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Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. ARKANSAS CITY (EAP) -- A Little Rock woman was killed yesterday after leaping through her moving car's sun roof during an incident best described as "a mistaken rapture" by dozens of eye witnesses. Thirteen other people were injured after a twenty-car pile up resulted from people trying to avoid hitting the woman who was apparently convinced that the rapture was occurring when she saw twelve people floating up into the air, and then passed a man on the side of the road who she thought was Jesus. "She started screaming 'He's back, He's back' and climbed right out of the sunroof and jumped off the roof of the car," said Everet Williams, husband of 28-year-old Georgann Williams who was pronounced dead at the scene. "I was slowing down but she wouldn't wait till I stopped," Williams said. "She thought the rapture was happening and was convinced that Jesus was gonna lift her up into the sky," he went on to say. "This is the strangest thing I've seen since I've been on the force," said Paul Madison, first officer on the scene. Madison questioned the man who looked like Jesus and discovered that he was dressed up as Jesus and was on his way to a toga costume party when the tarp covering the bed of his pickup truck came loose and released twelve blow up sex dolls filled with helium, which floated up into the air. Ernie Jenkins, 32, of Fort Smith, who's been told by several of his friends that he looks like Jesus, pulled over and lifted his arms into the air in frustration, and said "Come back here," just as the Williams' car passed him. Mrs. Williams was sure that it was Jesus lifting people up into the sky as they passed by him, according to her husband, who says his wife loved Jesus more than anything else. When asked for comments about the twelve sex dolls, Jenkins replied "This is all just too weird for me. I never expected anything like this to happen."
  2. I'd be with ya on that one but sadly i never played Policenauts, so i missed out. My friend went ape shit over that one tho. As for part 2's girly posters...have you done that weird trick yet? Try lookin at the first poster, the one in the ship's locker room, in first person view. Zoom in on her...better qualities,and call Otacon. Fuckin hilarious.
  3. damn, Imam kept pushin Almost famous too, gonna have to see that one. Cant believe there's a Sorcese one i aint heard of - King of Comedy? Any details? Thinkin bout goin to see Ocean 11 this week, heard it was cool. Cant be too bad, havin Pitt, Damon an others in it. Last movies i saw that i really, really enjoyed were: Fight Club: If you didnt like this one, we probably woulndt get along well. If you stereotyped it as a "guy beat em up" flick, please, stop consuming. Youre the one who's puttin Britney Spears and N-Sync on the top of the charts, you fuck. Brazil - Been compared to Clockwork Orange, but i think it one ups it in every way. Terry Gilliian's more well known for the amazing 12 Monkeys, but this one is his best, by far. Check out De Niro as a rogue electrician. Patton - damn. What else has George C Scott done? This and Dr Strangelove made me really wanna see more of the guy. More movie recommendations to come.
  4. Goddamit Dan, this kids wont stop playin my Super Smash Bros Melee, ill never finish Metal Gear 2...almost had the endin ruined for me at a local comic shop, so nothing's safe these days. Ya know what sucks? If you wanna buy the figure of the Metal Gear Ray, a piece of it is in all 6 of the new figure set, so ya gotta play pokemon and catch em all. That sucks ass. You heard anythin bout Max Payne for PS2? If its a faithful translation, im gettin it for sure. Cant believe youre still on Ape Escape, thats funny. Timbo loved that one. One more thing: I can maybe get a burned, self-bootable copy of Rayman 2 if you cant find it anywhere. Played the demo & had fun, but i didnt get what everyone dug about it, guess i shoulda played more.
  5. Well, i forget much of MGS 1, lemme know what part youre at. If youre still stuck by next spring, remind me to bring my guide up with me, its great. If i recall, the stingers were just first-person shootin, right? Anyway, congrats on VR Missions, i didnt finish it - did ya open up the ninja? I played a bit with him, hes cool.
  6. Poor Bacchus, he banked on Azreal:AGENT OF THE BAT, and Stan "I created every comic! Gimme money!" Lee. Let the wonds heal, but if Frank Miller, Garth Ennis, Warren Ellis an such cant bring you back to the fold, nothin can. I conisder this a great day in comics: finally, good writing and art. Batman: Dark Knight Strikes Again, Origin, Punisher, Fury and other cool mature Marvel shit, the Ultimate series, Vertigo books like Transmetropolitan and Preacher from not too long back...i dont know if we can get much better than this, but i hope i'm wrong. Its just sad to see fewer and fewer folks readin books, unforgivin for crappy past books, while theyre overall gettin so much better.
  7. Yeah, Mike swears by Pearl Harbor, havta see that one soon. Eh...cant say if its historically accurate, but what did it say to not offend the japanese? "Sorry bout the whole 'nuking you that extra time' thing"?
  8. Hmm...guess it depends on the person, wheter they like action or comedy. I myself usually recommend Ninja Scroll - its a one shot with great animation, good dubbing, story, and badass action. Shame i cant get Carlo to see it, but i think its a great starter.
  9. Someone's just tryin to rack up posts.... Hey kitty you might wanna ask Timbo bout Blue Seed while youre at it, i dont know if he still has it but i reckon he saw an episode or two when his friend Rich worked at Suncoast; ive heard him mention it before.
  10. Heh, im bringin em back to the consoles, slowly but surely...hey Yahven, how bout Deus Ex on PS2? Argh. Maybe Max Payne will port good. Hey Iron Monkey, if we play D2, ya know you gotta start fresh with the rest of us, right? Either that or its back to "Wow, i almost killed somehtin that time. Thanks Chief." I only got till the 20th here in miami so if were doin this game, it oughta be soon.
  11. Nothin at all, im gettin into them lately too. No more openin each issue, and more importantly, they can often offer more material (See Imam's Kingdom Come hardcover with the extra ending). Only problem is, the TPB aint out till the series finishes. Now the patient man might make it to mid next year and get great Origin and DKSA trades, i gotta read em now, outta curiosity, need to read em before someone spoils it for me (has happened much before), and 'cause no one else in my room buys comics, so apparently its up to me. Anger.
  12. Well, i had a thorough review of Silent Hill 2, but that was lost in the great crash of...early december. It spanks Resident Evil in the horror department, great story, and damn scary if played in the dark. -Luigi's Mansion is fun, but short. Some replay value warrants a purchase, if ya wanna see what the gamecube can do, but folks have been known to sit down at my place for a while and beat it in almost one sitting, so it stands as an amazing rental, anyway. -Super Smash Bros: More addicting than the last, with far more throwbacks to the days of NES. Not only does hte multi-player function have tons of characters and levels to unlock, but the single player mode is completely redone: in adventrue mode, one must search a castle for the triforce before fighting Link and Zelda, or play through a level of Mario 1 before takin on the Bros and Peach. It adds a great deal of replay value; a must buy if you have a gamecube. -Metal Gear Solid 2 - Towers above the rest. Go read my review on the other page.
  13. Last movie i saw in theaters was Monsters Inc. Athena was right, it was fun. Mike Wizowski! Uhm...two thumbs up an alla that, if ya liked Shrek or Toy Story 2, go see it.
  14. Cant say i have, tho i told ya im fond of the former writer of Babylon 5, Micheal Stravensky. He's writin some great comics now. damn, did you go and piss off the trekkies? Thats pretty brave. Im stayin away from this one.
  15. I used to play Phantasy Star Online, then Sega caught onto people moochin free hours off their server..*sniff* Anyway, i hear the folks round here wanna get a diablo 2 game goin soon, anyone still up for that?
  16. For those wonderin what she's talkin bout, check out Paul Champagne's custom DVD boxes For hardcore DVD fans. Got me a personalized Clint Eastwood box for around ten bucks; helluva deal, great detail. The man also takes suggestions, so if youve always wanted a certain box set but gave in an bought the DVDs - knowin the ones you want are put out by different studios, thereby negatin any chance of a worthwhile set- you can email this guy, and he can possibly make one for ya. The one's he has there arent shabby either - De Niro, Star Wars, an incredible 007 box, even John Woo. PS Warner Bros crappy snap cases suck ass. Movies like Unforgiven and The Searchers deserve prestige format, anger.
  17. Hideo Kojima is a fuckin perfectionist with a sadomasticistic crew of programmers, and it shows in the meticulous attention to detail. Glad youre on bored, i can barely get Timbo to play....nah, im sure he's waitin on me to beat it. Congrats on beatin the old NES Metal Gear, that shit wasnt easy at all. Ever play part II? Thats where the real interestin shit started, Snake figurin out who FOXHOUND really is an all, tho not as much fun as the original. Hope Yahven gives it a fair shot, even the legendary Zelda 64 couldnt lure him back to consoles in the past... ???
  18. "Attention that i need"? Cmon now, just asked a question, didnt take me for the needy type alla sudden, did ya? And for what its worth, youre right on all 3. Good job. In order, itd prolly go Rio Bravo Searchers The Shootist, perhaps tyin for 2nd. Anyway...Matrix anime.
  19. Aside from puttin the Duke as an Irish boxer, The Quiet Man is also cool for the fight scene at the end, and the public spankin the lovely Maureen O' Hara got for talkin so much smack to her man. Shows even a romantic rugged cowboy can still lay the smack down when the leadin lady acts up. Seriously tho, good movie, a John Ford classic for sure. So then, what are my favorite duke movies, miss Mulan? This oughta be easy.
  20. Kitty you can read it as soon as ya like. Miller did but the credits go to Lyn Varley, who did much of DKR as well as 300, he works with Miller on Sin City as well. Those two have synergy on par with with Ennis & Dillon, tho Yahven complains this book is a lot less dark than its predessecor. Other than that, everyone who's read it has agreed: Not the same level as DKR, least not at this point, but a lot closer than expected.
  21. Fair enough...ya got thirty bucks you dont want? I aint even gotten paid yet...but yes, the DVD's yours if and when i buy that set, i just hate payin for a supplemental disc that shoulda been packaged in the initial realease.
  22. She loves horseys, plays gamecube with me, reads Gaiman/Ennis/Miller books, an seems to enjoy Duke movies. Best...girlfriend....ever.
  23. Thank ye lady Eyeore, id appreciate that. As for Yahven, its a shame that innovators get mocked/ripped so much, but that famous sweeping camera angle thing? Came from a Rolling Stones video. The story of Matrix? Borrowed heavily from a comic called "The Invisbles". Maybe Aadil's right, its hard to find completely new shit out there, just extremely well put together ideas borrowin from all the right places. Anyway, the new Matrix bonus DVD has at least a preview for its anime. I dont have high hopes; while i dig anime, i dont think a series would do justice, but im still curious.
  24. I've heard many around here nominate Soul Calibur. While i acknowledge the game has style, balance and replay value via side quest modes, i think its overplayed, and personally enjoy Smash Bros more - not just cause im good at it, but i dig the old nintendo shit. Anyway, just wanted to get this out there and see which one everyone thinks is king, I know i prolly missed a few, feel free to bitch if i did. PS Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat are left out due to lack of current game.
  25. Goddamn was that off-topic. Yeah, hopefully Yahven nails that "permission" problem soon. As for miam's cesspool, our R&B aint bad most times, but our rap is shit a majority of it. I seriously think Ja Rule & DMX are overrated, but i dig Jay-Z. Despite Bacchus' rants, there is good rap out there, we just dont play it much here. Our alternative is decent, tho Zeta is always playin "Jeremy" (ugh) when i turn it on, which is rarely since im usualy with Big 106 Classic Rock. But we arent without our Cake, least in my room. Congrats on the show and meetin the band, glad to hear which groups are good live vs the many who arent. Youre a lucky one...did you notice there's two versions of there last video, "Short skirt, long jacket"? Theyre both fuckin hilarious. Uh...back to MGS...this seris kicks the shit outta most games out there, glad to see someone else is onto it. A warnin tho Danny, i hear even the instruction manual spoils some of the great plot twists. In all honesty, i could write an essay on all the cool innovative shit in part 1 and what ive played of 2 so far; cant wait to see this funky endin i keep hearin bout. Timbo, GT3 aside, your PS2 is a dvd player/paperweight without this game.
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