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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. What does it have to do with Rising Stars? Prolly not gonna see it anyway, but if youre gonna spoil stuff be sure to mark it.
  2. Jinx TPB was good stuff, was curious bout the spinoff of Goldfish. Kinda wish id've added Peter Milligan now that i'm all caught up on X-Force with him and Mike Allered (Madman, the comic, not the troll), didnt read much of him back in his Vertigo days of "Shade: The changing Man" but X-Force is unlike most Marvel books ive read...really fun stuff, tho i admit at times i'm readin it just for Doop.
  3. Nah, Jerry Sigel & Shuster (sic) had the Superman name down from early on, i read bout that. As for bein 2nd rate, yeah DC really got goin at the end of the 30's, whereas Marvel got on its feet in the 60's. Nevermind DC's owned by AOL/Time Werner... Just wanted to mention alla that & drop a new weapon for the shit-tossin contest in Stan Lee's favor...:ill: PS it aint over. Accordin to Dccomics.com, he's still got Shazam, Aquaman, Catwoman, Crisis, and finally, Sandman ( ! ) before his reign of terror ends. The horror...
  4. ? Fuck me, Glenn Farby has a website? Why cant i find it? Argh, gimme a link KOS! Please? Sounds cool tho, cant say ive seen Farby do the interior of many books...again, i bought Outlaw Nation largely just 'caus of his covers. Just picked up the trade of Authority 1-7 or so, bout time i finally got into that series.
  5. Cmon, folks - Artistic? Yahven? Bacchus? At least drop Bendis a vote for Ultimate Spidey, which you all read, if nothin else.. PS KOS lets hear yours too.
  6. Alright then...so what else oughta be mentioned in the description? I rather like the current one, tho it reaks of Unbreakable, i dig it (doenst hurt that i wrote it). Perhaps folks want a mention of "a world where comics are feared & hated"...?
  7. Was hopin noboby'd notice that detail, leave it to chrpnbrd to point it out... Hoo-yah! That means i get to abuse the stunt doubles, sit in the fancy chair & cuss at the cast, whilst bacchus gets to aimlessly wander in the background with some variation of a nervous twitch!
  8. I heard Dillon's workin on somethin with someone else, i wanna say Azarello. Rumored he'd be on Authority, not sure if that's still true. Stimpy, what was your favorite War Story? Mine had to be D-Day Dodgers. Does everyone else think Fury and Punisher were stale? I used to read the older books for those 2 alla time, and i can honestly say i dont think i say em more well done. Was kinda hopin Fury'd turn into a monthly series... Oh, and for those interested in Punisher during Garth's hiatus (until issue 13 or so i hear), dont be, its complete and utter shit..."taxi wars"...:ill:
  9. Argh....our good friend Varley jumps the gun a bit. Here's the thing: round here, and most other places i assume, folks are lazy. They hate the idea of somethin new, most times. And theyre quite comfy with treatin comics like kiddie shit. Now, granted, many previous superhero books were just that, and helped earn the title. While i believe many greats helped weave the mythology that weve built, many, many more clones helped dumb it down. Ask any other comic fan durin the 80's: with few exceptions, lackluster/mediocrity ruled. Art was often used to save a book, rather than accentuate/complete it. Twas sad. Nowadays, shit's different - aside from the glory that is the Vertigo imprint (and many other great human books out there), the superheroes are on their way. New X-Men & Amazing Spider-Man, the Ultimate series of books, etc - these characters havent been half as good since their heyday (Cleremont doin the Phoenix Saga, Spidey vs all the original villians, etc). Serioulsy, if youre not readin some of those, youre not readin superhero books. I tend to agree with Kevin Smith: human books are meant to be another genre of sorts, but not to overthrow superhero books. If those come off cheezy, simply put new, competent writers/artists on em, dont simply abandon the idea. I was ready to give up on X-Men long before Grant Morrison showed up, but damned if he didnt make it one of the titles i count the days for. Anyway, i go for the popular titles 'cause i also want it to be approachable to most folks, who only know Batman through the movies (and hopefully the ealier ones), who know of the X-Men via the saturday mornin cartoon. Sure, they know of Superman, but if i title this place "Apokolips" or somethin inside like that, theyre gonna avoid it like it says "Anthrax inside". No, i dont expect many non-comic folk to wander thru here, but im optomistic...kinda like Xavier, eh? Well, Varley's right on Rising Stars, but id honestly say he's missin out, as would anyone who rights off the old books 'cause they sucked so long. Try some of em out, i assure you ya wont be dissapointed. PS Looks like Xavier's takin it so far...hey, whose the 2nd person who said theyd answer down here?
  10. That's one of the best revenge films ive seen. Ill wait to see the new Monte Cristo before i comment tho, Im curious bout Guy Pierce since Momento. I still think the fact that movie had so many stars in it is pivotal to the six degrees of Kevin Bacon...you mustve liked De Niro as the priest.
  11. Fortress of Solitude = isolated dork corner, which i wasnt shootin for. Good name, i granted you that, but not what i had in mind....we'll see, im not completely set on the idea, otherwise i woudlnt have another poll, i guess. Thanks for the vote tho, lets get the others out now. Was gonna advertise this in general, but im not sure...maybe just the comic folk who stray over this way should have some say in it.
  12. Ok folks, last go at the finalists: all i ask is sersiously, explain your vote if ya can. Once again, my goals for this corner arent just to get us to BS bout comics, but also to attempt to justify them as a legitmate art form, as well as help others like-minded to know what's good and what aint. Phrases like "The Batcave is just fuckin cool" are alright, but seriously, get into why its cool for this place. Lemme know, people, or its just gonna be my totalitarian ass pickin it at random.
  13. Alright, new thread for the names finalists, gotta stop bein @#$%in indecisive here i guess. As for the original topic tho - Artistic, ya still wanna co-moderate? Im up for it, but ya gotta behave, no kickin folks out an all. Be room for one more if someone meets the criteria too, lemme know folks: i dont mind hoggin this corner, but id love to see fellow comic dorks startin new threads as well. PS Poll-of-the-week is "Best New Comic Writer", took me some time but i like how it came out, so get to it.
  14. A response! That's good. Yeah, my choices are similar: its really down to Smith vs Strazinsky tho im leanin towards the latter. I too enjoy Smith's dialogue, but there's more of Amazing Spidey, Rising Stars, Midnight Nation etc than Smith's short stint on Daredevil (granted, i thought it was the best the book's seen since Frank Miller) and Green Arrow. New X-Men makes me want to consider Morisson, just like Origin hypes Jenkins, but i the end, its lookin to be Strazinsky. PS havin actually talked to Bendis, i can verify the guy's actually pretty cool, not as big an asshole as some make him out to be. Also one of the best dialogue writers out there, tho not my personal favorite.
  15. Sounds like gold. Does it have bat-nipples? Fuck, wish you'da said ya needed bottles before, just thru out a lotta dork party leftovers...ah well. Anyway, think i have somethin friday nite but i forget what, so fuck it - count me in. Ill try to round up a few folks round here too if at all possible, god knows id like to help anythin resemblin good film.
  16. Big money, big money, no whammies, no....FUCK!
  17. Vinyl's got its charm, but i never thought bout durability as a factor....its assumed hardcore collecters havta have records only. I go for either, cant distinguish a real quality difference from what ive heard. As for science & religion....guess im part o' that ignorance then, creationism & natural selection strike me as oil & water, but that's the kinda mess we handle in the Lyceum, i wont have it trickle down there. :darwin: Octodius, ya really want best albums and best singles? That'll take folks a while.
  18. Christ...dont push me, you crazy bastards, that's a temptin title.
  19. Fair enough. But without further spoilin the flick, when else did ya see Norton fight in AHX? Great flick, but i dont recall him fightin very much...
  20. Men, you know the drill. Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your fondness for a significant other by showering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and any other baubles that women find romantic. Every Valentines day you rack your brains for that one special, unique gift that will show your wife or girlfriend that you really do love them more than any other. Now ladies, I'll let you in on a little secret; guys really don't enjoy this that much. Sure seeing that smile on your face when we get it right is priceless, but that smile is the result of weeks of blood, sweat and consideration. Another secret; guys feel left out. That's right, there's no special holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proud or too embarrassed to admit it. Which is why a new holiday has been created. "March 20th" is now officially Steak and Blowjob Day. Simple, effective and self explanatory, this holiday has been created so you ladies finally have a day to show your man how much you love him. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town; the name of the holiday explains it all, just a steak and a BJ. That's it. Finally, this twin pair of Valentine's Day and Steak and Blowjob Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere try THAT much harder in February to ensure a memorable 'March 20th'. Its like a perpetual love machine! The word is already beginning to spread, but as with any new idea, it needs a little push to start the ball rolling. So spread the word, and help bring love and peace to this crazy world. And, of course, Steak and BJs.
  21. Just wanted to see of those keepin up with current comics, who's liking who. Granted, i reached a bit at times - the last few names are a bit green to be on the list, but then Grant Morrisson isnt exactly new, but New X-Men is just too badass these days not to put him on. Oh, and Ennis aint on so he doesnt automatically steal my vote & that of our Preacher's Divinity folk. Anyway, lemme know what ya think people, im tryin to keep these polls to around once a week to give em a lil bit of time before theyre buried. PS My vote & explanation when im doin figurin out who gets it..man, theyre's some good names there.
  22. Yeah, im with Junker here - Norton was a tough Nazi who made folks bite the curb & all, but Pitt was a hardass bareknuckle boxer who not only knocked folks out in a few hits, but took em extremely well, too. Two very different movies, granted, but in a fight id see it hard to defend Norton...and im not even gettin into AHX's shower scene :ill:
  23. Eh...either way, thanks for the play-by-play rundown Benny, that was cool.
  24. I know, but...Yahven, really. He wanted it to fit the deity theme of the forum, and i just cant do that. I think Xavier's would be more effective if i made the description fit the title, then - explainin it to serve as justifyin comics in society. Ok then, of those finalists, which would ya go with: if not Xavier's Institute, then Batcave, Danger Room, or Hall of Justice?
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