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Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Dont matter now Yahven, this topic is added to the list of ones where your opinion is negated. Martina hotter than Ana? Youve clearly lost your damn mind.
  2. Anyway, far as Chiefy's info goes, i agree with much of it, tho its funny to see Iron Man try to waste Hulk from the sky & have him jump up & catch his ass (see Heroes Reborn Iron Man, that shit was kinda cool). Evil Iron Man fucked up the Avengers the same way Batman did the JLA once: he's smart & knew their weaknesses. I still say thses 2 got a lot in common. Im tired of seein Supes win, he's usually a lame character anyway. Fak, he got choked out once by Venom, that makes him look rather dumb (or just the writers, i guess). Regardless, here's one for Chiefy. VS
  3. Wait, did someone say somethin bout Iron Man? Tales of Suspense # 40: Iron Man takes it from the back ?
  4. I say he can help beat Ultron, the man can take down rust. Some of these are just inflatin the already-bloated fight club post #...
  5. Yeah, but then Green Arrow once found his son (the one that took over for a while when Oliver Queen was dead) doing a mix of crack/heroin, so he's got em all beat.
  6. The NZA


    I'm not likin my job right now. Ah well glad ya had a good time. Hey Junker, youre made of $ - are you goin to the Zetafest? I hear its gonna be Kid Rock, Rob Zombie, lotta other folks etc, im kinda curious.
  7. While i might agree that it borderlined on sexism, it was still a very entertainin short film. And Artistic, that sorta cock talk might fly down in your Beat em Up Club, but not here, no sir. Keep it in your pants, you sicko.
  8. Heh....ask an ye shall receive. More to come as i find em, theyre tricky...
  9. Depends on the fight. Ive seen Iron Man drink like a fish, but then there's always that one episode of Mighty Mouse where he freebases a line of coke, right outta his pocket...in a narcotics battle, the mouse gets my vote. "Bitch betta have my money"
  10. Also team 2 features Hulk, Scorpion, Buddha, Thor, , Mr. Horse, Iron Man, McDonalds, Mohammad (the prophet, + Ali), etc. Oh,and Bippo dies of AIDs before the fight starts. Let's get it on!
  11. "Nick, stop bringin up good writing! Stop it!." Man aint worth much when he cant even recognize a game of champions like horseshoes. You vote for Supes everywhere, i say that's "votin with your cock", if thats possible with a comic character. Unless its Aunt May..mmm. ...what?
  12. ...you do know that Raiden is a god of thunder too, right?
  13. Heh, good call TD. And i agree, its frightening how much that movie's author really got to the heart of women, ya know? Especially that fat one he walked by, that shit was hilarious...
  14. Hey! I just fed you...here's some more nummy pasta & shrimpys *tosses barrel to kirby*. No pokin dead Kirbys! And as for the purple-haired girl...yeah i spend too much time here but i get most of those links from Penny Arcade, they take the time to sort thru a bunch that are sent their way, i just sort thru their 4 or 5 & post the good ones here, so its not an all day excursion. And i could so live without this thing, its been one big $ dump since i got one, i just like talkin with alla you....'sides, i couldnt feed Kirby without it, could I?
  15. WASHINGTON, DC—A coalition of video-game characters representing the nation's leading systems appeared before Congress Monday to decry "the pointless, deadly presence" of spinning blades in video-game landscapes. "We are here to demand an end to the shockingly casual placement of dangerous blades in our places of work," said Tomb Raider star Lara Croft, who estimates that she has lost more than 600,000 lives to spinning, falling, swinging, and suddenly appearing blades this year alone. "This kind of thing has been going on since the days of Pitfall Harry, and it has got to stop." Croft, flanked by Metal Gear's Solid Snake, Super Mario 64's Mario, and both soldiers from Contra, called upon Congress to revise OSHA laws to extend protection to the digitally rendered. "From Pitfall to Bad Dudes Versus Dragon Ninja to Gauntlet, the deadly spinning blade has been with us so long, we no longer even question it," Croft said. "It's high time it was done away with once and for all." Exacerbating the situation, Mario said, is the seemingly arbitrary placement of the hazards. "I could see why, if you're in a factory, you might find yourself jumping around on dangerous conveyor belts moving in different directions," he said. "But why would you have conveyor belts in a castle? Or in the middle of a forest? Nintendo and these other companies are always talking about how realistic their graphics are. Well, what's so realistic about killer turtles shooting out of clouds and such?" Added Mario: "It's-a me, Mario!" Above: A concerned Mario discusses the rotating fireball chains found throughout World 1-4 of Super Mario Bros. In addition to the standard spinning blade, the coalition is seeking restrictions on random whirling fireball chains, falling blocks, spike-pit traps, and invisible cross-corridor laser arrays. Legislators listened attentively as the digitized characters told of their near-death encounters. "Just the other day, I was running through the British Museum's Egyptology exhibit when a bunch of six-foot steel scythes suddenly burst out of a sarcophagus," Croft said. "Fortunately, I managed to leap out of the way at the last possible second. But a situation like that could have easily turned tragic." "We're not so different from you," the blue-jacketed guy from Double Dragon said. "We just want to be left alone to do our jobs—saving princesses, finding lost treasures, destroying out-of-control nuclear-equipped robots. But it's nearly impossible to go about your daily life when you're living in constant fear of some giant, evil mushroom suddenly lunging at you from out of nowhere." "I mean, would you put up with a row of whirling knives in the cereal aisle at Safeway?" the Double Dragon guy continued. "Of course not. Why, then, should Duke Nukem have to run through a corridor of them to get the health pack he needs need to survive?" The characters said they intend to boycott their respective video games until Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and other manufacturers take "significant measures" to improve safety. "In addition to mandatory warning lights and buzzers at least eight seconds before the appearance of a blade, spike, or other health hazard, we are calling for mapping features in all 3D-rendered environments, large flashing arrows to highlight such hidden objects as health and life bonuses, and, in the case of Sonic Team games, safety guardrails on all loops." Added Sonic: "And would it kill you to compose better music? I almost didn't finish the jungle part on that last one."
  16. That's weird. That usually only happens on Netscape, try reloadin your browser, & let Yahven know if it keeps up. PS Is anyone actually lookin at the movie? Its fuckin hilarious..."Ah, L'amour."
  17. Here's some funny web shit i came across, these ones are funny. They also link to a number of odd Muffin movies, which are OK but not the high calibre one comes to expect after this stuff. Entertaining. Big Bunny
  18. It's ah-me! Remember kids, do The Mario!
  19. It was an old thread! Fine, fine youre not the first to piss in the Lyceum, just go watch the movie tho, youll like it. ...Ass Viking.
  20. Christ, youve set it off again... Dogs? Youre throwin dogs at me now? "Cluepon meter"? Pardon me? ...and as for the rest of ya enjoyin this show, fear not! Me & Chiefy (mostly Chiefy, he keeps findin these pages) have plenty of these bad boys left to use! *Forum responds*
  21. If Frank Miller's Batman can tear Supes a new one, I'm quite sure Walt Simpson's Thor can do far, far worse. Maybe it is the writing.
  22. PS thanks for the tip tho, ill go download that one soon, i like their old shit. Was just too easy for me to pass up on...
  23. White trash jokes..haha, no wait... Look kids, there goes Chiefy before he had his ride. Oh and for what its worth, it's "You", not "Yuo". Heh..this is kinda turnin into a fight, aint it? ...and I'm spent.
  24. Haha...damn Chiefy thats one of my fine ex's too. Id be careful with those comments tho, youre in a danger zone these days...
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