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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Wait, are they still gonna fight without Tyson's license?
  2. Yeah, i had em posted on the old forum, but theyre funny as hell and i dont think nobody but me & Yahven saw em, so once again, the full list of (console) RPG cliches. Lambda Burst! WARNING: There's spoilers to old RPGs all over, tread carefully.
  3. The NZA


    Haha...that's so sad. Ya always see a buncha crap, then one cool lookin thing, and figure its all secretly cool, that the crap's just a red herring to throw ya off & lower your expectations. Then the game comes out, and ya realize Midway stopped really tryin for somethin new back in part 2 or so, and then, oh then, the tears come. :scared: There, there, artistic. We'll go play Tekken 4 and make it all better. One day, youll get your fightin game with cool level layout & costumes, badass characters & moves, and maybe, just maybe, a story too. I believe, man.
  4. Only in the ring. My fighter$ fight only in the ring.
  5. Ah, so many images.... Characters have to change & evolve or its the same regurgatated shit over and over again. Great writers like Frank Miller know this, and help redo characters to keep em alive or simply create new ones. Not to say to add a foot to everybody, but fuck, i admire a new, good take on a character. Ultimate alla way, baby. VS
  6. The NZA


    Not a fan of the MK series in particular. Ill give it a "maybe" till i read more bout it. Hasnt broken any new ground since pt 2 tho, how many of us even played part 4?
  7. Hal Jordan or Parallax? Answer me, damn you! Why, why wont you answer me?? :emotions:
  8. So...Vader wins it, it seems. Which makes sense, I still cant see how Maul, cool tho he is, is supposed to beat the one that kills off almost all the jedis; he's the chosen one and alla that. Maul'll be back in episode 2, but here's to hopin he's not a cheesy clone.
  9. Just wanted to put this out for those of you who've turned away from consoles 'cause of the price: The Sega Dreamcast, tho with only a few games left on their way out, is by far the best deal out there right now. ebworld.com, as one vendor, offers the system for $60, and the most expensive new game it lists is still less than $30, with great games like Shen Mue going for less than $20. Add this to the fact that import games are burnable/copyable - often without a boot disk - and now, there's even Dreamcast emulators of SNES, PSX & NES games, so you can play your old favorites if their respective systems dont work anymore. Between ShenMue, Sonic, Jet Grind Radio, Marvel Vs Capcom 2 etc there's a ton of great games, to boot. PS2 & GameCube might be cutting-edge right now, but Dreamast is pound-for-pound the best buy out there. Thank you. *gets off soapbox*.
  10. Yeah, but i always tend to stay away from IMDB and that crankycritic of yours 'cause whenever we went to see movies, you'd always seem to go in with about 1/4 of the movie already spoiled for you; always meant to ask why you never seemed to mind that, despite your efforts to not watch trailers to good movies the last few months before em.
  11. Ah, i can see it now... Wolverine beats the Hulk, Spawny beats Superman, then Wolverine guts his ass 'cause Spawn's too busy posin for new action figures or somethin. That, and his meter finally runs out, leavin Wolvy on top. Yes sir, justice.
  12. "Yahven 3.0b"? Already a b? I just met the alpha model the other nite! Is this a daily upgradin? Im afraid ya might become to resource-heavy, Yahven.
  13. Ya know, I used to hear bout how Elvis' Nazi-genetically-engineered talent was used soelely to fund the Reich & buy his old man new ovens an sick shit like that, but I never knew for sure. No sir. Not till i came to Fight Club. Man, what a place. Where else can i talk to philosophers, The Duke, a chatty but mute ninja, and yet still wind up in the 8th cocentric circle of Dante's Inferno, alongside The King & his old man Adolph? Are none of you people seein this shit?!
  14. And Juggernaut's no match either, neither is the Thing, who almost got killed last time against Hulk. Here's where m'boy Wolvy is a good fight: he's quick and uhm he's wolvy. Juggernaut tries goin toe to toe and finds out that someone canstop him. Hey Artistic, i know he's powerful and a complete rip, but you sure Gladiator's on par with Superman? Ive seen the X-men take him down...
  15. Recently occured to me that many of us have our own personal rating systems for movies, judgin by invdividual criteria an such. So, here's mine. I rent DVD's online from Netlix.com, and they use a simple 5 star rating system, so I basically incorporated that idea to come out somethin like this: 5 stars -Movie was amazin - cast, performance, script, plot, entertainment etc - I will definitely buy it on DVD, even if it aint on sale. -Minor flaws at best, easily forgivable by the strong other 90% of its content. Folks who don't enjoy this particular genre will still go for this one. -Elements/ideas of the movie were so original, I had them in the back of my mind days after the flick. -While not necessarily revolutionary, this film had an idea or two with the potential to change the viewer's life. The movie inspires. -Examples: Braveheart, Fight Club, The Matrix, High Noon, Unforgiven, Patton etc. (Personal bias wants me to put The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, possibly Raging Bull, American Beauty & Cool Hand Luke...ya get the idea.) An example of a romantic comedy of this calibur, for me, would be As Good as it Gets. The closest i can think of a possible 5-star comedy would be Snatch. Also, i'm biased towards originality, sci-fi and otherwise, so well done pieces such as Brazil & 12 Monkeys often find themselves either here or 4 stars. 4 stars -Movie was above average, an ejoyable experience. Intriguing, entertaining, perhpas both. -While not good enough to stand outside of its genre, It's at the top of its class. If youre in the mood for an action/comedy/drama etc, this one would come to mind. -I'd possibly buy it on DVD if it's on sale. -This one had potential to be a 5-star, but fell short of grace. More than likely, a scene or two of poor acting/hokey writing kept it from bein great. -In addition, the movie most likely had an original idea or two which, if exectued differently (more detail, perhaps less, or more Pacino), wouldve really solidified it as a classic. -Examples: Vanilla Sky (see the last 2 comments), Dark City, True Romance, Ronin, American History X, Sling Blade, Carlito's Way, perhaps Unbreakable, etc. -For me, comedy has a hard time makin it up here, so i only include the few i saw multiple times & still laughed, like Something about Mary. 3 stars -Average - nothing original, or at least nothing exceptional. -While it wasnt a waste of your time, it wasnt time well spent either - this movie was not very memorable. -Often, this type of flick is saved from lower status by one good actor's performance, or one good action scene. -Your typical summer blockbuster falls here. This movie was made to reel you and your money in, but little or no love was behind the script/plot. -These ones sell well, but I cant see owning one on DVD - theyre a great one-shot, but lil replay value. Unless you left the theatre to go potty, you didnt miss anythin. -Potential was there to be a 4-star, but often, to me, this film is hampered by its own hype: trailers made it look far better than it delivered. damn marketing. -Many comedies fall here: American Pie and such. Funny, but just that one time. -Examples: Starship Troopers, Independence Day, the last few Leathal Weapons, Payback, etc. We've all seen these kinds of film, just not discussed much. 2 stars -Eh...not so good. Mildly entertaining. -Many of these were similar to 3 star flims, just didnt deliver much at all. -These movies are often forgotten during the after-movie bullshit sessions at Dennys, which talk about other movies this one ripped off of, that were much better. -Plot holes, crappily-done action scenes, or just illogical, unblievable moves/transitions in the film werent rampant, but overshadowed the redeeming points of the flick. -Potential for anythin great really wasnt here at all, and hopefully, most folks knew this goin into the movie. -Sequels to 3 star's are doomed to fall here. Also, this is my arena for mildly amusin slasher/horror flicks, or many of Stephen King's movies. Sorry, Jumbie. -If the movie's genre was drama, it didnt make me care; if it was a comedy, it didn't make me laugh, more than once or twice anyway. -If a DVD of this type of flick was given to me, id say thanks, and ask for the receipt. -Most 80's movies fall either here or 1 star, especially if you go back an watch them now. -Examples: Hannibal, Alien Ressurection, much of the Highlander films, Dracula (any of em), Wild Wild West, 8mm, the sequels to Scream, Godzilla, Congo, Mission Impossible 2, etc. 1 star -Crap. This film wasted my time. The theatre owes me five bucks, the director owes me an hour and a half or so of my life back. -Nothin redeemable. Plot, performance, script...there's just too much suckage to single out one arena. -Oh, youll remember it all right, when you think of how movies shouldnt be done, or how you idled away your youth. -These DVD's make interestin coasters. I might buy one for someone i really dont like. If one was given to me, id hurry and exchange/burn it before it infects my collection. -This movie has the potential to tarnish the lead actor's name, as well as the director. These films might possibly lessen the quality of American films as a whole. -Ambition with no direction or flow winds up between here and 2 stars, usually. -I might possibly walk out of this film. It offended me by thinkin id be amused. I prolly ran home & showered. -Steven Seagal, Van Dame, Dolph Lundgren, Shumaker, etc - Im lookin in your direction. -Examples: Batman & Robin, Soldier, The Haunting, Speed 2, Tank Girl, Mortal Kombat Ahnilliation, The Postman, Thin Red Line, I still Know what you did last Summer, those late nite softcore porn movies on HBO, etc. Anyway, that's the gist of it. Artistic has a more complicated system which involves one grade for objective (or as close as one can get to it) opinion on the film's worth, then anohter for entertainment value (Ive seen Batman Returns 6 or 7 times, but it aint very good), so i wanna hear more bout that. Aslo, i try to take my biases into account, but one truth i must admit to is that i admire ambition, and therefore treat the movie that much worse when it fails me (The Postman, Thin Red Line). Also, this scale didnt account too much for chick flicks, much less foreign, as ive only seen John Woo & Akira Kurosawa stuff (surpirse, surprise). So cmon people, lets hear your criteria, and give some examples too. likes :shoot: :railgun: :optimus: :D but not a whole lotta :D :heart: ???
  16. Heh...good. I hope he only gets back in after Roy Jones Jr moves up to heavyweight & spanks 'im. Meantime, he can keep fightin fat guys overseas.
  17. .... Sinatra the government engineered killin/entertainment machine, Elvis turns out to be Hitler's bastard son and now there's some kinda 4th reich goin on...i cant imagine what this topic orignally was anymore. Can i change my vote to Sinatra?
  18. Yeah, come to think of it, I recall him holdin up the a mountain, if not more, during Marvel's Secret Wars (!), that...that's pretty tough to beat. You sure spawny-guy's got somethin on that, Yahven? Granted, your boy is crazy-overpowered an all, but while Hulk aint cosmic, there's nothin non-godlike stronger than him. Ive seen him give the Silver Surfer a run for his money.
  19. This irrelevant poll is just outta curiosity; i cant imagine Spider-Man for PSX not winnin, but then again, i wouldve bet $ that FF VI would win the other poll, so im interested. Didnt include the Atari Spider-Man, X-Men for NES (there was a hard one), The Crow sereis (ugh), Superman 64 (even worse), or a few others that really didnt stand out, but i know im forgettin a few, feel free to remind me. Anyway, like Movie-to-game, this is a dangerous genre that usually sucks, but the arcade ones were fun too, and god knows i played X-Men for genesis too damn much. Oh, and should i ever revive my SNES since Artisitc vicously killed it, ill be happy to show those of you who dont know what X-Men: Return of Apocalypse is, it was kinda fun.
  20. Oh crap...i forgot bout that one completely. Yeah, the aracade one was alright, but man did the SNES version suck it hard. I wanted my four bucks back from blockbuster. Was fun to be Cap tho. Ha....yeah nobody wanted to be Dazzler. I of course loved Wolverine but Colossus was badass too, just that usin the special movies ate your quarters like no one's business.
  21. 1)Why do ya want Spawn to fight Superman? Vs Spidey oughta be a better fight. Think bout it: Spawn cant take the Hulk, the Hulk apparently cant take Superman, so how does Spawn beat 'im? 2)Batman vs Daredevil is cool. I like the lower fights; wizard had a cool one with Gambit Vs Nightwing, Deadpool Vs Bobba Fett, etc. I say Parallax vs Silver Surfer, too. That's my idea, baby. 3)Never. Prime never gets his day in the sun. Fuck, now ive garunteed the lil bastard gets a spot. Has anyone noticed this is a tournament? Hulk VS Spawn is round 2, meanin if Wolvy dont win against Supes he's in the losers bracket, and that sucks.
  22. I know JunkerSeeD commented on it, but has anyone seen the original of Vanilla Sky (what it was based on)? Today i heard it was based on a Spanish play or somethin, but again that the original one was much better, wonder if its true... Anyway, Black Hawk Down, lookin to be Sunday evenin for those interested - Gimme a call.
  23. Yeah, i stopped readin round there too, but you read past that as well. What are his powers that i left out tho? As for Thor...that depends. The old Thor - directly outta Norse mythology, as Walt Simpson wrote him, was not only a god, but also had the Hulk's property of "make me madder, make me stronger". It was a great fight to see him vs Hulk but in the end he matched him, hit for hit, but stronger and a lot smarter, not to mention the powers alotted to a god of thunder. Nowadays....like usual, theyve weakened him a bit to make him more interestin. Personally, tho i like both characters, im a bit of a Thor fan, and havin read him more, i think he'd still come out on top, but itd be a lot closer than before. Ive seen Thor with his power stripped/turned into a frog by Loki/turned into a woman by Alex Ross (?)/ etc but he's massively powerful, and while no reed richards, he's smart enough, battle-wise anyway. Anyone know what The Celestials are? Theyre the highest rung of Marvel cosmic shit. Mediocre writin, but theyre the invincibles of that world; Galactus doesnt even fuck with them. Thor once used one of his lesser-known powers, and focused a part of his god-essence into a beam from his hammer (looked cooler than im describin, obviously). Its the equivilance of tradin in some of your divinity to destroy somethin. It dented a Celestial's foot, which in turn scared the shit out of several of em - they were wounded by an ant, essentially - and they fled. Anyway, Thor's got some off and on cool writin, but the man's got his moments. Like Superman, he's not the god he once was, but he's still pretty fuckin tough. Now there's a fight id like to see: Thor vs Superman, no holdin back.
  24. Er...Spawn is strong, can teleport, has a symbiotic costume with chains an shit that defend him, can blend into the background/thermal optic, shoots energy beams, good with guns....he's got some powers, but not on par with the Hulk. You talkin grey hulk, smart hulk, or hulk smash hulk? Cause smash is the one who gets stronger as he gets madder, thats fuckin tough to beat. Yahven, back me up here, youve read more Spawn - what else can the guy do? He's got other magic abiliites.
  25. Youve seen more Bruce Lee flicks than i have; how you figure he'd win? :optimus:
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