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Hondo's Bar


Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Maybe you do; this guy could show me his dog takin multiple shits on an ant pile for a few hours & call it "Two Towers" for all i know, i aint seen the movie yet. As for Oscars, id never put any real $ down on em, they suprise me alla time (did anyone see Gladiator doin as well as it did?).
  2. ...damn, i felt bad for mssin out on GTA3 after Spiffy showed it to me, might have to pick this one up when it makes it out. Keep the updates comin, especially when there's a review.
  3. Fair enough, just dont fall for that cartoony hype shit. Metroid looks great, but Mario & Zelda could look pre-school & still be a blast to play. Personally, im kinda tired of super-realistic first person shooters with blood, gore and repetitive gameplay; gimme somethin by Miyamoto (creator of Zelda, Metroid, Mario, so many others) with good level layout, bosses, control, etc - an overall fun game. But like i said, its up to your preference. If youre into dark shit, tho, you should try Eternal Darkness, that one was really fucked up too, pretty good.
  4. Eeyore - You get martinis when ya pick your position. You wanted "The Senate - First Lady" or somethin, right? Jax - You dont have my vision, that aint microscopic but it aint my resolution, pss off. Anyway, ill make ya the senate's sacred cow, but its up to Yahven to change your pip image to a cow, as im not on my computer, so i dont have acess to those files. PM him or hold your breath, your call.
  5. ...Ok, time's up, youre in! You want "Barkeep" or "Hitman"? Also, i tried makin the Beer icon your pip image (the .gif) but it dont wanna take, and im hungry, so get back to me on it. For now, ya gots a red X, enjoy!
  6. Your resolution's microscopic, fuck your computer. :plain: SOF - Yahven does so desire his mystery. Patience, you aint far now.
  7. Stop...Hammer Time! yeah, thats right, i posted twice in a row. Do somethin. :plain:
  8. "On this part of the application, you just check off your religion. Its just for statistical purposes, of course." "I notice you dont have 'Bushido' as an option. This is discrimination!" "..What? Just check 'Other', ok? Now, the thing is, as a full-time EMT youll have benefits & overtime, but your base pay is $7.50 an hour or so." "?! I live with a chick who makes $8 an hour at OfficeMax. OfficeMax! She sells staplers! I work with your dying, oversdosed & diseased, what does this tell you?" "That OfficeMax pays there employees way too much. Listen, we can give you coupon books."
  9. That's not true, I bet her parents have, and she herself assumably has too. Ok, that was a Jax joke, admittedly. Forgive me.
  10. Driving in miami sucks dead dog cock. Looks interestin Yahven, howre the prices on the hourly rates tho?
  11. Tenchu is indeed cool, just glad to see Shinobi's back to old school hack & slash. GTA Vice City comes out over here 10/28 according to Electronics Boutique. I think Gamecube is very much worth getting; its the cheapest of em, best 4-player games, and the only one with Mario, Zelda, Metriod, and the new Miyamoto ones like Pikmin. Depends on what games you go for; our resident Spifytee, for instance, aint happy unless the game oozes blood, so they got Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil (exclusively) for him. Doesnt matter tho, he's an X-Box fan.
  12. Yeah, yeah i voted for Freebird. Runner up was Stairway to Heaven, hands down. American Pie & Like A Rolling Stone get honorable mention, but if its Doors htis, i lean heavilly towards Riders of the Storm.
  13. Yahven - I noticed you changed it back. The reason i put "Senate - Ronin" is because "The Senate - Ronin" is not only redundant but also offsets the page a bit wherever these guys post (which is everywhere, theyre in the Senate after all). If you dont mind fucked up margins, fine by me. But when Jax puts his next 80 word member ranking and KOS & SOF decide to make their new quotes begin with "It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times...." and such, dont you come cryin to me bout no fucked up margins, sir! :angry:
  14. So Jax is sayin reward the 75 year odl man with good intentions, rather than the better of the two. While Bob is askin for the premise of episdoe 1 to be rewritten to a mystery to fit the bad title, and DA's just a fanboy. Fuck, i wish arc would come back.
  15. You know, as much as i love close friends, id trade a number of you in for a good dog right now.
  16. Eh, i guess. I just think the teacher - a 600 year old muppet - shouldve been able to stop fatass Duku from gettin away's all. Yoda's got good advice, but youve heard him a lot more, lets give Reloaded a chance.
  17. Ha...didnt know ya liked Marvin Gaye too. Dont worry, they replay the acoustic performance on MTV a lot, call it "music in high places" or somethin like that, just saw the tail end of it agin yesterday.
  18. How's that, again? Guess i should go see Lilo & Stich. Junker - Are those largely indie films only for the festival, or upcmoin ones i might find over this way? Gotta check out that Seinfeld one.
  19. I agree with Octodious, one word oughta be the limit. Jax - Eh...thing is, we have to create a brand new member broup for each one of ya. Not quite pullin teeth, but its an admin-only ability, so yeah its not as easily changed. KOS - Enjoy.
  20. Top 5 reasons why Dinghy sucks *ahem* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) One time, i listend to several of her shit Bon Jovi songs, and she couldnt even pay attention to one go of Kid Rock's "American Bad Ass", which despite what people like Junker'll tell ya, is a fine, fine song. Dont listen to Junker, he likes metal! 2) She doesnt bless you when ya sneeze, says its a thing of principles. Uses her lack of principles to hide her lack of consideratin in this department, very Jumbie-like. Its only really bad 'cause normally she's very considerate (which is very un-Jumbie like). 3) Says she hates rap, has never heard actual rap music. Might be 'casue she dont like black people, i dunno. 4) She's whiny, sometimes. And high pitched when she is. 5) She's made herself scarce from the board now that she's back with her cool friends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ..ok, ok, so maybe i just miss her. Maybe a lil...but not as much as Chi-Chan. Mariam, i hope youre doin fine.
  21. Yup, this thread went to shit with one bad joke. Cmon, you fanboys, yeah yeah he's old and shit, but he's a goddamn muppet and looks fuckin silly with a saber, nevermind he couldnt beat Duku who artistic pointed out was just some fat white guy. You wait till Matrix Reloaded, then everyone's back here cryin to change their votes. 'Sides, who'd ya rather have as a mentor? Yoda'd make you lift logs with your mind, Morpheus has ya sparring, checkin out women in red, etc.
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