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Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Dammit man, its one thing to do one-armed pull ups, but i dont think id be quick to take a man who does push-ups like that. That's impressive. Who the fuck is that? SNK guy right?
  2. Artistic bro dont joke bout that shit, it happens all the time. ALL THE FUCKIN TIME. Dammit man why must you be so ignorant to the way the world is? :arrow:
  3. How many times must i say this? Youve got to be dizzy. One of the first things ya learn as an EMT is that you can't rip a man's head/spinal column out unless theyre dizzy, it just doesnt work. Knowin this, Midway made your enemy dizzy after you won so you could kill 'im. Christ man, read a book!
  4. Quitter! All i hear is quittin words round these parts. Fuck the people! The tournment must go on. Actually, fuck it, my boy got knocked out in round 1 anyway. :spot:
  5. Chase off alla folks & leave just me, you & Primetime here again and i swear ta god, im signin up with King Bill
  6. OK, this one kinda crapped out, i never voted 'cause the terms of the fight never got defined, post got swept up in trol...representatives. Hey, Artistic, how bout a Thor Vs Superman fight, or is that part of your tournament? That's more equally matched. After readin Green Lantern Vs Silver Surfer, i thought itd be a much better fight if Surfer went against Jordan as GL, but Parallax...who the hell can fight him, X-Man? He can bend time & space, for chrissake. :dissappointed:
  7. Sorry to hear that, ive still yet to finish off X (collection dog tags in Metal Gear Soild 2, woo hoo!), but hey if youre one for FF & love stories, you mustve been a fan of IX & its ending... You & Squall share a personality? You like fur coats & gunblades, or..? Just curious. :wasabi:
  8. If ya like action/war movies, "Black Hawk Down" was pretty good. PS Hey culture moderators (Heartless, Athena, Queen), can one of ya move this into the movie section?
  9. Eh...agreed but I still think Flash has a better shot than GL sometimes, and im a big GL fan. The man moves faster than light, i just dont buy the jedi's reflexes touchin that. Also - Aquaman, Martian Dick Hunter, Woner Woman - these gusy arent pushovers, people. Aquaman alone can be pretty formidable, when written by Peter David. Of course, Aqua's dead now (for the time bein) so it dont matter anyway. BIRRRRRD MAAAAAAAN!
  10. Not "you guys", mostly Yahven. Im tryin to be fair and hear both sides, but he makes Spawn out to be somethin of a god...
  11. Yeah, i remember, they were predictable/slow, but cool attacks nonetheless. Did anyone else ever read the cheezy Motral Kombat comic Midway used to sell back in the day for MK1 & 2? I have 1, it shows that Sub-Zero was an assasian who killed Scropion, as a normal guy, and his entire family, and Scorpion pulled a Spawn (sold soul for revenge) and came back to kill Sub-Zero. Didnt know there were several Zeros, much less several Scorpions..?
  12. Ha...i actually cant argue with much of that, except that the old Thor had the same "no cap on power" as Hulk has. Current Thor tho, youre prolly right. Never read more than a fight or two on Gladiator, wasnt a fan...whaddya think of Thor Vs Superman? Colossus can hold his own, but ive seen Juggernaut knock him on his ass too much. Shame they killed him a while back. And the last part...ha, Beyonder, that was Marvel's "Secret Wars", chapter 1. I actually used to love that series - Spider-man takes on the X-Men & gets his black symbiote costume, Hulk takes on a mountain, etc - lotsa action. Doom ended up takin the Beyonder's form as i recall, it was a fun series. The sequel was kinda weak tho. Still, the Celestials are near the top of the cosmic beings list, i recall them bein almost a threat to Eternia (? some name like that, he looks like space), which if i remember from Silver Surfer is just bout the Marvel equivalent of god.
  13. Haha...damn forgot bout that boss, he was kinda tricky the first time i played. Yeah, but Chiefy, then there was MK4 where they lost their damn minds & everyone had weapons. "OK folks, before ya fight, lets even this out. You? Cage? Youre just a movie star, so you get a stick or somethin. Raiden, god of thunder....here's a cinder block on a stick. Ok, now youre even! Fight!" It always seemed kinda sick to me, the man could already teleport & fry your ass....i mean fuck, you wouldnt have Ken fight Thor would ya? Vs
  14. Hmm....ok that's actually one more thing i personally give to BK. No, im not often up early enough for breakfast from these places. Id get pissed but i dont wanna be like Micheal Douglas in "Falling Down". Not yet, anyway...:shoot: So...uh, thing is, the bacon, egg & cheese crossonwhich at BK is fuckin great, tho their tater tots are just as dry as McDonalds. Now, if i try to get that same meal at McDonalds, they give it to me on harder, dryer bread & worse yet, with Candadian bacon or somethin. I didnt ask for this exotic pig to die, and i personally dont like him as much; the taste isnt nearly as good for me, and ya cant pretend it was an american pig like "Babe" or somethin so its no fun either. Uh..in conclusion, if anyone's up early enough, please buy me a BK a Bacon Egg & Cheese crossowhich & ill be your freind. Thank you. PS I know none of you whores'll do it. FINE!
  15. @#$% cant get forum FTP workin tonite, ill get the finished joke up tomorrow with Yahven's help. Tried m'best. If ya really wanna know, go to http://pics.fateback.com/Slut.jpg. Cant seem to get it any other way for now, ah well. ??? G'nite all. PS Fak even that link i left dont wanna work now! I hate computers. :shoot: :optimus:
  16. Do the evolution.... IV VI VII VIII IX Tactics Maybe that'll help refresh folks' memory. 'Course, in my mind, they all kinda bow a lil bit to (Xenogears, baby). :mog:
  17. No he hasnt, i think he's in jail or somethin, in which case i hope he aint gettin any. And hey, why is the finger bein pointed at me? Its fuckin Batman, people! Hitler, Elvis, Sinatra...so many rise from the dead to bask in the awe of Fight Club, and no one bats an eye. Adam Wes...er Batman takes time outta his busy, busy day to stop on by and admit the truth, and i take heat? I get no respect.
  18. Yeah, but in 2, he could freeze the floor & i think he'd shoot ice into the sky or somethin - that had to count for something. I wanted to like Reptile in 2 so bad, but just couldnt get good with him.
  19. damn...that shit looks just like Alita, too. It's uncanny.
  20. damn, man, ya gave it up like a prom date, i was gonna link him to some gay porn site or somethin. Ah well.
  21. Because he's just that fuckin good! He comes back from the dead, assumes the face of Mel Gibson for some reason, and posts here in Fight Club of all places! Let's see Maximo do that shit. *paces, waitin on it to inevitably happen*.
  22. Your avatars get worse an worse... One more time, from the top: She said the man's music was good. Not that he'd win the fight, not that she wants to have his baby - he's dead, you sick monkey - but that she likes his music, which you do too. Oh yeah, an that Elvis was a fag, which was still a lot nicer than callin him the bastard son of Hitler...the end, the fuckin end, let it go man or aim the jokes at me. :shoot: :railgun:
  23. I go for Wendy's cause its right here. KFC is Artistic & Satcha's new home sometimes. Im kinda a big fan of Arby's m'self but since Mulan once saw some fat chick employee of theirs prepare our food without gloves on she never wants to go back there... :plain:
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