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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. If Benny gets me the source stuff soon, i can maybe get ya in there, but itll be a while..maybe 3.0? Ill do what i can, but need to get in touch with Benny here, he's been hard to reach lately, but did a bang-up job of 1.0. :approve:
  2. He is? Oh, cool. So which one were you?
  3. You could be that, and have your own stuff at the bottom too. But cmon, change your member title sometime, you "finally did it!" weeks ago! Be miss Supa Dupa Fly or somethin. ;)
  4. Im a pretty man, go look at my picture again and dont jerk off this time. I SAID DON'T. :plain:
  5. Very well, Yahven & miss Dinghy...if its a war ya want, its a war youll get! :D
  6. I got Aragorn, guess that's good (wanted Stridor, think he's a different guy). 'S interestin Jack, post that in Monty Python if ya have a chance.
  7. Jack's - I cant extract that one icon from the file; its an icon library file, kinda tricky. Caught an image of it, here it be: Tell me what ya think i should do. Gypsy - You could be "The Senate - Pikey" or somethin when ya make it...youve got time.
  8. Attention Senate members & those soon to be (SOF!): First off, congrats again, and thanks for bein a large part of why this board's so great, even Jack's, kind of. Thing is...our good buddy MyLeakyBucket was the first one to make Senate, and so he picked the icon to use in place of blue blocks (back then it was stars...you get the idea). So, now everyone in the Senate has this under their name. I always wanted to give Senate mambers the added bonus of havin the option to put whatever small .gif picture they wanted for personalized ranking & alla that, but couldnt 'cause the Senate's one group & therefore gets one icon. But...Yahven had this great idea, to appoint positions in the Senate. For instance, when SOF makes it, he could be "The Senate - Hitman" or somethin like that, and we could use targets or whatever he'd prefer. Get the idea? I think its pretty cool, just lemme know what position you'd like & what .gif file to have down there, the smaller the better i guess, but we'll see what we can do. Lemme know people, just tryin to make things more customizable. PS Bear in mind its a tad tricky to pull off, so try to pick somethin you wouldnt mind having, it cant be switched as easily as your title.
  9. Heh...Jack, im not sure if you were serious and not overly concerned, but again the poll topic was "best epic series", so it dont fit anyway.
  10. Youre not hearin me here: i can only edit the 5 choices you made, not make new ones. What can ya do.
  11. ...i saw Resdient Evil, kinda liked it too...
  12. Ok...i can edit it, but cant seem to add options for some reason, ill work on that. I go with Morpheus of course - enigmatic, philosophical, cool - , but Yoda's pretty good in Empire. Gotta see how Kenobi turns out...i like 'im, but mainly cause its McGregor, then played by Guiness. Then again, he mustntve done a very good job with Anakin...
  13. Jack's - I know, both LOTR & Matrix are done but ya know what i mean, i aint see past the first part of either one yet, shouldnt judge completely i guess. Was Episode I so bad? Ok, pacing, dialouge, and Jar Jar aside...bah nevermind i aint defendin it. II was really cool tho, i thought. arc - Yeah maybe this belongs in movies, just wanted another cool poll down here, and epic movies involve a lotta fights...yeah, its a strecth i know.
  14. ooo me me I wanna be like Jessy Custard i want it so bad dammit why cant i be him its not fair.
  15. So ya know, i agree with arc that sometimes our name changes suck (japanese RPG character names can sometimes be a lot cooler) but the translation is done by us, not Japan so blame our shitty translators like i do..
  16. How would one best describe my new avatar? "Cool beans"? "The bee's knees?" "Better n' a blowjob from a toothless whore"? "Crotch-grabbin' good"? No folks, it's just the shit where i come from. god bless you, KOS & Jont! *sniff*
  17. Actually workin on a smaller version of the avatar to use on your board, KOS is a god amongst men (Jont aint bad neither!). Ruby - Been meanin to say, that's a right pretty avatar, good job there.
  18. Bob - cmon now, put down the liqour before your next review! Lord of the Rings - christ, the books're huge, you really want them just runnin around Middle Earth, fussin bout how mundane things are? It has to be lively, it's an epic! Again, with Matrix, it touches on some deep ideas. Any luck at all, itll expand a bit in the next few, but it wasnt just a smart action flick (a la The Professional), it was a really smart one that made the basics of some complicated ideas very approachable. Cant ask for much more'n that unelss its a more philosophical movie, such as Waking Life. Plot & pacing were great, and it oozed style.. Dark City's a good flick that deserves a lot more credit than it got, but i really dont see how that connects with this one in this regard. Back to the Future? I take it back, you aint drinkin at all. :smoker: :weed:
  19. Swear to god, ima fuckin kill you FIU Financial Aid dept fucks... trip me up on my way out the door..make you assholes wish yer daddy pulled out early... :D :shoot: :crossbones:
  20. ...thought ya meant DA, but nope twas some guy named Deltron, rude fuck at that (who goes through the effort of readin, posting & such just to trash a fella?), ill try to stop off & say howdy when i gots some time between movin, showcase m'new avatar a bit more. Wait, uh...do you value my opnion? Lemme know, opinions & alla that are a funny thing. I of course like mine, but I'm pretty sure this chick that used to post here, Octopus, fuckin hated em. What can ya do.
  21. Alright folks, this one oughta start some shit. Most kids our age go for Star Wars, which series do ya think is the better, and why? Bear in mind, all of em are, as yet, unfinished - with the exception of the Matrix, we know where SW & LOTR are going, but havent seen it quite yet. Which is your favorite, which are ya most lookin forward to seein, and why? Me, im prolly solo here, but its The Matrix for me. I watch Star Wars for the bushido-like Jedi stuff, the plot's great but pacing isnt always strong (like episode I) and dialogue is often horrible, but again the overall plot's a classic for a reason. Lord of the Rings...i didnt finish much of the books, honestly, but the movies look promising. Artisticcartoon sadly overhyped it, but the fans claim it was faithful, and this really feels like the archetypal fantasy journey/story, as it should: it set the bar. The Matrix, however, has it all, for me - hints at strong elements of philosophy, great deal of style, excellent storytelling, amazing technological shots of well-choreographed action (Wu Ping i believe, with John Woo-esque gunwork), etc. Even lesser actors (outside of Morpheus) do a great job; i seriously cant wait for the next 2. So how bout the rest of ya?
  22. Shut the fuck up, Dinghy, blargh's just fine.
  23. Good to have ya, RA. Weve been experiencin technical difficulties as of late but doin fine now. Id say dont steal our smileys but god knows i looked high & low to steal the ones we got, so cant get all hypocritical now, have a field day. Good to have another Floridian/Smith fan aboard, lemme know if ya want help findin an avatar. Bob said he wanted this one, but aint usin it so lemme know if ya like it & its yours: Also, if youd like your group to be "Preacher's Divinity" just say the word. Good job on the site, both of ya - ill pin this topic in our "Monty Python & Web Crusaders" link section soon, and try to put you & DA JUDGE's pages both on our links tab, along with Varley or any other member's pages...im here to help, and ing aint easy..
  24. ...not unsucessfull every time tho, Mel... ...just most Right about now...it's pool time.
  25. Hmm thats true, just really wanted to get the one where you make a cameo somehow, if its that far along - Benny, i can meet ya up almost anytime this comin week, how much of the game you figure is done? Got a lil time left before the move, maybe i can help finish it off or somethin, lemme know buddy. Be really cool to have it up, runnin & sent out to folks before i head on out.
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