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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Warrior..had a comic book? I guess im glad i missed that one. Man, fuck what Wizard says, early Image shit sucked. :ill: brought to you by the same folk who later gave us Captain America with tits, basically. god bless Rob Liefeld.
  2. A crush on the new kids in kindergarden...in k-4 i was still pretty adamant on my "icky girls" stance i believe. Ne'ermind i was in 5th grade when new kids got big, now i feel a bit old.... :plain: Aaron Carter, is he that lil blonde guy on the posters at Toys R Us? And how's he my brother?
  3. Yup, tag on the Police & Micheal Jackson and that's most of my 80's shit too. But I know Chiefy. He wants that 80's one hit wonder shit they sell late nights on TV, so here's a few: -Level 42 - Something about you (courtesy of Spiffytee) -Modern English - I melt with you -Naked Eyes - Always something there to remind me -Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls -New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle (fuck, they still play that shit in retro clubs alla time) -The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the Sky -The Romantics - Talking in your Sleep -Wham! - Everything she wants (the gayest band alive) -Taco - Puttin' on the ritz -Spandau Ballet - True (again, all Spiffytee) ...you get the idea.
  4. "Bitch betta have my money" by AMG. That shit brings a tear to my eye.
  5. Ha...almost as good as the gerbil in the microwave, less satisfyin...couldnt knock him out tho, even with alla them low blows Ah well. Good stuff. Cross! Hook! Body blow!
  6. Nailed the dick right on the head there Jumbie, so to speak... right after you left, the single of "In the End" by Linkin Park was issued to anyone in earshot of Vista Verde with a stereo :ill: Shame, it was alright the first 1,000 times i heard it; as opposed to Jennifer Lopez & Ja-Rule shit that Spiffy loves, which didnt even sound good the first time. Dammit, Spiffy, if youre gonna listen to that stuff, go with Jay-Z, he's much better, ignorin that "H to the izzo" shit recently.
  7. Dont you start whinin now. All the shit youre findin out from their forum (damn, their FAQ is massive) & reportin back here is bein read by a large part of this board. Your details + the webpage itself has all but sold you, me, TD, Bacchus, possibly Yahven & Artistic. So keep on writing, man. :approve:
  8. Im assumin Kirby means Miang? Dont worry, she can only posses females, not female Kirbys, i believe...argh, must spoil game for...ah fuck it no one's gonna play it. Greatest console RPG, i swear. Just wanted to let Junker & possibly George (gonna get him on the board one day i swear) bout the intro. Good to have you back tho Kirby. :kirby:
  9. Behold, the sequel to Xenogears, the single greatest RPG to every grace a console...comin to PS2 hopefully sometime in the next summer, more likely fall. Anyway, found links to the incredible intro & a battle clip - be warned, those interested are lookin at 3-4 files of around 45 megs each, so be very patient or have GetRight. Xenosaga Episode 1 intro
  10. Sounds good Yahven, if ya do, lemme know how it is - ill be tempted when ive got more time in the summer as well, assumin theyre better stocked now.
  11. Ha...that one's "Touched", by the way. Great, great song. Ill prolly take shit for this, but i think some good songs come outta R&B. Not good ol shit like Bill Withers & Marvin Gaye (now there was some love & sex music, my god), and not necessarily Boyz II Men, tho i do admit i think theyre good. A good dumped, anti-love song is Eric Benet's "When you think of me" (courtesy of Kee & Woody a long time back). I like Craig David's new stuff too...id name more but i dont think many R&B folks are lookin here. Nickelback's "This is how you remind me"...should not be a couple's song. I still think its a cool song that sadly gets played over here like its the new national anthemn. Anyway, my point is there are good/decent love songs bein made, but not in the rock realm, which is more and more angry these days. Then again, im no fan of when 80's rock was big on love, we got too much shit like Foreigner & all their clones attemptin rock "ballads"....:ill: not a fan.
  12. So, wait...WWF, WCW, and ECW all...merged? Maybe i got it wrong. damn i aint watched wrestlin since i lived with Eugene.
  13. Trent Reznor: musician, artist, and sage. Must buy that DVD of his some time. Dont know if this is along the same lines, but I used to really love the first album by VAST (Visual Audio Sensory Theatre). The whole fuckin thing....touched, here, temptation... so many good tracks, was one of those i could loop endlessly. The lead guy bragged he wouldnt sample anythin made this century, anyway, it was good stuff. Hurry-up-and-get-it-the-fuck-out-there-you-contracted-whore album # 2 shows up, and its pure teen angst. I was so dissapointed, barely listened to it. Its like they said "this album, we're Limp Bizkit, yo!" or somethin. Lyrics went from "i didnt want to hurt you, but youre pretty when you cry" or "the razors and the dying roses plead i dont leave you alone.." to shit like "no one understands me, i hate my father, lets break shit!" :plain: Anyway, on that note, I really went for Stroke 9's "kick some ass".
  14. "Vegetable guy"? Hey yo, oughta listen to Artistic there, one minute its "N...W...O!!!", the next its "Snap into a Slim Jim!!". The NWO are still around...? Even old school Wolvy beats that ass.
  15. Back to a previous one... Courtesy of Mulan :kitty: 1)Lopez was in "U-Turn" with Billy Bob Thorton. 2)Billy Bob was in "Pushing Tin" with John Cusak. 3)Cusak was in "American Sweethearts" with Zeta-Jones. bonus points: Also co-starred in "High Fidelity". Ha...hey Jumbie, do you like apples?
  16. Uh...heh heh.. what the hell are you talkin bout? Listen buddy, i really dont appreciate your stuffin the ballot box here, ok? Fuck off, this is an honest poll! Sorry bout that Jumbie, lets just not count his vote, the rest oughta be legit. *phew*, that coulda been messy. *tosses sandwhich under bridge* (did i not say to stay quiet? am i not merciful!? )
  17. Jumbie - How many fights youve been in again? Not the "abuse myself in a public bathroom" kind. Wasnt try to disspaoint/impress anyone, just think most people see martial artists as all powerful ninjas. Got my info from various sources, id cite it if i remebered every damn thing ive ever read. Hey, Segal's a dick and a half, but the man claims to have invented a martial art - i never said that meant shit to me (did anyone else notice that drunken womabat style i mentioned earlier? I stopped takin this shit really seriously a while back). All i have for this fight is: 1)90%+ of this board is martial art fans over boxing. I decided to stand up for my sport. 2)Lee'd most likely win, but we cant very well see the fight take place, can we? Just wanted to give my boy a some credit. Artistic's right; crackin jokes & talkin shit in Fight Club is no fuckin fun, everyone thinks youre serious. Yeah, i said it, Ali killed the T-1000 & saved the president, my sources are www.itsafuckinjoke.com. And as far as Braveheart/Gladiator nonsense...i cant be blamed for what the actions of the House of Representatives But you are free to creat..er, enlist your own representatives and ask him to "vote" your way; this is still a democracy ya know.
  18. Were they the ones who put out Shrek? And arent the Pixar guys former Disney artists? I forget how it goes.
  19. Yeah, im pretty sure its 6, too - the idea (from what Jumbie sent me back in the day) is that no one is supposed to be more than 6 degrees apart. Always wondered bout that...i once read a figure in genetics that no human being is more than a 44th cousin of any given other. Meant to put that as a topic in the Lyceum; cant help but wonder: if that's true, would it change anythin for most people? Anyway, yeah its 6 as i recall, but to clarify somethin with Mulan, it dont gotta be 6 exactly: if you can do it in less, thats even better.
  20. Havent tried it out yet, but i think its worth mentioning. Red Octane: Rent games online Unless they changed their deal recently, theyre basically a Netflix for video games - rent PS2, Gamecube, Dreamcast & X-box games online, they mail them to ya, you send em back whenever youre finished. They even pay the postage, as i recall. The upside is not havin late fees so you can actually finish the game, not to mention they carry imports as well (!). The downside...i forget how much they charge a month, its nothin ridiculous, but i recall their inventory was a lil low, you could wait a while on the game ya want - hopefully theyve improved that. If anyone's interested, lemme know & ill look into it. :D :kirby: :wario:
  21. Everyone gets these funny advice ones in the mail, just came across one that struck me as actually funny. Comical words of wisdom... The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. One good turn gets most of the blankets. Sex is like air; it's not important unless you aren't getting any. There are two kinds of pedestrians--the quick and the dead. An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys. If quitters never win, and winners never cheat, then who is the fool who said "Quit while you're ahead"? A closed mouth gathers no feet. Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere. Jury - Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer. Never lick a gift horse in the mouth. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth. Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience. Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the 'Y' becomes silent. If you want your spouse to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep.
  22. Anyone remember this one? Me & Junker talked about it; i remember it used to come on MTV before "The Head", another fun cartoon. Thing is, The Maxx is a comic great series by Sam Keith, and this still stands as one of the best comic-to-animation translations ive ever seen (tho i really liked the Legends of Batman episode with about a minute of "Dark Knight Returns", that was badass). Anyway, this series seems very hard to come by....Amazon.com says its only on video and heavily edited down for time. Just wanted to know if anyone's seen it on Kaza or has it backed up somewhere, etc... Can you tell which one is from the Image comic & which is animated?
  23. Grrr, i get spurrned by parts of both families. Its...interestin. Sure, i identify with the Irish side that stayed here & attempted to raise me, but either way...there's nationalism, then there's bullshit, and i admit its a fine line. Nevermind that both sides can share celtic bloodlines & such. Either way, i like to think... + = ...anyway, the joke's funny as hell.
  24. Cool, looks like another deity wants to join in; this could be our biggest online RPG since diablo 1 (or maybe 2, never got in on it yet anyway). If we can all get copies/run them/have workin reg codes, this'd be a helluva team - a real comic book hero team and/or a team of our variously-made characters (this does not necessarily mean we are "Drunken Deities" tho, does it? :plain: ) And hey there bad advice man, whatre you gonna do? "Hey there son, i notice youre level one, so here's some advice: see that fire spreadin across the building? notice how its bright like that? That's 'cause it heals you".
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