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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Uh...those are all on my Netflix list, um, yeah. PS Resident Evil, baby! That shit was surprisingly better than i figured, tho Millia Jockovich jump-kickin a demon dog was one of the scariest parts, for me. :scared: :ill: Junker, which would you see was the best on that list? Oh, and also, apparently there's gonna be one called "Insomnia" with Robin Williams + Al Pacino! - so m'boys back in the saddle again, finally...whats it been, a few years since "Any Given Sunday"? PS For Yahven...
  2. No, its allowed, but for what its worth, all music comes and goes in trends. Rap was much bigger in the early 90's then now, as was grunge. Punk was larger in early 80's, while Jazz hasnt been mainstream since about WW II or so. These things come & go in trends, it happens. Im not necessarily defendin boy bands here, but it seems to be the current form of pop music, largely, and while pop might be on its way out the door in the comin year or so, i question what'll replace it....back to R&B? House or some other domesticated form of techno? Its interestin to watch, but far better to pick & choose what ya liked of each trend & just explore, i think.
  3. PS in response to Artistic's vote for an artistic name...
  4. Some good techno calls all around. Havta check out High Noon, i love DJ Shadow's "Midnite in a perfect world", happy to see someone else mention Fluke as well. I do agree with Yahven tho; Orbital's Halcyon + on + on deserves a higher spot. Oh, and Chincane...i cant thank Spiffytee enough for introducin me to em. SOF - youre dead on with Saltwater, only one i like more is called "Offshore", fuck its good. Any other good Chicane tracks? I hear they mixed BT's "Flaming June", another good one.
  5. Any ROMs in particular? Ive lost many since my ol' drive died (R.I.P.), but still have a few from Yahven's Red-Eye days. Lemme know, ill email em to ya if i have em.
  6. Mmmm.....hentai. Wha? Argh. Ok fine just for Alita & her new reign over this corner...
  7. Ok, here's the thing...im lookin for a somewhat clever name as well. See, it needs to be easily recognizable, but also help serve the purpose of this corner's existence....I do like the Fortress, but it sounds like just me here if i do that, which is kinda sad -we broke 100 here today, dammit! Danger Room works, strikes me as a good surname for Fight Club but i guess it works. I personally liked Xavier's Institute 'cause it recent comics, its a sanctuary for mutants (how's that for comic fans? ha..), but more importantly, it exists to justify the existence of its group = ie, im tryin to justify comics as a legitimate art form here... But then, Some folks seem to like the Batcave or the Hall of Justice 'cause theyre classic comic place names, and i cant deny that either. Hate bein indecisive like this, mind ya - ive been told to just alternate the forum's name, but dont like that either. Fear not, i think its down to those contenders, will decide soon. PS Sincerely, thanks to everyone who offered suggestions, they were all pretty cool, except "Men in Tights"
  8. Benny, was that the car Spiffy used to jack when you were up in NH? If so, i barely knew her, but im sad to see her go. ???
  9. Hmm..Link's still had a lot more battle experience/games, but then its been a different link (ancestor) in some of em...so we determined Link has some elemental magic, and Max has Egress (an effective escape spell), right? Anythin else or just theire weapons & innate magic?
  10. "Satan squatted, let out a loaf, they put a fuckin title on it, put it in a marquee..." Christ, i sometime forget how much i love Bill Hicks. Once again, somethin i wasnt aware of that Preacher introduced me to....the man was a sage. KOS, how'd you hear of him?
  11. PS You know bout the GI Joe thing most likely 'cause i mentioned it to you; if you recall, i said even he says it sucks, he just reads it in hope it will stop suckin soon. If youre gonna use things i tell you against me like that, which is kinda low, at least get em right. Anyway. Artistic, what did ya like bout the series that you'd use/what didnt you like that kept you from watchin the rest of the series you were into?
  12. No, now i think ill take my time, thanks. I made 2 comments in this post: one askin bout this Mr Satan, the other a quick joke bout underdogs. If i did say DBZ sucks - which i didnt - id say it with pride, again and again, 'cause its my view, and im free to say so. Aint you or anyone else gonna say otherwise, either. Ill walk on when im good & damn ready. Ya might notice i didnt say dick here bout the series itself.
  13. Hmm...does Max have his army? Also, Link kinda varies from game-to-game...does he have Epona? 'Cause if he's on horseback, itd be pretty rough. Not to mention, the final form of link - this god mask at the end of Majora's Mask - made him one bad mofo. Junker - good point. Sucks to wait one's turn.
  14. Is...is that thing doin the Elvis hip shake? :ill: Anyway, all im sayin is if one intends to change enough of the character's details, ya might as well just call it a whole new character: for instance, that guy's Zabel, not "Blue Beetle...TO THE EXTREME!!"
  15. Guess not...hey isnt the fight over? Couldve sworn i saw a quick clip of it at the gym...if so, who won anyway?
  16. The hell does DBZ havta do with...ne'ermind, walkin right past it. PS Yahven if ya read this - when we get some more room to host on this here board, can we toss up that DBZ Fight Club video? That shit was cool.
  17. Oh yeah, on that note...no fuckin way id put DMX up there, hes alright but way to played. Jay-Z gets played worse but damn, the man's got more talent. Cant say who'd win in a freestyle competition, but Jay alla way.
  18. He-Man...i gots no idea, im afriaid it'd just end up like GI Joe. Superman & Fantastic Four have both been well done before - Supes had "Man for All Seasons" mini-series, his John Byrne relaunch in the 80's, Death of Superman, and most recently, Action Comcis # 775, maybe the best Superman story ive read, outside of that Hitman one. FF got done decently by Jim Lee in Heroes Reborn: i actually read the fuckin book, so that says a lot. Guess its all up to the writers/artists and equally important, how much the editors allow em to fuck with. Look at Green Arrow/Daredevil/soon to be Black Cat - editors take weak characters & let Kevin Smith go nuts on em, he keeps some continuity but makes em top 5 bestsellers everytime. But your boy Zabel the UK homo there....he might need a complete re-design. :ill:
  19. Depends on what youve got to work with, and i guess on who re-does it. The original Wolvy was kinda gay, nothin spectacular bout him at all. A handfull of great writers like Chris Cleremont (back in the day), Larry Hana, even John Byrne (ugh) made him the badass he is today, with a great story behind him - even Paul Jenkins' Origin is makin him a more likable character. I think its tricky - how much of the character is set in stone, ya know? If ya wanna redo Prime, that's fair i guess - he looks sucky and he's a dime-a-dozen cheezy Superman/Captain Marvel rip, but you can change alla that. Now, to change a character i personally think sucks like Lobo...he has too much behind him already; alter alla that, and youre lookin at a whole new character entirely. Personally, i think Blue Beetle'd work great as a pardoy book like Deadpool. Anyway, im votin yes 'cause comic writers over the last few writers have salvaged some suck-ass characters & turned em around, and i respect that.
  20. I go for Paladin-type characters; theyre not massive, just skilled fighters. I dig the fact that they arent very good at magic either, but learn a few practical spells of healin to help themselves out - Cheify tells me the Diablo 2 one can learn some badass defensive spells; thats what im talkin bout. Rangers sound like fun too but not sure if they have too much purpose...anyway, paladins or that type if theyre available, usually. PS this aint no crap topic...TD, ya mind if this is moved to video games? Up to you...
  21. Hee hee...and I can edit anyone here, even artistic, to be nice to people. ah, the power, it's infectious... PS dont have fights down here between characters few respect vs animated mice and expect a serious discussion.
  22. I think it was what i heard Satcha say: Harding trained for the Olympics, so she's gotta be kinda fit, or at least have more stamina then the bicycle. PS both these women are nassy.
  23. Well, i was bout 4 when my brother took me to Beefsteak Charlie's & put me on a barstool to play Pac-Man. I recall lovin it, along with Donkey Kong, Q*Bert, and Frogger. We later got an Atari, got those games as well as Pitfall!, Miner 2049er, Tennis, Pole Position, etc but i never got to play em much 'cause i had 2 older brothers at the time hoggin it. Later on down the road, Jaimey moved out & i got his brand-new Sega Master System. I played the hell outta Hang-On and Safari Hunt, and since i was workin for my family's business, startin pickin up older classics for that system such as Fantasy Zone (an R-type shoot-em-up) and Alex Kidd in Mircale World. I was always jealous of the kids on the block with an NES tho, admiteddly: i was dyin to play Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Metal Gear, Punch-Out!!, Golgo 13, Catelvania 2, Kid Icaurs, etc at home rather than moochin. But what really sealed the deal for my favorite genre was when i got a Genesis for christmas (bought it myself, natch), and got Phantasy Star II with it. Went headfirst into RPG's and never came back, i guess. Didnt play my first PC game (outside of 5 minutes of Wolfstein 3D) until college, tho i was so damn curious as to how people could play against one another from different places. Tried Ultima Online & hated it, then Yahven got me onto Quake II, while Chiefy here & TD got me all about Diablo. Havent played many PC games since, but i cant wait for City of Heroes - i cant deny the charm of MMORPG's anymore, not since Sega loaded up Phantasy Star Online . ..uh, thats more than anyone wanted to hear, but there it is. PS I really like video games. I'm a dork who dont care.
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