of Kaza...dont get me wrong, ill be happy to see it back & try to catch it when i can, but like GI Joe, i dont know if He-Man stands the test of time..i was far more easily amused as a kid, i think. Still, with the new He-Man figures on their way out, this is pretty cool. I think my only complaint on the old series is the same i had for most action cartoons like that: why didnt the good guy kill the bad guy in the fina episode? If you know He-Man's goin off the air at the season's end, why not make the last few episodes an all-out battle, with He-Man's buddies overrunnin Snake Mountain? Argh, itdve been cool. Check him out...whaddya think, Benny?
  12. Nope, Snake's right, now its just one red X, i think Link musta gone home. :link:
  13. Lotsa things silly :kitty: dont know bout ....gaijin. :wasabi:
  14. Well... while the man has some themes he likes, i wouldnt let Preacher throw the "anti-god" one at him. He's only ever really hinted at it again since in a single War Story issue, and it was very fitting. Basin his stuff on his one big book is like sayin Frank Miller's just that Batman guy. I cant recall another time he's really thrown relgion into it like that, so dont stereotype the man; most he's got goin in that dept is Just A Pilgrim, a rather pro-god book. Disfigurements....yeah, that's in Preacher, Fury and Punisher, off the top of my head. Its true, he likes fucked up villians and side characters, and as far as the disfigured villian, that idea predates disney, so i certainly cant say its his. Did ya really read the War Story stuff? Again, my favorite is the D-Day Dodgers one, but then again, it was one issue, and he didnt have to keep the characters goin for a whole series or anythin. He does that in Adventures of the Rifle Brigade, but that's distinctively a comedy. What im sayin is, while im happy to see ya give the man enough credit to handle it, i havent seen him on a regular series much these days, outside of Punisher, and while similar, its a loner book....to keep a whole cast of characters goin (or at least the core ones) and largely workin within the cast from the old cartoon isnt up his ally & strikes me as kinda tough: how do you do a good war story where all the joes come out alive? How many good war flicks you seen where half the team aint dead? What im sayin is, i can see a great war mini-series, but a regular one with a regular cast...i know youre gonna call me short-sighted or somethin here, but now that i think bout it, it sounds kinda tough. Ive thrown around a few more writers, but none that really caught my eye...some of the new guys are badass with dialogue & anti heroes, some with more traditional....Grant Morrision (New X-Men,JLA, The Invisibles) seems to have proven he's good with teams, while Larry Hama (old Wolverine writer, think he does Batman now) used to be good for that kinda stuff. So anyway does it have to be an ongoin series, or how bout a mini, maybe up to 12 issues?
  15. Nihongo wo Hanasu nante zettai muri dane.... Datte muzukashii kara......Zimaku wo mitahouga ii yo!! Nihonngo wo hanasanai America Zin niha chodo ii no dakara...hahaha... :wasabi:
  16. Ok, im done standin up for Esca's endin, as :kitty: basically mentions my view on it anyway (no it didnt end happy, it wasnt gonna, let it go, twas a great series), but here's my Eva summary... I forget the specific terms at the time, but bascially, in a very Eastern philosophical way, all life - and thereby all consciousness - merged. This means we'd all literally be somethin of a collective mind, i guess maybe the borg from Star Trek might help a few of you ( :kitty: ), except not in an evil way, but again very buddhist - we all share a life force, linking us as kindred spirits, etc. think bout Shinji-kun. Lil fella always felt outta place: he wanted acceptance, just like the other eva kid pilots (except Rei, ill get to her). Remember the first episode's name? I believe it was "Strange Cellings" or somethin....he was always outta place. One of the finer points of the ending is its dealin with the reprucussions of that merge: one loses their individuality when theyre meshed with others. However, what little of onesel is preserved, anythin is possible - one can create a mental utopia, as Shinji did...a world where everyone's happy with him, and thus congratulating him. Notice the growin # of people as they congratulate, until it seems that he's the center of his entire Eva world...no one's judging him or makin him do things he dont wanna do, just congratulating & accepting him. As for the other high points, it occurred to me that Rei & the 13th angel served as the forces of Yin & Yang, female & male, good & evil etc. Their lil dialgue in the OAV's ending (i think) sealed the deal for me on this, the way they go back & forth with shinji on morality, emotions etc. Hey, maybe im readin way too much into a damn anime 'cause im a philosophy major, but i just cant take such bashin of the ending just 'cause they made it subtle. I agree it couldve been dumbed down a bit so everyone wouldnt hate it and possibly still gotten its deeper points across, but that's not the way they went. I agree it coludve been more spectacular, but it had me thinkin for a bit, and i ended up rather liking it, tho not nearly as much as the OAV's ending, granted. :kodama:
  17. ...add :kitty: to the list of full mailbox people, i just emailed her to let her know as well. People, please, ill try to give more room but remember, that means less room for the actual board itself... and i doubt any of us are readin the old private messages anyway, so please delete some, as well as your sent messages, or its gonna be harder to get a hold of some of ya, especially since no one's tryin the chat room much as of yet... :plain:
  18. Really? I see two x's....guess it was a draw. ???
  19. Hmm...ya got somethin there. Usin the McDonalds example again, they may not go down, but before ya know it, they gotta deal with Burger King, Checkers, Wendys, WhatAburger, etc. Competition picks up when a former monopoly slips up, and id say Star Wars had somethin of a monopoly over the epic fantasy genre for much of my life, id have to agree with you & artistic that it might be nice to see Lord of the Rings bring it down a lil, wosrt that could happen is it forces the next chapter of Star Wars to improve in quality, eh? Tryin to bring this back to comics....that would mean someone else'd have to pick up G.I. Joe or Metal Gear, so ive gotta ask: who'd you like to see on it? Sure, i default say Ennis 'cause he's my favorite & handles military books extrememly well, but id like to hear alternatives. What bout artists? I like Hitch, that guy from Ultimates and Authority, or maybe some of those great Red Star pepole. Then again, you see what happened when a fan was left to redo the G.I. Joe figures? That wasnt good either...
  20. I hear it translates to "poor man's Link", isnt that right, Chihiro? "Uh-huh." Thank you, Chi-Chan.
  21. Well, if ya really wanna get into it, the problem lies largely in the consumers, i think. In video games, there's Acclaim. Their usual tactic in consoles is to by up well-known licenses (Simpsons, South Park, etc) and put out utter crap. Thing is, the crap is 1) right before christmas and 2) whored out to every single damn console that'll take it. Thing is, the game, despite its shit, sells like hotcackes, b/c the parents are uneducated consumers, simply see somethin they know their kids like, and buy it for em. Result = a bunch of unhappy kids (or hey maybe theyre easily entertained) and fat profits for Acclaim's mediocrity. Trick is, people usually keep comin back - me & artistic talk bout this all the time, and he sounds strikingly similar to your ideas here, except he thinks that those who abuse their market go under, when this is not true with a large enough market: yes, McDonals can often treat its customers like shit 'cause theyll keep comin to that one, 'cause its nearby. If Episdoe II is utter shit, we all know we'll still be in line for Episode III to see how it all turns out; even if II is a giant Jar-Jar musical. Follow? Yes, designers can listen to fans, and sometimes they can say "fuck the fans, they want the same regurgatated shit over & over" and put somethin really great out there, or they can, in this case, just say "fuck the fans, theyre buyin it anyway". Shitty writers get buy on books like Batman and Wolverine this way, because large retail chains will still stack their well-known books either way. Movies'll still be loosely based no matter how bad the books. The secret? Support the ones that give a shit: Joe Quesada was an artist/writer before a Marvel CEO, and that man cares for his fans: issues challenges to McFarlane, prints out trades quickly, tries to give credit where its due, gets all the good writers/artists on and says do what they want with a book, etc....these are the people we need to back 100%, sadly not the folks that do G.I. Joe and such. The best you can hope for in terms of change is support the good products with $ and gettin others in on it, and stayin away from the shit. That's bout as much as we can do as consumers, really. ...fuck, that felt like a current events rant.
  22. @#$%in FilePlanet, i hate them....first you need to make an account, then if you dont wanna pay for access to their servers youre supposed to wait in line for an hour or so.... Chiefy anyway you could send the file to me? I wanna hear it...
  23. Uh....right. Snake-Eyes - while you might be right on the typical coversion (game > movie, comic > movie, etc), that shouldnt be the ideal. Metal Gear Solid could work as a comic, but only as a finite series, i think - stickin to the game might be a good idea, 'cause it was very cinematic. As for the Punisher game...the old arcade one was a fun beat-em-up, but artistic has commented that a Max Payne style game would prolly work well....the point is, crossin mediums can work, but it must be done carefully....i still say X-Men was close (save its cheezy parts), but The Crow, The Matrix...even Blade are examples where the story is altered (sometimes a lil, sometimes a lot) to be more cinematic, and it's worked. As for video game comics...the probelm is theyre most often just ads for the game (Soul Reaver, Vagrant Story, etc), and others like Resident Evil are just weak: puttin mediocre writers & artists on in hopes the franchise name will sell the book. What i'm sayin is: it can be done, if the right people are on it & put the right amount of effort. Dont let the crappy history of these conversions scare you away from future possibilites. PS Fuckin ninjas.
  24. Right and homo is short for homo sapien eh eh eh? But that's not how you mean it...here itll serve as anime = animation (except not comics dammit those ones are mine! ) :kodama:
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