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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Eh...i think the old one did but last time i read the book (Dan Jurgens was on it, it was the "Dark Gods" arc, pretty good) he didnt, he didnt even have that whole human identity thing, just all god with his own power source as his divinity, not the hammer (tho it does always come back to him anyway). Still, again, he's not the god he used to be, back when he had that Hulk power of immeasurable strength, but then again, it'dve been a bitch to beat the old godly superman too. Hey, that might make another good fight.
  2. Right, but youd be fair in doin so, since we all know folks who dont like chocolate are clearly homos. Its a scientifc fact. But i agree, thats why i dont vote right off the bat usually even if i dont think i can be convinced. Im still kinda waitin to see if someone can tell me how the Avengers can beat the JLA, tho Ghost gave a pretty fair arguement.
  3. BK fries taste like ass incarnate these days. Whaddya like bout BK in particular?
  4. Yahven/whoever, could someone get me a registered/hacked copy of Quicktime 5.x Pro so itll stop buggin me? I'd appreciate it, thanks...
  5. Christ, id hoped the Mortal Kombat Mythologies'd died out after that shitty Sub-Zero game... :ill:
  6. When the hell...? Maybe cosmic spiedy, he beat Grey Hulk & gave Silver Surfer a run for his money.
  7. Maybe but i dont know how to rank em these days...does anyone else miss those Marvel Universe series 2 cards with the cool power rankings on the back? That helped, although it was kinda crazy (I remember they put Gambit on par with Aunt May or somethin) "Gambit say, you play fair, or you don' play at all!"
  8. Yeah, i never made sense of the stories either, but aside from the crap (, , etc), there were some cool fights, like VS
  9. What crap. Theyre only soggy if you wait to damn long to eat em or if they give ya the old batch, which they prolly do since they know ya hate em anyway (+, its Yahven so he's prolly tryin to haggle the price). Madness! BK fries = cardboard, and everyone knows it. Hot, salted McDonald's fries are the peak of fast food dining. Ask me nicely & ill share some with ya next time, then youll be a believer.
  10. Wow, now im sure m'girl Ana is 10x hotter. And even if Artistic's views might be biased, theyd be welcomed & not pissed on in the Lyceum. For shame!
  11. Mmmmm....Ana. I keep watchin cause i know she'll do that thing with the racket one day. Still, Satcha says your girl's a bitch, and Artistic says she dont wash down there. Them's big points against her.
  12. Old Thor would kick his ass, unless its against old Superman, then it'd be cool. Current Thor vs current Superman....we all know I'm for Thor here, arguement for his victory on its way.
  13. Dammit man, its one thing to do one-armed pull ups, but i dont think id be quick to take a man who does push-ups like that. That's impressive. Who the fuck is that? SNK guy right?
  14. Artistic bro dont joke bout that shit, it happens all the time. ALL THE FUCKIN TIME. Dammit man why must you be so ignorant to the way the world is? :arrow:
  15. How many times must i say this? Youve got to be dizzy. One of the first things ya learn as an EMT is that you can't rip a man's head/spinal column out unless theyre dizzy, it just doesnt work. Knowin this, Midway made your enemy dizzy after you won so you could kill 'im. Christ man, read a book!
  16. Quitter! All i hear is quittin words round these parts. Fuck the people! The tournment must go on. Actually, fuck it, my boy got knocked out in round 1 anyway. :spot:
  17. Chase off alla folks & leave just me, you & Primetime here again and i swear ta god, im signin up with King Bill
  18. OK, this one kinda crapped out, i never voted 'cause the terms of the fight never got defined, post got swept up in trol...representatives. Hey, Artistic, how bout a Thor Vs Superman fight, or is that part of your tournament? That's more equally matched. After readin Green Lantern Vs Silver Surfer, i thought itd be a much better fight if Surfer went against Jordan as GL, but Parallax...who the hell can fight him, X-Man? He can bend time & space, for chrissake. :dissappointed:
  19. Sorry to hear that, ive still yet to finish off X (collection dog tags in Metal Gear Soild 2, woo hoo!), but hey if youre one for FF & love stories, you mustve been a fan of IX & its ending... You & Squall share a personality? You like fur coats & gunblades, or..? Just curious. :wasabi:
  20. If ya like action/war movies, "Black Hawk Down" was pretty good. PS Hey culture moderators (Heartless, Athena, Queen), can one of ya move this into the movie section?
  21. Eh...agreed but I still think Flash has a better shot than GL sometimes, and im a big GL fan. The man moves faster than light, i just dont buy the jedi's reflexes touchin that. Also - Aquaman, Martian Dick Hunter, Woner Woman - these gusy arent pushovers, people. Aquaman alone can be pretty formidable, when written by Peter David. Of course, Aqua's dead now (for the time bein) so it dont matter anyway. BIRRRRRD MAAAAAAAN!
  22. Not "you guys", mostly Yahven. Im tryin to be fair and hear both sides, but he makes Spawn out to be somethin of a god...
  23. Yeah, i remember, they were predictable/slow, but cool attacks nonetheless. Did anyone else ever read the cheezy Motral Kombat comic Midway used to sell back in the day for MK1 & 2? I have 1, it shows that Sub-Zero was an assasian who killed Scropion, as a normal guy, and his entire family, and Scorpion pulled a Spawn (sold soul for revenge) and came back to kill Sub-Zero. Didnt know there were several Zeros, much less several Scorpions..?
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