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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Good calls, but Alundra...i know it wasnt just a PSX Zelda like some said, but i couldnt get into it i guess. As for FF VIII, the setting/timeline dont bother me it all, tho i thought the story kinda fell apart at the end. Agan, it was the battle system that threw me off, all i did was summon. ???
  2. "Tony...its 9AM." *winks* "...not in Moscow." Yeah, tell me Hitch's art in part 1 didnt kinda make you wish there was another regular war book on the market? That shit was great, swear to god i thought i was lookin at Saving Private Ryan again at one point.
  3. Argh. :angry: Gave m'self away....ok KOS, you called down the thuder of dorkdom, well now you got it! Yeah, 9 longboxes damn near filled (except for the "Inbox" section, natch), and each comic is bagged & boarded, filled under labeled dividers for each damn seires, and the best part? Each fuckin longbox is covered in comic images/posters taken from Wizard & other such places. That's right, each box, individually faggotted up accordin to its contents. hell, if i run outta room on the box for sketches/designs i like, i just put em on the dividers themselves, where no one but my sick ass will see em. ..there, i got it out, i feel a lot better. Id go on bout how i just love the medium as a visual art blah blah blah but im afriad you didnt truly capture the level o' dork you was dealin with, my friend. :monkey: ....right, so, uh. back to the issue at hand....yeah, i imagine pickin up a trade to a crap series must suck; thats kinda why i was askin which other books were good before i went out & got the trades. P.S. I have the complete fuckin run on Wolverine, thats right, all 175 or so issues, includin min-series, one shots, annuals, 1/2, kitchen tips, Wolvy stubs his toe # 1, etc. How do ya like dem apples?
  4. Hmm...couple thoughts here. First off, i read Ennis' Fury right before new revamped G.I. Joe, and it really made Joe look like it was written by one of Jerry's kids. The book even ripped a tad offa Metal Gear Soild, which was rumored to become a comic one day as well - it still stands as my favorite video game 'casue the series kept me interested in its storyline & gameplay for over 10 years now. While i wouldnt go with Artistic's original idea of just tossin Joes or Fury into the game's storyline, as Snake has developed as a character (tho i do kinda like his idea of tossin in Punisher as Max Payne), I think not only are the fans ready, they kinda deserve it - i mean, Joe isnt gonna be the shit with new comic readers; i assume were shootin for the same guys who watched it as kids, right? That'd be me & artistic's age, more or less. Throwin us the same plot nowadays strikes me as kinda insultin, god i hope the new Transformers book dont try that shit. I say do it, and do it right. If nothin else, series like The Red Star and the first issue of Ultimates make me think its kinda crazy we dont have more real war books out there. I hear theyre revivin a mini-series of Sgt. Rock since Fury did so good, but a consistent series would be great, and Joe does deserve better.
  5. Hulk trade's a good idea, you saw me pay $5 at the con for that one issue, and i still cant find the other 2. No doubt a TPB'll appear within a month's time of the first story arc's end. Lemme know bout Ultimate Spidey, i garuntee you wont be disappointed; there's a reason that book sells as well as it does, and im happy Marvel made sure others can still read early issues, thats seriously fuckin cool of em. Folks like Artistic here have been takin advantage of that for a while now, and all it seems to do is sell the book even more.
  6. The NZA

    ff4 brawl

    Too much drama.... Rydia has to deal with growin up all fast & takin a year to cast meteo, Kain isnt sure which side he's on, Cecil's seein a therapist bout the whole "dark knight/paladin" thing, others are dead, the twins are stone, and bam! outta nowhere, in the game's homestrech, the badass appears just to deal with the big guys. Let the others handle the imps, but when its elementals, moon demon things or fellow teamates apparently fightin for no reason, my money's on Shado...er, Edge, baby. His ass'll just disappear, reappear real quick & throw an excalibur blade he duped thru your ass. "But wait no i was tryin to summon"...DEAD "But Kain's turn was comin, he was gonna jump and" ..sorry DEAD no bullshit with Edge. Just let him lvl up a bit & get those masamune blades. Amano's original Edge
  7. Very true...if youve played Xenogears, ya know Square can do some awful dubbin. But then, when ya give FF X a go, you might change your tune. Yeah, i hear Iron Maiden is the optional treasure dungeon, but i gots to get the damn key. Tried "unlock" like 5 times before realizin it wasnt magic... Thanks again, was wonderin why analyze didnt seem to do dick. The guides are good but yeah, they can spoil, so check back here if ya can, im likely to have more questions by the weekend. Fuck, now that i learned how to construct good shit for better stats/affinity, m'boy's gettin the respect he deserves! Only one givin him shit was this one @#$%in gaurd back in town who kept uppin his str/equipment. Hey lemme ask you, how many weapons did you typically carry? I hear staffs are good, but fuck it, i keep edged & piercing weapons only, and that soul kiss dagger for evil backup. Did you keep any blunt/staffs around? Kinda wish PS2 would speed up the loadin time tho, tis a bit of a chore every time i remember what i forgot to store in the container.. :plain: Hope the story keeps its pace, youre right so far - just gettin better & better.
  8. My god, i will troll here if Edward & FuSoYa dont get any votes! Oh sure, bash away at Eddie...the man's not courageous & motivated like the others....so, he's a pussy. Big deal. Lots of people are; you just expect this poor spoony bard to pick up a flamethrower and yell "yo joe!"? The man ran 'cause it was all he knew! Crap, even Tellah bitchslapped him. FuSoYa...yeah, we got real attatched to him, i think he was around for about 1 dungeon or so. And who can forget a name like that? I bet all guys onna moon have them names. PS by the way there's lotsa spoilers there but fuck it, you aint played this by now youre not gonna. PPS Kain was pretty damn cool but my vote goes for Edge; sure he came in damn near last, but the fucker had to kill his own parents, and he was pretty tough against Rubicant as well (well, not the 1st time). Plus he threw shit...fuck it, the man was a ninja! That's cooler than a summoner. And hey where's the damn twins?
  9. Dont know bout Unlimited, but i hear the old FF anime - loosely based on FF V - wasnt very good. Never got a chance to see it, but some big-time FF fans really trashed it. I'm curious bout Unlimited tho, anyone seen it? :dcecil:
  10. Argh...hate to agree with Jumbie, but im for "Stairway to Heaven", cliche or not. Great fuckin song. Tho...my other 2 favorites are strangely absent. "Babe, I'm gonna leave you" and "The Battle of Evermore"...cant believe the 2nd one aint here...
  11. Just wanted to point this one out, funny as hell & reminds me of this group, at times....turns out they coined "The Heart of Dorkness" long before us, to boot. Best part is, they now seem to keep their comics online as well, so no excuse not to look at em...give it a try, funny stuff. Dork Tower
  12. Cool...hey Stimpy, when ya get a chance, how bout a quick summary/setup of Starman or the others youve read (Mage, Hellboy, Usagi, etc)? Really wanna know some more bout those series before tryin to find the trades...
  13. Alright, on KOS (and somewhat, Octopus)'s say so, i gave this one a go over the break, and after learnin how to handle things like buildin good shit, figurin out why my great weapons do 2hp of damage on certain creatures (there's a difference beteween blunted, piercing and edged weapons, i see), this one's been a blast, with more bosses than i could count. Thing is - I'm at the part those 2 were talkin bout, the timed mine. It @#$%in sucks...treasure chests all over that want a key i dont got, and while im handlin most of the enemies great (even those damn slimes! ), the mine truly is a bitch. Cant wait to be past it, the story is gripping & gettin better as i go...i shouldve expected this from the folks who brought me FF Tactics. If i had a complaint - other than the godforsaken mines - itd have to be the glaring lack of voiceovers; this thing would be badass with good voices, but then again Square didnt pull that off till FF X (another ive yet to finish). Anyway, just wanted to update a few of ya, and say thanks again for finally gettin me to play this great game, cant wait to see how it turns out. PS KOS - im usin 2 of those FAQ's and one from IGN. Its a trip, cause they all have different methods for the ass-kickin bosses. By the way, where the hell is that treasure key?
  14. Thanks again for the help, KOS. Anyone else out there read Hellboy, Starman, Mage, etc? Any other fans of Azzarello's 100 Bullets, or know what the hype is around Miracle Man? Goddamn Todd McFalrane, he's the reason i cant read that one. I hear Luis is on the board now, havent seen him yet. I've gotta get Alex here one day too, maybe some more Preacher folk outta hopes someone's read these apparently obscure books.
  15. Ah, didnt think id get Athena or Brigit down here to comment on Sandman... anyway, if it was single favorite issue, while #50 (Ramadan) is high up there, i still prefer # 74. Not only was it the first issue i read, oddly, but it helps show the range of the book: no other single issue is like that one, and i rather liked it style.
  16. That answers that....good, least De Niro has em for 2 of his finest flicks. Poitier....was that for "Guess who's coming to Dinner" or another one? As for Sorcese, i certainly hope he's got at least one under his belt by now.
  17. Junker, lemme know when ya go, i didnt make it this weekend either. Need another good comic movie to hold me off 'till Spider-Man...
  18. Uh....lotta movies to see when Netflix gets em. Washington's a great actor, but im surprised bout "Training Day"...guess ill see it before i comment, tho. I know Spiffy liked it. Are those lifetime achievement awards the academy's way of sayin "sorry we overlooked you a lot"? Im wonderin if De Niro ever got an Oscar (damn well better have), casue if not, theyve prolly got one of these for him just waitin in a storage unit somewhere.
  19. ...you're so right. I can't wait to grow up like you kids...hey, in the meantime, can I have your non-trade paperback (TPB henceforth) comics? :cowboy:'s gonna get some new boxes of Batman.
  20. First, the man's paralyzed, and now he doesnt even get a vote? That's cold. "What do you people want, a little dance?! ..and don't think I don't see all you pretty-boys out there with my trendy tattoos of my logo."
  21. I agree, just wish it'd come out more than once every 2 or 3 months! Ah, at least the man's got a good excuse - I hear there's supposed to be a movie deal goin down. Also, i loved last month's cover, been tryin to find an image of it online for a while now. Yahven - No votin for Bendis? You seemed to really go for Utlimate Spider-Man... Bacchus - Cmon, youve read that and New X-Men now, youve gotta have some say here.
  22. OK, here's the rundown. Individual issues: +Great for collecting. Also feature contemporary things (read an old Marvel book & it has ads for "Return of the Jedi: Coming to a theatre near you", etc), but more importantly, the letters section can often feature the writers or artists' comments, as well as pin-ups & sketchs sometimes. -Only show up every 30 days or so, and often hard to find if not the current issue. In addition, jump on a hot series like Ultimate Spider-Man only a few months into it, and you could be payin out the ass. Trade paperbacks: +Easier to read, no messing with bags & boards. The story itself will ususally have a beginning & ending within the trade, and i personally like the forwards when theyre by cool people (ie, Frank Miller & Alan Moore do many forwards). Recently, theyve also been known to include alternate covers, extra artwork/sketches, etc. Preferred largely by "Vertigo people", serious fans of series' like Sandman also enjoy the hardback format some trades will get, makin it look more prestigous as well. -Sometimes overpriced & more expensive than the damn issues, nevermind that the storyline is possibly spoiled by the time you get your hands on it (i.e., Origin is lookin to be a badass trade, but i doubt many will read it without knowin who Wolverine is already). Besides, you know you want the issues.... Myself, an avid collector, i of course vote for the individual issues. While trades are great for re-reading & lending out, i guess im too much a fanboy to wait till the trades come out, so i opt to torture myself at 30-day intervals. But in defense of trades, the extras can be pretty nice: i recall Jumbie's hardcover Kingdom Come featured supplemental material, includin a significant addition to the series' ending ( ! ). So, where do the rest of ya stand?
  23. Fair enough, im spendin too much on em a month over here as well, but no regrets: at least things're good lately. For those lookin to catch up later down the road tho, keep in mind that while Marvel is not takin back orders (meaning, if last month's issue sells out everywhere in miami, youre gonna need to go to Ebay, as comic vendors cant back order anymore in an attempt to raise the value of Marvel's books), Joe Quesada made up for this by ensuring the public that storylines which sell well will see Trade Paperbacks within a few month's time. Usually cheaper than the actual issues themselves, trades can often feature sketchwork & other such extras. Actually, that thought's just spawned another poll...
  24. Well....i intend to keep the name for a bit, so nothin drastic there. However....if there's any fan fiction/mythology etc id say by all means toss it in here, if it gets big enough ill include it somehow in the title/description of this corner, toss Homer's name in somehow as well for storytellin. As for RPG and Metal Gear stuff, that still feels like Nintendorks material...you mean, plotline only stuff? Cause if so, then yeah that's prolly more appropriate for here. Ill figure it out as it comes tho, mean time keep ideas comin & feel free to post that kinda stuff here, just label it for spoilers. PS No one's gettin ranked on round here for grammar (so long as everyone understands whats bein said) but hey since ya broguht it up... PPS Keep hearin problems with the FTP...drop a line over in Stonehenge & let everyone know specifically what's wrong; if that thing fails, im gonna have a lotta red x's round here soon.
  25. Nope. *cricket, cricket* Actually, Penny Arcade said it was badass...i just forgot bout it with all the City of Heroes talk. Cant burn you a copy, but Bacchus can, so drop him a line & lemme know how it is. PS haha Chiefy is a high-ping bastard.
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