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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. "What, you think just 'casue a guy reads comics he cant start some shit?!" Vs A guy who ddint turn his friend down for a 3-way... ???
  2. The NZA

    Halo 2

    ...that was pretty random, Yahven... Bob - You know what this game needs? Cel-shading, powerpuff style. Spiffy - X-box still dont have enough of what i want, im waitin on Sega to push more stuff. Still, your coperative Halo was a blast, i stand corrected. Here's to hopin this sequel adds to that, rather than just milking the license for the holidays.
  3. Tell Chi-Chan the reviews for Kingdom Hearts (mainly from Famitsu) are comin in really good, im actually lookin forward to this odd Disney/Square hybrid. Rumor has it theyve recently added Aeris & Sephiroth to the mix, should be cool. Ill toss up screenshots when i find em. PS Hikaru got hitched...?
  4. Robo-who...? Shinobi's lookin badass; if Junker ever comes back, he'll verify - i think i showed him some trailers before i left. No stealthy tenchu action, just hack & slash, old school Shinobi stuff but in 3D, and the controls look good. Ill post a review soon as its out, which i think oughta be in a few months or so...good link tho Spiffy. PS dont hesitate to use the info i left on the IGN Insider post to check out the trailers they have there for more footage.
  5. Lone Wolf & Cub is a masterpiece and you people are scum for not reading it. Scum! :wasabi: Onto vol. 13.
  6. Er...ill havta look it up over at my computer i guess...Benny? Yahven? Eeyore? Anyone know how big that particular file is? We got some space on the 2nd FTP (assumin its up & running, my avatar seems naked at the moment), we could just toss the file up there for KOS to download...
  7. KOS - yeah, right now the images aint comin through but the idea's solid, man. I just dont want the .gif's to be somethin i change every week on Jax whim or somethin. Like i said, im waitin to get connected to my friend's DSL here so i can work from my computer (where the files are) and such, soon as im set up ill get it goin. Ill check back here tomorrow to see if those images load, wanna get a look at them katanas. Good job on pickin the coolest Senate title so far, too.
  8. I personally didnt know Gerafalo was jewish till ya said it, but then im not quick on those things. Didnt know much of Seinfeld was, either. Which one was Jeremy London again? Oh, and Claire Forlain is hot.
  9. So, then...who'd win in a fight, Morpheus or Yoda? We seen the muppet fight now, and Matrix Reloaded seems to have Morphues with swords...
  10. But...but then how do we know? Ne'ermind, ill leave the hentai-talk to DA8.
  11. Patience. I too must be patient. Tread some more water before moving on. KOS, i know this aint your spot, but if ya see this: Cant thank ya enough for gettin me onto Lone Wolf & Cub...im on vol 11 now, the book's quicklly becomin one of my favorites.
  12. The NZA


    Caught the 1st new He-Man here in Texas with Yahven, Dinghy, Junker & Gundam (Alex). Dont know if theyll ever see this, but since Yahven reviewd the new Transformers... Honestly, i gotta see more. There's a bit more plot & characterization, of course, and the animations certainly better, but theyre playin up Adam's "reluctant hero" thing a bit heavy...im just waitin for him to say "well excuuuuuuuuse me, princess!", but then again, its a goddamn cartoon to sell figures to it aint half bad, and i do wanna see more. Any other thoughts?
  13. Eh, i dunno if i want a Surfer movie, Galactus wouldnt transfer over much better, and im still scared of the old Fantastic Four one. Bob - Ya think the whole destruction of Coast City & Parallax thing would work in a single movie, without setup? Id like to see it, but sounds like the same roadblack "Death of Superman" mighta hit, especially with no real GL intro. Mind ya, id rather do story arc films like that too, but Hollywood seems to dig the intro flicks.
  14. You could always PM him...he's on often, just sporadically. Bring the thread to his attentin & he'll show.
  15. Nah, just a yallow cape. The yellow guy was either Cyborg or some other weak Superman villian....i assure you, the storyline after that where Hal goes nuts & takes down the corps as Parallax would be a lot better for a movie, least i think so - again, GL's shy on villians. Oh, and i know the movie kinda solidified it, but ive never been to sure on Green Goblin being Spidey's archnemesis, always thought Venom was cooler. No disrespect to classic villians, but cmon, its a symbiote! Theyre just cool.
  16. ? Hmm yeah might be a trade...issue 60 (finale, like KOS said) comes out Sep 18th im told, lookin to go out with a bang for those of y a whove kept up so far...ill put this thread on top, as bacchus, Junker & Yahven have now read the series up to its current issue due to my year and a half search for the missing issues. Seriously, when this one's all done up in trades, you folks should grab it, and jot just 'cause its gonna be a movie, but i still think its the best book Vertigo puts out there.
  17. Mebbe. I think GL's biggest problem is lame villains; whod ya want him to fight? Sinestro, Cyborg, or somethin else thatll look crappy on screen? Now Parallax, thatd be cool...
  18. Eh, cmon now, episode II was fun, but ji still enjoyed one movie of the Matrix more than both prequels combined.
  19. Hey, search engine's are cheatin, ya gotta give the rest of the folks a chance to answer! No wonder ya got so many right this far! Hey, its ya'lls game, but i say we throw out several songs at a time and see who gets what. Whadya think?
  20. I miss Chi-Chan! :( Yes i miss you too you self-centered fuck but right now i miss Chi-Chan!
  21. Sure, why not? Im a fan of Kyle Rayner, or was before they brought back the whole shit "Green Lantern Corps" nonsense. Wouldnt miind the classic Hal Jordan, but i guess i lean towards the new guy, m'self (not the popular vote, by the way). Anyone bit Guy Gardner, he's a joke. John Stewart, they use in the cartoon for token black guy; he had the ring for like a day. Actually Jax, i read somewhere (think it was comicbookresources.com) that GL's license is up for a movie, not sure where its at - Bob, you know bout this? Our other movie guy Junker should be back in town sometime tomorrow...
  22. Boondock Saints, Lewbowski & some others i dont recall...you folks want a guessin game goin? Cmon, cite the movies, help a brotha out!
  23. Whoa. You guys pay more for EVERYTHING over there, jeesh! Nah, it's not that bad, it's just that this poor sap has to pay in for the missus too! Oh, Ok then, € 13 for two people is fine (especially if it was an evening show). PS Hehe, Quote inside a quote inside a quote. Is nothing sacred? I wonder how many quotes this thing can take! I mean how long until the computer crashes or your eyes bleed...or both! You have now found yourself, trapped in the incomprehensible maze. This can't go on forever. What happens at like 100 interwoven quotes? I have no idea... ...let's keep quoting... ...and we'll find out. Three quote replies in a row. that's just gratuatous! No two-in-a-row quotes for this. Be patient! Way to fuck it up IC! Just play along. We wanna see what happened when it gets ludicrously high. Just an experiment Nick, when we finish up we'll go back to talking about that dragon movie, but for now... REIGN OF QUOTES!!! That middle quote box that says € 13 is going to get smaller and smaller This's going too slow, let's give it a jumpstart! That's more like it! :approve: NOOOOOO!!! I have discovered the awful truth, to see for yourselves quote this, preview post, then look at the middle. Ah well...uhh anyway, we were talking 'bout dragons... Whoa! It just...disappears...anyway, uhhh, dragons, yeah.... "Oh, sure, just go along. Why, If you & I were alive in Germany in the 30's, i bet you'd be goose stepping down the road, sayin 'Cmon Jerry, go along!'" - Seinfeld
  24. Yeah, yeah, coulda been better choices, blame my affinity for Wallace - next tattoo may very well be a Braveheart celtic design, supplied largely by fellow board member Dinghy. What an uptight group, id go along if anyone else wanted to play cultural musical chairs, ya know.:irish: :mexican: PS the big fella = Michael Collins. PPS Willheim Wallach! Nein! Ze German Cowboy isnt till next week.
  25. Fak! Thats right, i think the red disc is that 1st one Benny put out missin the file it needed to run...did the blue disc work? Anger...ok, ill get on this soon as i can, maybe i can get the data i have on my comp burned, if that works (think Junker tried it once, dont know). In any event, someone PM Yahven to remind him to send me or upload the source code for 2.0 so i can get on that soon as im set up & on my feet over here. ???
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