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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. What kinda horseshit...? My boy massacres Maximus, another one shows up? Judge, the man's tired! Aw fuck it, he'll win again, he's good for it. And im sure he can out-farm any rich general boy anyway.
  2. Ok, scratch what i said bout "Freedom Force", this is the one i read bout in Wizard a few months back. Not only does it look/sound very impressive, but it boasted a few things i thought were badass ideas (Chiefy, correct me if im wrong on any of these): 1) The ability to be a hero or a villian. 2) Mission quests (like in Diablo, EQ etc) but superhero/comic based. 3) The most ambitious thing i read in the article i saw was "the ability to customize costume, powers, origin etc garuntees no 2 heroes or villians on this MMORPG will be the same." Tho im still expectin a dozen or so Batmen to be on at any given time, this still sounds incredible. The idea's been a long time comin & sounds badass; from the looks of the stuff on this site as well, it could really be somethin huge - here's to hopin it comes through on its promises...might just get me back into PC RPGs online. What does everyone else think?
  3. 'S ok, many folks do, Yahven, Chiefy etc but none reply...
  4. Sonofa... well, at least i got it this time. Soon as Mr Y gets us a workin & reliable FTP, ill post it there & link to it, sorry to the folks who didnt get a chacne to see it but ya will, and its worth it.
  5. damn, an entire conversation went on here a while back, didnt even notice it. Hey, speakin of which, where the hell did Al go? Cmon back, i cant do this video game forum all by myself (must focus on Lyceum)! Cmon we even gots movie smileys now, see? :D :optimus: :jay: :bob:
  6. Never said it wasnt; just tastes like ass incarnate. I learned long time back that things which taste terrible are often good for me. Is Dr Nestle responsible for my chocolate milk? :ill: bad joke, walk on by people, it never happened... Overeating is a problem with many Americans apparently, but i still feel many could preseve their diet & tastes with little to no change if they 1) lessen the quauntity and more importantly 2) excercise, be it gym, running (joggin is no good), swimming, etc, of which this article pointed out. Always rubbed me wrong that many others in the world starve or simply eat food that hasnt been kept well/gone bad etc while we cant seem to stop eatin. Jumbie, you think it's more of this advertisin as this Dr says, or an issue of lack of discipline in this regard?
  7. Lookee, ma! That feller who recommended "Thin Red Line" & "Wild, Wild West" has anudder favorite! Cletus, go on 'n git the gun! *activates thermal optics & hides*
  8. Yeah, it was fun to play along with that one, until it came back with Louie Anderson. "Please merciful god, kill me now." The show just depresses me when the host clearly dont wanna be there.
  9. ... Right, ah, that...that worked. Thanks.
  10. I recall Kee seemed to go for it, Spiffytee wasnt a fan tho - hey, isnt Jim Henson dead?
  11. I had hoped, when you were younger, that all the Fernandez smartass had worn off on TD; he seemed to have enough for generations. I fear i was wrong.... very well smaratass, I tried that, and only got another streaming media file - if you do manage to save that/locate it in window's temporary internet files, feel free to let me know the file's name, i really do wanna keep it before its taken down again.
  12. Good news, folks! I found another link with this fine movie on it, come on down & check it out! Those of you who havent seen it yet are really missin out. PS Yahven please try to steal it if ya can, i cant seem to get it - streamin media eludes me. Ah, L'Amour - take two
  13. Easy. For one...Lee was an actor. By that, i mean he starred in movies. Ali was too busy boxin to do much of that. And i guess martial arts are more interestin, even i used to watch old Shaolin films & such, but i still go for quality over quantity. Try Raging Bull, Only in America, even the recent Ali was good. Last good kung fu flick i saw was Kee & Ghost's "Shaolin soccer". That shit was cool. Cmon, there's way many more songs by boybands out there than the ones ya like, does that make em better? And besides, at least Ali took the time to have that picture taken after crushin the gun in his bare hands, only minutes before takin down the T-1000 & savin the president. A fine, fine man he is. :afro:
  14. is obviously crazy. Homo got whupped but good. " "cause i want it...that way."
  15. Wait i thought Lee died 'cause of an anuerysm; Brandon got shot. And as for Ali, he's been shot many, many times, he's just that fuckin bad! Why, why must you all be so blind? See? that guy tried to shoot him, and see what happened? He's the greatest! He's a pretty man! PS Fortunately Ali had already crushed the gun in his hand before that picture was taken, so youll just have to go on my word i guess.
  16. Oh yeah, new additions to team 2: Bobba Fett, Bruce Lee, Vishnu & Shiva, :jay: & :bob:, The Maxx, and a dead weasel. Thanks for voting!
  17. 1)You clearly didnt look at the pictures enough. Go see em again. Ali = living, Lee = dead. 2) Inventin your own martial art dont mean shit. Steven Seagle did it, i believe. While drunk one nite, invented nude flaming wombat style. I dare you to challenge it. 3) Bruce Lee aint the world's greatest martial artist. Jackie Chan is. 4) Boxing is cool. There, is that "philosophical" enough for ya? Why must we all be stereotyped by our majors?
  18. Lookit 'im, man! How can they lose?!
  19. Uh...Right! Hey Jumbie, still waitin on your vote here.
  20. Such nonsense. Mclaine is great hand to hand, just has a hard time iwth kung fu whilst standin on a movin jet, you crazy whores. Plus, he can take a beatin. That man has been through hell & back, in part 1 alone....Riggs couldnt even shoot Jet Li when he had the chance. "Next time you have a chance to keel a man, take it!" *pops the man 3 times in the nuts through a table* "Thanks for the advice."
  21. I think he's sayin "Good lordy, Wallace whupped me, and how!" or somethin to that effect.
  22. 1/2 bullshit, 1/2 pretty damn close, 100% depressin. Thanks Chiefy, here's to wastin away more of my ever-dwindlin life on this godforsaken board... :scared:
  23. The Russians are pissed 'cause their mafia could pull of this rig. Im no fan of the olympics - the hairs on my neck stand up when dumbasses call olympic athletes "heroes" when theyve done jack shit for others - but this part is unbearable, almost as much as the "queer on ice" openin ceremony that Mulan submitted me to. :plain: The Russians dont deserve a gold if they didnt win fair. Fuck em, they get the silver, take back the gold, done deal. "Well, there's no precedence for an error in Olympic judges"...yeah, well there is now, so lets get it over with before it happens again, and it will. I dont follow: who the hell ever said the Olympic pane is infalable? Im with Octodius here, thats a very stupid assumption.
  24. damn pretty boy....im glad the even bigger pretty boy emporer taught him a lesson. Whupped 'im and good!
  25. Christ...scatchin that one offa my Netflix rental list, thanks for the warning!
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