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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. KOS - I sent 1.0 out before movin, shoudl be your way in a bit i imagine. Didnt get the source code for 2.0 from Yahven in time so that's gonna take a lil bit, but illl work on it soon as i can. PS if you or MLB ever feel like sendin somethin my way, lets get a burned copy of his Blue Jam stuff, i like what ive heard of Morris so far!
  2. Knock yourselves out, long as youre ok with crap-shacking this thread.
  3. ...now youre telling people what they mean when they speak, because of your terms? So you knew some Irish and some Scotts; ive known boatloads of cubans, that mean i know you & yours? Maybe the nationality game of black & white lines is so important to ya 'cause youre not open-minded at all, but actually somethin of racist? Id like to think of it as just anal retention, but hell, what do i know, hailing from an actual English & Irish family? I mean, fuck, youve actually known some irish & scott people with different opinions than mine! When ya next talk to all 3 of these friends, could you do me a favor & ask if my username is ok? See, im American more 'n anything, with my own ideals, but i like Preacher a lot and fuck, that's written by a northern Irishman - which many Irish will tell ya is a whole different country - and im not sure if im supposed to even read stuff from up there; i never got the fucking memo. I says Wallace was Celtic, Irish, Scott, Scotch-Irish, whatever the fuck, but represents me just fine, and he stays, and no one else has ever had a problem with it. I also says youre puerto rican. While were at it, if this is such a big deal to you, then your sick fixation with me has gone too far and you need to get some help.
  4. Why is this goddamn house so @#$%in cold?! :( :angry:
  5. Or, obviously, youre taking your usual lack of understaning anything outside your microcosm of a spedtrum and coming off as a condescending twat, so ill get into this one more time. I was taught of celtic bloodlines, of the irish & scottish share descedency and their hatred for english oppression, even by some of the english side of my family. You were taught to hyphenate your mock-nationality like some kind of pretnetious wank, forever losing the pont of america by playing the nationalistic/region "lines in the sand" game with puerto ricans and such, whom most of America assumes are the same as cubans, which is fine 'cause it doenst fucking matter. Read a book. Wallace was revered by many, and many irish served under him as well. His clan & its tartan and such, what little is known of em, trace pretty far back; his clan's roots couldve hailed originally from the same city (county cork) as my family did, if it matters that much. Your anal retention wont alter the profile in one bit, nor affect the fact that everyone else gets it just fine. Might as well get back to oompa-loompa talk, which i still think is a lame thread, but since arc seems quiet and the "yo mama" jokes died down, i gues this is how it is. PS SOF - ya mentioned usin The Big Guy, and if i wasnt so hung up on Wallace i would, but ya know what sucks? Not many folks here know Irish histroy, even of Collins & his time. Many here in the states seem to be hearing of him 'cause the Palestenains are supposedly studyin a bit of his guerilla tactics, so people assume Collins was this evil terrorist fuck. It sucks.
  6. Hi, my name is Yahven and im just not fast enough to play this game.
  7. I'm not sure what a mook is, but youre one. And i thought i was a dirty mick...? Ill stick with pikey. ...mook.
  8. 's a good idea, KOS, although now Yahven's gonna change the # to make Senate since its public, he hates that.. Senate pic could be cool tho, Ill run it by Yahven this weekend - lemme know if ya see any good pics to use tho. PS Jax aint you Puerto Rican?
  9. 2.0 aint done yet, i sent 1.0 to KOS recently tho, hope that'll do for now. Yahven - gimme that source code before i head out tomorrow if ya see this!
  10. SOF - Collins is cool, maybe on down the road, but Wallace's been a hero of mine for too long to abandon 'im. Thinkin of gettin this Braveheart thing tattooed one day, ill show ya sometime. Jax - You're a moron. Shut up, moron.
  11. KOS, you heard that there's supposed to be a Punisher movie in development down the road? Supposedly, its taken largely from Ennis' "Welcome back, Frank" 1st arc, could be really cool this time!
  12. Oh, MLB's back, he's just been scarce, outside of the bars. Im sure he'll mosey on over this way soon tho.
  13. Congrats Gyp-o, aint hit the gym much m'self these last few weeks on account of graduating & movin, did a bit of runnin and actually bumped down to 145 or so, argh. :( Anyway, ya may be Wallace's size, but lets see ya handle that broadsword effectively - i once read the bitch was almost 30 lbs! Fucksake, what was this thread about again?
  14. ...just like Cuban aint American, even with a hyphen. This aint up for debate, Wallace + The Duke is the equation, class is over, back to gettin picked on by arc for you. 'Sides, if your lack of knowledge of Irish history really gets to ya, just remember the Duke was Irish too, then shut your mouth.
  15. Sorry folks, Jack's anal retention & lack of euro clan history wont alter what's there. Despite Wallace's scott background tracin back to Ireland, we both share a celtic background. I knew of Wallace before the movie 'cause of stories from my grandad, so Wallace is there to stay, as is Mel as his representative. Sure, Mel aint 6'+, 200lbs+ an such but he played & directed it to a tee, didnt take as many historical liberties as many would think. Besides, The Duke's Soctch-Irish too so we got it covered. And while were at it, John Wayne was, in fact, a cowboy. I appreciate the concern tho folks, ya'll writing a book bout me, or...?
  16. Wednesday, December 27, 2073...gonna live it up while i can.
  17. I used to like this one called "Trigger Happy", when i was a wee one.
  18. Eh, i actually dont mind bein confused for Scot, feels like the same thing to me. Lotsa folks were Scotch-Irish, like the Duke. Liam Neeson's great, does amazing jobs in Michael Collins & Rob Roy, which is similar. Bono dont act as far as i know, and i think Van Morrison's dead, sadly. The Boondocks Saints, god bless em, are too young. Gibson did a great job, who are you to bitch at Mel?! Oh, right youre bitchin at my equation. Well, im usin Mel as a symbol of Wallace, since we dont have many images of a guy who died in 1305 or so. Its the historical Wallace im goin for here. Bear with me Jack's, violence isnt the answer!
  19. My back's a bit sore, but damn does it look cool.
  20. Other way around, Irish founded Scotland way back in the day....its the principle of it, dont be cute. There is no cute in Fight Club!
  21. Let us not speak of the clone saga. Eh, X-Men & Daredevil might be cool, but DD's tied a lot more into Spidey, their teampus are cool. Id rather see/hear somethin along those lines, honeslty, but if DD is truly the gritty film Bob's been sayin, then maybe its for the better. I just really liked it in Ultimate Marvel Team-up when Daredevil lectured Spidey to take the costume thing seriously or quit, that was interestin.
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