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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Christ...scatchin that one offa my Netflix rental list, thanks for the warning!
  2. Havin finally seen "It Happened One Night" with Clark Gable, i see where the romantic comedy formula comes from, and it was well done here in its innovation. But after that, yes, it is a limited genre, as is Westerns. The ones that stand out do so either due to A) Great, great acting & plot or B) A good twist (ie, based on a Kurosawa samurai tale like "Yojimbo/Fistfull of Dollars", or "Seven Samurai/Magnificent Seven", etc) or an anti-hero piece like Unforgiven, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, etc. So, a few shine. "As good as it gets" comes to mind for me 'cause the acting was just amazin. Yes, "What Women Want" also had Helen Hunt, who I like, and William Wal...Mel Gibson with his cool ass Sinatra dance number. That's another good trick used in that early flick with "Gone with the Wind"'s Clark Gable: get a good male actor that guys will watch to lure em in. Inevitably, the plot'll be formulaic, 2 people will meet by accident, prolly not get along, end up together & do so forever or end in tragedy, the latter of which interests me more, but often tries to hard for the audience's tears. Again, smart variations like "High Fidelity" & "Jerry Maguire" can pull this off & the viewer wont be as aware if the writing & performances are good. I guess im sayin the reason i dont go for romantic comedies is that this usually isnt the case. Often, the movie will mildly entertain me at some point down its predictable road, but nothin memorable will happen, just the same effect many of my westerns would have on most folks.
  3. Ive said it once, ill say it again: It was a poor mistranslation; his name aint "Tamahome", its "Tamahomo", get it right folks. :wary:
  4. Current Events: where the opinions of trolls bear more weight than that of siblings. Tragic. If only Dinghy was around to be ignored. ???
  5. Oh my god Ali, why did you do it? The man only weighed a buck & change, and was gettin ready to do some really fancy move or another! "He just wasn't a pretty man"
  6. Hey cabbage washer, who's Jeka? Is he/she that inflatable green dinosaur? "cause i think that one's "Satcha", and for the record, she's a very happy dino. Just look at that hat!
  7. Fine! But with my one good eye, i can see Apocalypse gettin a beat down like it was a hate crime.
  8. Whoops, few errors, thanks Junker. I knew bout Replacement Killers but i figure its close enough. Hard Target = not there cause ive never seen it, sadly...ok, should anyone vote for that one, just vote the last option & lemme know. Its a damn fine poll, anyway! :shoot: :railgun:
  9. Finally saw "A Better Tomorrow", that shit was fuckin good. This man is an artist when it comes to shoot-outs....my vote's goin for Hard Boiled tho. Was also curious to see how many others out there have actually seen some of these badass flicks. PS Folks, if any of you are interested in these films, i cant stress enough how good an idea it is to watch em with Spiffytee. The man caught many of the mistranslations/omissions in the subtitles, thank god someone knows Cantonese...anyway, made the film a lot cooler, trust me. Thanks again Timbo. :shoot: Chow Yun (Yuen?) Fat, bitch!
  10. Youre kiddin, right? Onslaught - Professor X + X-Man's mental powers, Magneto's magnetic powers, and in the end, almost had Franklin Richard's ability to warp reality. Beat the X-Men alone. Took half the Marvel Universe down with 'im when he finally died. Apocalypse - Cool storylines, but once killed single-handedly by a blast from Cyclop's visor, albeit a very powerful focused one. I cant see how En Sabah Nur (Apoc) has a chance... ???
  11. You hear that shit, Madman? Up at the Lyceum, we dont use that kinda rough language with our folks. No sir. We simply alter what they say... :D :emotions:
  12. Good tribute, Bacchus. That's terrible. Sadly, i really thought m'boy Cash would be the next to go, he's had a host of heart problems. Still....here was a helluva band.
  13. She dont want that body, them boobies get inna way in tennis or somethin. That 2nd pic is good. The answer is "shes wearin as little as possible" as should be deemed by society. Im with bacchus. Satcha's a big green inflated dinosaur thingy. And she seems rather happy bout it, for some reason.
  14. ...what does it take to impress you people?! You cant see, but im dancin right now! look i go.
  15. Uh...ive seen Momento & Lord of the Rings, so im just gonna add some of Junker's recommendations to my Netflix list & swing on back here in a few months when theyre on DVD.
  16. Wizard said they had a beta a few months back, mightve just been them tho. Ill try to find out.
  17. Oh...then, crazy-ass Riggs boinks that hot german blonde chick then after she dies he kills himself (cmon he joked about it in part 1 like 8 times), and Mclaine wins by default, plus he's John Mclaine an all.
  18. Sir, I take offense to your implications! My hench-uh, friends are free to vote in whatever way i command. Common sense must prevail in one itty bitty corner of Fight Club. Cmon folks, Braveheart was just cooler; youve voted that way like 10x before, why not now? :sobs:
  19. Ah, fine sarcasmo, mock. But in this particular case, ya oughta know it was a joke vote, like "Aunt May impales Superman with her purse" or somethin...and to hell with Skellington! Ah, i cant rank on him too much, but im no fan of Burton anyway. PS If its an Oscar nominee war it looks like they both get beat down by RingLord, who's apparently catchin 13 of em (!). I really liked it, but does anyone else think it musta been a really slow year to land that many?
  20. Anger! Sorry Chiefy, ill check my drive & see if its there or somethin, hopefully in temp internet files but i think it might be shockwave, which i cant seem to steal...argh. I liked that one too, ill contact the site & see if theyre sellin it now or somethin. For what its worth, it was funny as shit. Hey Chiefy, go check out "Pong: The Movie" on down in Q69Miner2049 The Edge, im sure youll like that one.
  21. The NZA


    *sigh* 's ok, i know im bout the only Kid Rock fan round these parts, im used to it. Gravity Kills is purdy good, Zombie's great. I agree he oughta get top dollar, he is the oldest one there with around 2x as much shit out as Kid Rock, not includin his freaky mix albums. Local H, Sevendust...dont know much bout them tho...
  22. 9-5, Mr Tim Burton avatar. Those 2 crucifiction ones are a joke, no one really belives em, its like votin for Iron Man to get raped by armadillos or somethin.
  23. No its not. Wallace wins. Just look at them polls! He's damn near doublin Maxiums, who's now speakin Eye-talian or somethin. "Two fine warriors, such a close fight" is just everyone's way of not makin him feel bad when Wallace slaughters 'im.
  24. I say... McLaine, in his badass fashion, gets beat up by anyone who knows any kind of kung fu, but then blasts em away in the end. Riggs quits, citing "Im too old for this shit." However, his partner, Danny Glover, goes on to kill a Predator "How the hell did i do that...?" Mclaine, still fightin a hangover, kills Eddie Murphy, who was busy pickin up a male hooker. "damn bush bitches!" "Yippe-ki-yay, motherfucker!"
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