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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Of the new guys, ive taken a likin to (in addition to Junker's mentions): Guy Ritchie: For bringin back the caper movie; yeah, the guy used to direct car commercials, but fuck, even his openin credits are just cool. He's done Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch thus far. David Fincher: Ill let Junker describe him, so far I've seen his Se7en, The Game, and of course Fight Club....the man can do no wrong (outside of Alien 3...???). Here's to hopin that movie about a room that's comin out soon is good, too. Side note: its rumored he was lookin at a script called "The Sky is Falling", a controversial piece about an assasian dispatched to the vatican itself to deal with certain clergy who've dug up the church's dirty lil secret: jesus never came back from the dead. Shit, toss Fincher's boy Pitt into that one and i cant see it as anythin but great. Mel Gibson: Yeah, for Braveheart alone, but The Patriot wasnt bad either. I cant recall the other flick he did, i just got kinda excited when i heard he was thinkin bout a remake of "Fahrenheit 451). Ive taken a likin to Randall Wallace as a screenwriter, as well. Need to look more into people like Bryan Singer, but i did think it was cool as shit to find out that David Hayter wrote X-Men and its forcomin sequel (Hayter's the voice-over for Solid Snake in the Metal Gear Solid series).
  2. Oh, if its the lamers fatalities were talkin bout... its a tie. 1) The SNES censored MK 1, where Johnny Cage opts for kickin his foot into the enemies' chest, wigglin it around a bit, and they drop dead, assumably from foot odor or somethin. Vs 2)MK 1 again, but for Genesis: the sound & graphics were awful. Kano's classic rip-your-heart-out fatality in pixelated 16-bit ended up lookin like he pulled a bright red fishy outta your chest, looked even funnier as it wiggled its tail (?) back n' forth till the screen went black. Man, those sucked. On a side note...anyone ever play MK2 in the arcades when it was still on version 1.1 (first release)? It was quickly recalled & replaced with newer versions when it was discovered that skilled players could actually perform a bablity (turnin thier enemy into a wee baby), then fatality em, which was really nasty...:ill:
  3. I think Yahven has some of it...as i recall its not terribly long, ill look into it for ya.
  4. Ha..i remember that 'n from back on the Preacher board. Jesus, is that a fruedian slip.... ...40 cunts...? :p
  5. Good idea. 1)I forget which one (help me out here, Junker) but one of the older Green Day albums - think it was Dookie? - had a hiden track way at the end, great lil ditty called "I was all by myslef", i believe. 2)NIN - Broken (the classic follow-up to Pretty Hate Machine, an album everyone should own) has 2 "easter eggs" as i recall - tracks 98 & 99, lil while after the 6th track ends, have "Physical (You're So)" and "Suck". Ill see if i can recall/dig up s'more.
  6. Hey not necessarily sluts ya know...I like your pick of Cameron Diaz, tho. I got one better 'n her tho... Yeah, thats pretty much it. Im secretly a bigger fan of eyes, then boobies. Mmm...boobies. :D :kitty:
  7. A crusty old man walks into a bank and says to the woman at the teller window "I want to open a damn checking account," The astonished woman replies, "I beg your pardon, sir. I must have misunderstood you. What did you say?" "Listen up, damnit. I said I want to open a damn checking account now!" "I'm very sorry sir, but that kind of language is not tolerated in this bank." The teller leaves the window and goes over to the bank manager to inform him of her situation. The manager agrees that the teller does not have to listen to that foul language. They both return to the window and the manager asks the old geezer, "Sir, what seems to be the problem here?" "There is no damn problem," the man says. "I just won 50 million bucks in the damn lottery and I want to open a damn checking account in this damn bank." "I see," says the manager, "and is this bitch giving you a hard time?"
  8. So, wait, its the Rock & Ultimate Warrior Vs The Bad Guy & who? Miko?
  9. Argh without havin seen it, that series kinda offends me, its not Jubei... Ninja Scroll, Ninja Scroll Ressurection: those are Jubei. Its a bloody action series, not cute chan girls...anger. Anyway, Mulan (:kitty:) says she likes it too so it can be bad, just bastardized...
  10. No...theyre just fictional characters in movies. :p PS Wolvy looks cool in that pic, eh?
  11. Silly :kitty:. 'Cause, especially a few years down the road, ya dont really want the nice guy, that's why.
  12. May not always agree with ya, machine, but here's one for ya anyway.
  13. I couldnt agree more...you seen much on Xenosaga? Ive got the trailer(s) for download under another post here in this forum with a much better bandwith...ive gotten them all now; you should at least check out the 1st 1 if not 2 if ya can; part 3 is all in Japanese with no subs (where's Chihiro? Need translator!). Batlte system looks cool too...if ya have a hard time, lemme know. Also check The GIA's Xenosaga preview (careful for spoilers)
  14. ...Didn't she? DIDN"T SHE?!?! psycho bitch.
  15. No, one of em has a cape & a coke problem; the other has a high-pitced voice due to excessive estrogen & was once caught down a back alley with his hand down goofy's pants. 2 different mice. PS dont smoke crack.
  16. Hey if youre havin the black backups fight, shouldnt it be War Machine Vs Steel? VS
  17. Fish like :darwin: or go find it? or did you mean like finish it? Cause i still think its a cool idea.
  18. I dunno...how is the BK interior/setup that different from McDonals? Ya mean the playpen or wha?
  19. damn Will, looks like youre havin a good time. Howre the Red Eye guys? Theyre good guys. Lemme know if ya get any more cool shit, still havin fun with your "Cyk's freestyle" over here. Never heard of that other LAN but it sounds pretty cool....you hear bout the computer Tim (Mulan's other brother) got? Freakin thing's got a DVD burner, ya need to check it out... hope to see ya soon Will, take it easy man. PS That level looks pretty cool, show me the rest of it sometime. PPS Yahven move this thread into Q32DM4 The Edge when ya get a chance if its alright, want TD, Chief & others to see it down there.
  20. Look, just 'cause you dont understand somethin...i mean, fuck, the girl had metal in her hair, that psycho bitch. They shoulda killed her. Why cant you see? Also, if one stays dilligent, Judo teaches one how to swat pesky ninjas out of the air.
  21. Ha...no problem Benny, any time, but it dont grow on trees, now.. yeah, bout that. Put it this way: Benny sends me $100, gets back $96.50 or so, so it's not a whole helluva lot if you need the money that bad, i guess.
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