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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Timed mine? crap, that sucks. Forthcoming poll idea: the single worst/hardest RPG dungeon/level of all time. Thanks again KOS, damn sounds cool now, gonna get back into that one soon. Octopus - Kartia, is that the one like FF Tactics? Again, i initially left Tactics alone till Kee got me into it, it was the best strategy game i played since the Shnining Force series. Is Kartia like that? Tell me a lil bout that game, dont know much bout it.
  2. damn, KOS, here i was all happy 'cause Mulan just got me Final Fantasy Chronicles (FF IV & Chrono Trigger), now youre gonna get me back into Vagrant Story... Thanks a lot man, i really appreicate it. Soon as my papers are done this weekend i'm gonna try to give it another go; again, the plot/dialogue seemed badass, dyin to see how it ties up.
  3. Yeah, that sounds like the area im in...pretty early on, im guessin. Ill havta load up the game to recall, pretty sure i was somehow fightin uphill against this guy who was whippin me or somethin...
  4. Majora's Mask is possibly even better than Zelda 64, might wanna give it a chance if ya can. Ill havta look up that ROM for Terranigma; far as Vagrant Story goes tho - I heard tons about it, finally picked it up & loved the storyline (as well as all the bosses, natch) but i must be doin somethin wrong, i get a lil into the game (finally got outside of the original dungeon) and im gettin housed by a few gaurds, despite my efforts to construct a great weapon & armor, much less the attack/counter moves id learned...i wanna play that game so bad, but dont wanna start over, least of all not knowin what i did wrong. Gonna havta buy the guide for that one, one day. PS KOS, did ya know they actually sell Ashley's necklace in Japan?
  5. Not sure if this'll work, but... For those that use Half.com - its a great site to find used books, games, DVD's etc - I recently let them merge my half account with my ebay one, and they sent me a coupon for $5 off my next purchase of $20 or more; not sure if others can use it but i dont see why not, so here ya go: In your shopping cart, enter: halfebay5 Hope that works. PS If ya need somethin to spend it on, I'd like "True Romance" or "Hard Boiled: Criterion Collection" on DVD, thanks.
  6. Again, i agree with KOS - VII's better than VIII, at least as far as the ever-important battle system goes. X's worth the wait, but if ya can, consider gettin IX even if its a bit of a hike - its more like the old school ones ya missed out on, but definitely one of my favorites of the series. Id tell ya to go pick up FF Anthology & Chronicles to play those old-school ones, but if ya didnt play them in their time...i just dont think theyd hold up well. For instance, i think FF V is ok, but if it was released here in the states back when it was supposed to - almost ten years ago, i think? - id've prolly joined many folks in heralding it as a classic. PS...its comin, and its gonna be online...
  7. And now, some visuals of the Aussie battle... Vs
  8. Already? The ballots arent all in! ...did you people not see my bird? Go look again. Its at the top.
  9. Yes, folks, i assure you, our fine friend Benny here has taken advantage of this service plenty.... :plain:
  10. Keanu's bi? didnt know that...you sure? All these pretty boys (exception of Brad Pitt)...ah well, at least Mulan likes cool guys like Hugh Jackman.
  11. Oh! Crowe in LA Confidential...ok. Hmm, he was tough, but how's he stand a chance aginst Mad Max?
  12. Are they the ones doin "Ice Age"? That one looks kinda funny.
  13. I...i wanna vote, but somethin tells me i gotta see "The Enforcer" first, or it aint right. ???
  14. Sure, its a wanky dumb question, but if there had to be one song you'd say was yours - be it for personal definition or simply just your favorite goddamn song of all time - what would it be? There's quite a few that get me goin, from Classic Rock on up to contemporary shit, but if it had to be one, id go with Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird. How bout the rest of ya?
  15. But...but there's no pictures? None?? I...i dont understand... :scared: :emotions: Bah, youll get your chance when I'm livin spittin distance from your home. Dont think i havent noticed those salesmanship skills Service Merchandise imbued ya with.
  16. I agree. Sadly tho, i lean towards the latter. Idealism is important; people need somethin to strive for. Complacency leads to stagnation. Again, in reality, even tho he owned a large ranch, it's said that the Duke secretly resented horses. His name, his walk...all artificial. It was the ideal that was to be recognized/emulated. When the line towards realism is crossed, we get things like Unforgiven - a great movie of course, but sucessfully deconstructs the image so many earlier westerns tried to instill. I still dont think the void has been officially filled. Your example of the Punisher is a good one, too. The heroes are grittier, but injustices wrought upon them (both by evil and neglegent systems, such as Dirty Harry's battle against the incompetent police force, mucked up with red tape) still justify his actions. In Braveheart, Wallace seems justifed the whole way through; they took his woman, homeland etc. Details such as him killin his first man barehanded at the age of 14 or keepin "souveneirs" of his victories are left out; he's portrayed as a noble savage, rather than just a psychotic with a purpose. In that regard, the idealistic hero still exists. But as far as the manistream has been heading for the last so many years, I'm not so sure. The idealistic hero will always have a place, but the anti-hero still seems to hold the limelight.
  17. Haha...Kirby I like your editing. :kirby: Ok found a much quicker DL site for those intros - that initial server was a bogged-down Signapore one, here's one from Japan thats got more bandwith. Xenosaga intro + battle movie Again, the intro is in 3 parts, and massive. I can show it to anyone who wants if i still have room on my drive. I wonder if anyone but my blue Kirby & Junker are readin this..?
  18. Ya might be on to something. My film teacher just sent out some class notes, and it seems her theory is that the next step after westerns was sword & sorcery type fantasy, which i consider to be a cunthair away from your sci-fi anyway. Here's what she wrote, some interestin ideas on movies & society as well. Bascially, it seems she'd blame Spaghetti Westerns & movies like Unforgiven, Costner's Wyatt Earp, and Little Big Man for the shift, or evolution of film, which i found interestin. What do ya think? (I wish more folks joined in here, Witness flooded this place with interestin shit...)
  19. Argh must find videos now.... me? Id go for the criterion collection edition of Hard Boiled on DVD. It goes on ebay for upwards of $200, so make sure the seller takes "layaway" as payment.
  20. My ass. Did you see the sales figures over in Japan? Shit box sold like it had anthrax in it. PS it sucks.
  21. Youre right, i just assume theyre givens, m'self. Nah, the pope-picture thing was funny, kinda poor taste but funny. Even her battle to get Ireland pro-choice was amusing, i just thought everyone was a fan of this huge wanker. Prince, i guess i can understand if you say ya like just his music, i know many others'd agree. Paula...was a childhood crush who ...im not gettin into this one. I assure you, i have my reasons. ...whore!
  22. This is a picture of the Japanese PS2 launch (top) vs Japanese X-box launch (bottom). PS X-box sucks. Thank you and good-day.
  23. Oh, so now that you're a teenage chick, youre just too cool for video games now, eh? Whaddya say to that, Mario? "It's ah-me, Mario!" :scared: :angry: :scared: ....i hate you so much.
  24. Havent seen the show much, saw a clip that was kinda funny...you hittin me up for a birthday gift? :plain:
  25. I thought the Police, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran Pixies etc were assumed.. Biz Markie...ha, "You say he's just a friend.." I think Soundgarden was early 90s, and why does everyone like Culture Club? :ill: Prince sucked, ill go with Kevin Smith & say Morris Day & The Time were cooler, even tho they lost out. Sinead was never cool, and Paula Abdul......lets just say she's a whore.
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