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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Silly Chief....like someone'd injure m' boy! And why is Iron Whore always doin shit up the ass? You never ask these questions.
  2. I...i cant argue with that. I too got housed. Twas..humbling. Hey TD, stop on by Jedi Vs JLA and help out there, we need a dork encyclope...er, educated opinion there too! :ducks:
  3. Hey Chuch came back! And im with him, Spidey Clone thing was really cool till they fucked it. Artistic...no, no im not gonna rank on Wild Thing. I bitch bout shitty characters and BAM! They magically find their way to this board somehow.
  4. Ha..yeah i do, once i recall you & TD took me to Bird Bowl & showed it to me, was...interestin. Never saw much like that, outside of Splatterhouse and such. Of those ones for console, i thought the SNES one was fuckin cool, but damn they were all hard as hell. And Nightcrawler was cool on Genesis 'cause he'd teleport all over the place. Excalibur tho? Woo wee, that one went bad its last few years or so.
  5. Wow, VI is in the crapper, really thought it'd take it. It does in all other polls anyway. VIII? Really? The battle system & contant summons didnt drive ya nuts? How bout that &*$@in illogical card game? Kee was far more dedicated to it than I.
  6. Thanks again to Jumbie for havin me see "Frequency", that was a good call, sci-fi boy. Twas cool. Army of Darkness was a seperate dimension i believe...hey i know what ya said bout action flicks an all but where's Demolition Man? I liked that one back in the day.
  7. You too? damn, i was just tryin to get my turn in twiser, didnt think that other man was such a quick..uh wang. That sucked. PS Chiefy youve been waitin weeks to use that pic, huh? :thinking:
  8. Listen here, legoman, Braveheart'd fuckin kill him dead. Crowe would be goin on bout how he misses his wife an feelin bad for rippin offa Spartacus so much, then BAM! Off with his head. Dont forget, Wallace wasnt just a badass with blades, he was fuckin huge, the man killed in hand to hand. Also was decent with axes/maces, but excellent with bow & arrows - some people theorize he mighta been Robin Hood. Cmon, Maximas aint got a prayer.
  9. I think....I think i voted predictably. Was gonna say a colliseum but that's too close to home for Maximus there... I guess if youre goin for drama, might as well go alla way and pick Megiddo, the lil corner in the east (i suck with geography) where revelations says the apocalyptic battle's supposed to be fought. That, or another Rumble in the Jungle, just nowhere either man can use the terrain too much to his advantage. FREEEEEEEEDOOOOM!
  10. Well then the man's scarred, but ya gotta catch him first. Id leave that shit to Yoda i guess, but then you'd better have someone to keep Superman at bay. A very few good books like Kingdom Come show what happens to Supes when he sees his comrades die...the gloves finally come off, and there aint much that can stop him, so you'd better deal with him & Flash first. Were also forgettin bout the formidable threats of Plastic Man & Blue Beetle.
  11. Thank you. Exactly why i was thinkin Vader takes it all, i mean cmon the man was way past his prime when Luke took him on, and i recall he took on the emporer back then too. Hey, is Sam Jackson supposed to fight this episode? I keep hearin you & TD hype him. I know Yoda's supposed to do somethin, but i cant picture him actually jumpin & swingin a saber, it must be a force attack or somethin, or he's gonna look like a muppet and you know it.
  12. See, that's the thing. Kee's still a big fan, Artistic likes it too, this guy SSJ4Benny who dont come round much...most folks give it up when they see other fightin anime, and there's lots of that. I can see where it'd be cool but i guess its the pace of the show. I remember watchin part of when Freeza killed Vegita or somethin, that shit was goin on long after the 4-5 episodes i was tryin to watch. ???
  13. Woo hoo! 37,920 & a blowjob, took quite a few tries but i done good! Beat that, Junker! Yeah, youre right, that shit's addictin.
  14. Hey Darwin's crack baby, slow it on down, i wanna hear more of people's systems. Dammit Artistic, ill get you down here yet.
  15. Relax, Yahven! Whatever tickles your pickle...
  16. I didnt touch on the grammar thing, im way off a lotta times too but then im used to artistic's style of half assed writin. And hey, i masturbate to my Solid Snake figure these days. Mmm..snake...anyway, ya never answered me on the JLA thing, you sure those jedis got reflexes faster than light? Cmon seriously, gimme a detailed thing on jedis winnin, ill buy it if its laid out well.
  17. Ah, young skywalker, youve much to learn. First off, 6 somethin foot Iron Man is shootin way over Wolvy's head. Second, a drunken Tony Stark obiously forgot that this is his tickle beam or somethin, cause as you can clearly see, my boy's not even phased. His healin factor's just that good, tell your boy to quit annoyin him. That, or his age caught up with him, and Logan-san just went really, really senile. "Ow goddammit! Who keeps shootin me in the ass!? Bound to find ya if i keep growlin in this direction, bub!" ???
  18. Well, uh...christ. I saw most of it, and id havta say if you dont watch all of it, start to finish, an pay attention to it all, youre lost for sure. Ill let Yahven get more into it, i missed a few bits here & there an ended up one of the lost folks. Great animation & very smart shit, tho. Im lookin forward to seein it in its entirety too. Oh, and the music's top-notch. I recommend the remix album, "Lain: Cyberia Mix".
  19. Even so, ya can get used to it most times...you cant honestly prefer shitty dubbin, can you? Ive noticed that OAV's with their higher budget can get decent/good dubbin, but series often suck. I still havent seen past season 2 of Ranma 1/2, 'cause i saw one episdoe dubbed...:ill: Subtitles alla way, unless they move too damn quick. :afro:
  20. The NZA


    Arf de who? Nah, just odd if it was really someone ya didnt like. Ill be damned if it'd vote Trick Daddy for anythin but "shit that made me wanna be deaf a few years back", but nowadays id pay to hear his ass over what i hear round FIU most times, which is whatever 5 songs Power 96 is playin this week. :ill:
  21. The pictures...theyre gettin more & more inappropriate...:ill: Hey Chiefy, i got your number.
  22. Uh...right. Well, uhm, nah im askin the same question tho Chiefy, ya know how fast the man moves right? I mean sure your vader & Maul would be tough, but again i think we were talkin the good guys, the jedis, not the sith. That'd be a better fight, i think. I mean with the jedis, sure there's obi-wan an Yoda, but then who? Luke? Im sure there's a lotta no-namers but that's a tough fight against some of these guys. Superman, Green Lantern, and hey im no fan either but Aquaman & Martian dick hunter arent pushovers ya know. Anyway, as for Flash, you sure the jedis can keep up? Their reflexes & clairvoyancy are good, but man, the Flash moves faster than light! Even if ya did see him, how could ya possibly stop him before he takes your saber or somethin? Cmon, gimme more justification here than just English lectures, Mrs MaNuer.
  23. She's not even jewish, ya has been evil fucks. Unt learn more German! Why hasnt almighty Frank smacked this pretty boy down yet?
  24. People, enough bashin of the endings! Esca - Mulan is right, she and Lizi-chan just wanted to see a happy, unrealistic endin. Eva - The series' end had strong ideas, but just went bout them the wrong way by the very end *SPOILER* with the whole "congratulations!" part but it was showin how everythin merged. The OAV's end - with the 13th angel & Rei as yin and yang, talkin bout metaphysics/existentialism/nature of life etc was some deep shit. Ya might wanna watch it more than once, the ideas were a lil too big to be contained in such a small movie, least of all an anime. Not that its above anyone here, just might not be your thing, in which case, definitely dont watch Serial Experiments: Lain, which from the parts ive seen is along the same lines. Metal Gear Solid 2 ends in a similar manner, but on a much smaller, less-encompassin scale. Many hate it. I think brilliant endings like that, while they dont appeal much as clever but rather just confusin or dumb, usually end up around my favorites list, maybe its the philosophy thing. What can i tell ya. Even Mulan hated Brazil...
  25. Didnt say King was anythin but an asshole, i saw the same flick on him you did, and enjoyed it... Hey, artistic, this is your forum, so apparently i should ask: what's the criteria here? How many fights exactly must one see before one can vote in this odd democracy? Thought anyone with an opinion could vote, 'specially if theyve watched a few here & there since jr high.... PS King's not lettin go 'cause Tyson's a moneymaker. For what its worth, i remember readin on boxing.com that Tyson was goin closer to broke a year or so back. But hey, maybe youre right, maybe he'll pull a ha-do-ken in the middle of the match, and i truly will say "wow how did Kee know?!". ...but he'd still be crazy, mr man.
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