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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Exactly, the letters in Preacher's a good example. As for Hitman...is it me, or are they draggin their feet on those trades? Last one i saw was "Who Dares Wins", and that's bout the halfway mark of the series...twas a great book, but its been over for at least a year now, im wonderin why the trades are takin so long....
  2. Featuring new writer Bruce Jones & veteran Spider-Man artist John Romita Jr (he's fuckin great), Hulk is quickly joinin the leagues of X-Force, New X-Men & Amazing Spider-Man of current Marvel books that really stand out. The new creative team jumped on to issue # 34, and started it off with Bruce Banner on the run from the law, since the Hulk accidentally killed a child during one of his rampages. Tho finally returning to the classic Dr Jekyl/Mr Hyde formula, the book now feels far more like "The Fudgitive" than anythin else. Yet another great facet of the book is, while it's only up to #38 thus far, the popularity of the title has made it pretty hard to find, so again, Marvel is keepin all but the current issue online, for all to read - free. Those interested can follow this link, look over the first few books & see what the hype is about - I can't stress how fuckin cool it is to read these hard-to-find books online at no charge; take advantage of it while it lasts. Marvel Online - Read Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men, Hulk & Elektra....FREE
  3. Ive come across an actual site that will customize your PS2, Gamecube or X-box.....they not only offer a huge number of color repaints, but also offer to change the LCD lights to make em more interestin as well ( ! ) Thing is, they just got hyped on both http://cube.ign.com and http://www.penny-arcade.com/, and thus are overwhelmed & temporarily shut down, but for future reference, if ya wanna make your system look cooler, here's the place: Color cases.com
  4. Ive heard nothin but good bout that game. While i usually go more for Tekken than VF - despite Suzuki's badass job on Shenmue - I might havta give that one a try. Good to hear all the complicated counters dont take away from the button-mashin technique. Here's Penny Arcade's thoughts on it.
  5. Ok folks, here's the deal: A few of you might notice youre not gettin many PM's these days, or cant send to others. Weve allowed every user about 100kb of room for archived messages, but it gets full quick if ya let it...remember, unless you uncheck that one box, youre makin a copy of every post you write in your "Sent Messages" box, and that fills up too. Wed give more room but Yahven's honestly only got so much webspace, and since we're growin as fast as we are, we gotta watch these things a lil...private message all ya want, but please, if you can, delete your old messages unless youre keepin em, and be sure to delete your sent messages as well...i can only keep expandin the mailbox size so much, and it sucks to write someone a long ass PM and get "Sorry this user's mailbox is full" like i have with Jumbie, artisticcartoon, and others. When this happens, the message i was sendin is killed, so much for all i wrote.... Anyway, please empty em out a bit if ya can, people.
  6. Please, look at m'boy Link take down a PS2 with the greatest of ease! A PS2! Even the new cartoony cell-shaded one would handle Max & his frame-by-frame attacks. PS the secret...is fairies.
  7. Fuck now i wanna see that damn picture, it all happened so fast.. PS us Irish is not ugly! Homly, at times, but uh were very sexy men by god. Take me for an example, i mean after i have a @#$% haircut...
  8. Yeah, 'cause me havin to vote for myslef, that wasnt sad enough. Go on, gogue away! :emotions:
  9. Ok, a few weeks back, Kee made me a tape of this one, i dont know if its the whole series, if thats even possible, etc, but either way i think its a lot of Berserk, should be cool (thanks again). So, its sittin there with Lodoss War, this kinda Final Fantasy-ish series, lemme know if youre up for either of em Junker. Artistic too, when your ass calms on down. :plain: Fuckin monkey. :monkey:
  10. This...this is why your signature doesnt work! Someone please talk bout FF Anime? I wanna know bout Unlimited already.
  11. Blade II, now this? Does no one call me for movies? Oh sure, MK Ahniallation and its all "Hey Irish, wanna see a movie?" Fuckin Episode II shows up and its "Man, that was great...hey, where's that white guy, the one who throws the parties?" Add another to m' Netflix list...fuck, ill be watchin some great films in another 9 months or so.
  12. Why yes good sir... "...spins a web, any size...catches thieves...just like flies..." Sorry... I...cant...fuckin...wait. Goddamn Wizard magazine keeps hypin me. Uh, right. There's another one comin later called "Blood Work" i think, it has Clint Eastwood so obviously itll be fuckin great (i dont want any shit bout "Madison County", the man has a drinkin problem sometimes. ) Lemme know when you go for "Death to Smoochy", what lil i caught last nite at FIU looked funny, and Williams + Norton cant be too bad. As for the Pacino & Sorcese ones, its sad...i dont really need to hear dick bout them to want to go. "Pacino's doin a 3 hour Doritios ad? Fuck graduation, lets go!"
  13. I still say it dont feel like Rage without Zach. Dont get me wrong, Morello's a badass too, tho. Any word on why they didnt get along? Im guessin politics, Cornell's cool but never struck me as an activist like them. *Cornell's first week on band* Morello: "Hey, Chris, how do you feel bout commies?" Cornell: "Uh...fuck em...?" Morello: "....youre fired!" :mexican:
  14. Well, it got plenty of hype & its really more of a Kabuki thing, i thought, but Id say Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, that was pretty good. Uh...most kung-fu flicks ive seen in the last few years have been Jackie Chan slapstick stuff....if youre goin for the plot, there's not much, but theyre cool to watch. Cant profess to seein much of em; saw the old Wu-Tang ones and standard Bruce Lee back in the day, that's about it. Hey, not to alter the topic, but what's everyone's favorite kung-fu movie fight sequence?
  15. Uh...right. Hey Alita, im movin it back 'cause it seems to be bout the FF anime; if im wrong, feel free to toss it back. PS Im glad youre tryin to use your moderator powers anyway, thats cool.
  16. Yes, ive heard of this "Way of the Ninja"... you, mr ninja, how many men can you take at once? "4...tee hee..." PS Jackie Chan beat that ass!
  17. Yeah thats true but then Link is used to fightin as a loner, so that's gotta count for somethin..arent you worried Makuso will sit there & say "Hey heal me...fuck whered you guys go?" or somethin? He was a good leader tho, so maybe itll end with :link:
  18. Argh...ok, one at a time: what'd ya like bout Starman?
  19. Uh....we gots caught! That's funny shit. Hey NCS, welcome aboard, i hope ya stay along with us image-stealin thieves, sorry for not givin credit where its due. Anyway, welcome aboard. PS As for the movie, i saw the last half or so i think with Kee...that shit was kinda cool. Funny as hell, but interestin...the endin alone made it worth it. *SPOILERS* ....damn, do all asians know kung-fu now?
  20. Eh...i dunno, now. Sure, Punisher was fuckin great, espeically by its end (and its such crap now, so sad...such utter crap), and Fury was also a great fuckin seires (parts reminded me of "Patton", i swear - Wizard says its gonna be an ongoin series later this year! Only, no Ennis - Greg Rucka instead...we'll see). But after readin issue 1 of Just A Pilgrim - The Garden of Eden, id have to say ive seen him do this kinda stuff in the last series, in Bloody Mary etc, and while its fun, its not his strong work. Im not sayin i expect another Preacher - tho id be so fuckin happy to see him do a new regular series of his own, much less a western - but Punisher, War Story, Fury, etc...those books, i looked forward to, asked my local comic vendor each week where the fuck they were. Maybe its just me, but with Origin, Batman: Dark Knight Strikes Again, and again the current rosters of New X-Men and Amazing Spider-Man going, Just A Pilgrim is fun, (like Pride & Joy, Enemy Ace: War in Heaven, or even Hulk Smash -all by Ennis) but doesnt leave me waitin on the next one, ya know? And this ho book, i guess ill havta see it too...it just seems, outside of his return to Punisher, i havnet got a whole lot to look forward to from him, sadly. I hope I'm greatly wrong here tho. ???
  21. Courtesy of my old man...
  22. Watchmen is a 12 part series by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons, and along with Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns ushered in a darker, grittier, more realistic/human comic character in the mid 80's. The premise is "Who watches the Watchmen?", and its basically about what a superhero team would be like in real American society. Would they abuse their priviliges, or could they really make a difference? Tho, sadly, the 15 year anniversary celbration last year or so was cancelled due to Moore's falling out with DC, the series is worth all the hype, and is heralded by many as one of comic's greatest stories. I wont say any more, but read it soon as you can, its somethin of an essential.
  23. The NZA

    ff4 brawl

    Oh...you fuckin monkey! Cmon, make Edge the 1st person in your paty, and he can dupe with the best of em. But lets say only Cecil can....here's how that conversation'd go. Edge: "Hey Cecil, could you make a few more Excaliburs for me?" Cecil "Sure....wait, why?" Edge: "So i can kill Kain...you know, that guy who kept kickin your ass & runnin of with your chick?" Cecil: "Wait, was that before or after he jacked the crystal and...ah fuck it, here's a dozen." Boom baby, excaliburs & an ally. Dead. Meanwhile, if Rydia's still clingin to life, she's off in a corner wavin her hadns like crazy, tryin to remember how to call Bahamut in less than 14 rounds. "What was his # again? Crap..hello? 411?"
  24. Opera House is classic, indeed, but i think she was askin bout the FF anime series.....there was an old one, and i hear Unlimited's the new one. check if im wrong, but i think she meant anime.
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