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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. The verdict is in... Initially, the book heightens my fear of sequels to this great a book. Sure, i read Batman: Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, Preacher etc and say "damn i want more!" but i have to respect phenomenal writing and well done endings. In my eye, poor sequels do not diminish their superior predecessors; one can always cover his ears and yell "LALALA IM NOT LISTNEING" and such. Such was my concern for Batman:DKSA. The book is a hefty eight bucks, but double sized. The lenght is a great shift from the recent Marvel Ultimate books, which while great reads, have somewhere around 20 pages or so an issue, minus all the adds. Yahven's made the point about Kevin Smith's Green Arrow: cliffhangers are interestin, but people are startin to read comics mostly in trade paperback format 'cause the month to month wait for a tidbit (See "Origin") is harsh. The art hasnt changed a notch since DKR in the eighties. Some will see this as stagnation; i see this as appropriate. Even Frank Miller's superb narraration would be awkward next to, say, Jim Lee or Alex Ross' art. Good pace, clever foreshadowing, politics and society satire..its all back. Being that this is only issue 1 of 3, im not entirely comfortable reviewin it just yet, but i did so to say this: the potential to do what a sequel to this book should is very much there. The end has you cursing its bimonthly release, but ive never been as excited about some of what i consider to be DC's weaker characters. I'll say more as the series progresses, but you will not be disappointed.
  2. Hmm..while Yahven's got me on the "support consoles!" idea, one of the strong cases against the box is that it clearly is a beat system, and that kinda shit is mean to fans, even when sega did it. Everyone in this industry knows you dont profit on systems - hell, sony takes a dive on each unit sold - its the software that sells, and the consumers like it this way. I got pissed by watchin Microsoft swear it was a console and not a PC box, then tellin 3rd party companies "just port your PC games over!". I got pissed watchin their gestapo tactic bullshit by lining EB's pockets, and subsequently hearin employee's singing the system's prasie and the death of gamecube/PS3/whatever was yet to come. It mgiht be seen as smart business, but it makes me nauseous in the PC realm; i cant stand seein it in my console arena. I've read th press releases on the next ultimate console microsoft plans on wiring to your TV/PC/Toaster etc, and it reeks of R&D to me, with no more focus on minor elements like gameplay. I get happy knowin people like Shingeru Miyamoto (Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, every NES & SNES game you liked) doesnt care if he's viewed as a "kiddy" programmer as long as the level structure and games are overall fun. We lost track of that notion a while back, and now that its here - now that i can play a "kiddy" fighter like Super Smash Melee and then to pop in Metal Gear Solid 2 - here's this conglomerate that has no love for these ideas at all. On the lighter side...I support Yahven's ambitious idea; i recall readin somewhere that anyone employed by microsoft (on a certain level) around the early 80's is now well into six digit+ figures. Here's to hopin the "guy on the couch" gets far richer than the lot of us and maybe even buys back alla food he bummed, in spades.
  3. Silly Kittens. They have me see movies like What Women Want, Family Guy, Serendipidy, and then i gotta come back on this board and pretend i didnt like them girly movies. "Whats that? No, tonite i saw...uhm..."True Grit"! Yes, again!"
  4. Heh...damn, was close. Lucky Charms is close, but i couldnt resist... Almost voted german, but i at least got defladermaus, bergen ze doich, Danke schoen, Got in Himnel, Fraulen, Heil!, etc. Ze Reich vill last un zousand years!! PS what bout m'boy Wolverine, Mini me, Toad, Costanza, and Luis?
  5. At DVDEmpire.com, make a purchase, then enter promotional code 43451 to save two bucks; their prices are fair on some stuff. Anyway coupon expires tomorrow, just thought id put it out there.
  6. Right, so does anyone have Matrix Revisited, or know someone with it? Cmon, you gotta be curious bout this one. Oh,and once again, anime im tryin to see if anyone out there has it: Iniyasha (ive heard too much bout it) Berserk El Hazard Golgo 13: Queen Bee Ninja Scroll Ressurection 2
  7. Put out by my friend Gabe; i wont ask where he found it. Enjoy, folks. Japan gets even for Nagasaki
  8. For what its worth, Super Smash Bros won out tonite...was all happy 'cause i got Jigglypuff, but got my ass beat my piece o shit Dr Mario...anger. Thats so sad, too. On the NES version all that druggy did was pop pills...
  9. Yeah, please do...Aadil that UN Class you mentioned, the teacher aint in my listings, and im worried if ya heard shes a bitch...ask around bout her when you get a chance, ill check with the dpt.
  10. To quote Carlo & Yahven on the ol' forum (R.I.P)... ...that's why i love her.
  11. ...surpirsed ya left out yer boy Gaiman... And dont remind me or Aadil of the shiftin-thru-the-crap stages, I still get quesy around Spider-clones.
  12. This from the girl who had me watch "Simply Irresistable"...the wounds are still healin...
  13. Esca's badass, took a beatin from Lizzy and Mulan 'cause it didnt end the way they wanted, but great nonetheless. I hear Berserk is good too, but Imam said if i dig Esca i oughta try El Hazard, so thats next on the list.
  14. FIU Teacher Evalvs Be forewarned, it took me a bit of work to find this link, and sadly its only the 1998 results, so new teachers - or those that got shitty recently - wont be here. If anyone finds a more current year, by all means lemme know; hope this helps tho.
  15. So far, its surpassed the hype. Plot twists, innovation, attention to detail, amazing soundtrack score, voice acting - infuckingcredible. Ive got two new gamecube games - Super Smash Bros & Pikmin, expect to hear more on em later - and i'm kinda torn. This game is superb, thus far. As usual, ill put up a review when i'm done...a few folks have told me the endin is more complicated than Evangelion, but i really went for Eva and its endin, so we'll see. Thus far: If you have a PS2 without this game, you might as well sell it and go buy a hello kitty lunchbox or some shit instead, 'cause your wastin the system (lookin at Timbo here). If you dont have a PS2, this, and possibly FF X might be enough reason to get one.
  16. Lemme know when ya got it figured out; i cant seem to get back into the philosophy forum to comment - and i moderate there, thats sad... PS On that note, let it never be said you cant get ahead in life by peeing on things.
  17. It comes out today! Part I of III...cant fuckin wait to go pick it up. Ill be back with a review (oughta be a board for game/movie/comic/music reviews)
  18. Hey, i once read this one on the net about a preist, a rabbi and FUCK X-BOX! Piece o' shit not only helped get Sega's legendary Dreamcast off the market, bought up Shenmue 2 so a buncha PC dorks can not appreciate the game, knowinlgy shipped defective units...ok fine, its not that terrible a system but it aint for me, and the admin puttin it in the title of the general forum was out of spite I SAY SPITE for the most frequent user of his old forum. I mean, what did i do? Troll a lil, sure, but dont we all? PS Yahven its good etiquette for you and other moderators to name a space like this "The Crap Shack" or somethin similar, so all trolls and other BS posts that bother you can, rather than be deleted, simply be moved into this dark corner, away from the public eye. Just a thought. Let the bullshitting flow.
  19. OK, even tho i moderated here on the old site, should anyone want/deserve this one, ill share with em. Sure its Yahven's decision, but this is somethin resemblin a democracy, so should he make the wrong choices here, we can always behead 'im. So who wants what?
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