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Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Good call, Gypsy. Cant quite place yours yet, argh...ok im makin this interestin, cant get this one outta m'head today, so here's another in the meantime while we figure out gypsy's: "I belong..in the service of a queen I belong...anywhere but in between..."
  2. "Texas?! Hell, everybody knows, no real cowboys come from Texas." - Woody Harrelson, The Cowboy Way
  3. Jesus...congrats, m'friend. Good site, glad its gettin some attention. Was talkin to your chick over at Preacher's bout MegaCon too, wish idve known you guys were there, mighta met up or somethin. Anyway, good job.
  4. The NZA

    Forum Upgrade

    Ask Yahven, that's all him. I just put the old logo back up, cant do much beyond that, the way the skin's laid out.
  5. "Damn, i wish these ho's would back up off me and let a playa play!" -Newt Gingrich
  6. These pretzels...are makin' me thirsty!!
  7. Holy shit, and Rising Stars actually showed up this month, fuckin amazing. I love that book, 's like a new Watchmen at times...i hear its bout 5 issues or so off finishin, then possibly a movie. Gotta check out this 100% Paul Pope stuff, they hype it at Preacher's too. M'self, im not sure what id rather do: work on an established Marvel/DC character or create my own Vertigo one. I think itd be cool to write an issue or two of "Hitman", even tho that one's over.
  8. ok, so one final left, some doctor's appointments, tattoo, asshole lawyers, move in spiffy & chi-chan, then mariam, then me, then party...what's left on m'list? Oh, right...I need to get some. Soon.
  9. Check it out, its a trip. Getting to know your Dance Dance Revolution competitors
  10. Secrets of a happy marriage 1. It is important to find a woman that cooks and cleans. 2. It is important to find a woman that makes good money. 3. It is important to find a woman that likes to have sex. 4. It is important that these three women never meet.
  11. See, that's weird - Ive enjoyed Azzarello's Constantine, especially ealier stufff like "Hard Time", tho the last few arcs havent been as good. Yeah, Ennis did it a lot better. 100 Bullets i read the 1st trade of, and despite the hype, im not really into it, keep thinkin i should read s'more of it after all the press it gets. Any other characters youd wanna work on?
  12. Soon, im gonna have the phatty-boom-batty-daddy of avatars. Just you wait & see.
  13. Welcome back :kitty:, missed you. Anyway you can hook Spiffy up with the DVD's so he & Chi-chan can finish off the series?
  14. Gypsy - Was Blood & Ashes the recent one? Ive read all of Azarello's stuff on that book so far. What would ya like to do with Constantine if it was up to you, tho? KOS - Hey, post more on that Irish superhero team, details ive heard so far have actually been really cool! Cap'n P - Ya know how i feel, after readin only a few issues of your Bloodbath, im a huge fan, and not just 'cause i make cameos - the Spider story was a fuckin trip, really enjoyed that one. Cant wait to see it on a monthly basis...anyway, keep the Spidey ideas comin. Just when i thought this forum was hurtin, it gets actual creativity, and good stuff at that. I'm happy. : )
  15. Ok, ive left Jack's rock ones alone so far to let others get em, but this one's takin too long...Unfrogiven by Metallica, if memory serves correctly. Here's one for m'friend: "dog man and the king of snake mongoose and the king of snake dog man and the king of snake"
  16. You know what? Fuck Road to Perdition. How bout that? I dont really wanna see it that bad, ill catch it on Netflix on my shit TV and shit sound system in my shit texas apartment and that's that. Until you're on your own payin your own rent & livin your life an such, stop tellin me what i should & shouldnt support, or where my money should go. If there was a fund to get you to shut the fuck up, id donate to that. Back to packing.
  17. What with all the Road to Perdition & Signs nonsense lately, this one got swept under by the movie folk: anyone have any info for Spiffy on this one?
  18. Stimpy - that autographed stuff was seriously cool, I gotta put some of it up over at Preacher's..thanks again m'friend. Lemme know bout that profile.
  19. Eh, yeah good points from Junker, hype from friends is pretty much critic stuff, but with friends theyve often got similar taste in movies, so yeah ill be more trusting. But with video games, for instance, yeah there are certain reviewers (read: critics) that ive come to trust for good judgement calls, so i trust those few. Still, on a personal note, the movies i see - those that arent big licenses like Star Wars that im prolly gonna see anyway - i do so either because the trailer fooled/convinced me that it looks cool or interestin, because i know & trust an actor or director, or, most often in my youth, because a group of friends wants to see it. I never got why Jumbie would spend hours lookin at reviews online that might possibly spoil the movie; if you spend that long lookin it up, youre obviously interested, why not give it a shot? Hell, now that the board's here, you can always come trash it here if ya want. Also, i guess price & convenience affect it, as many of us here saw more movies back in freshman year when there was a dollar-fifty theatre in the Wendy's shopping center, that was cool. Jack - you sure bout that method? Lotta ones ive seen bootlegged online werent great quality; usin Junker's Minority Report as an example, i dont think id wanna see it the first time in a choppy, possibly unifinished divx file.
  20. About 5 other people live here with me these days, how am i here by myself?! Ah well, guess ill go do naughty things in Dinghy's room...
  21. Oh i disagree, and how! I think youre losin sleep over it. I think you lay your head on your pillow at nite & say "Damn you, vile IC, just watch the goddamn movie, you fuck!". Dont think i dont know. I fear, were i to silence the voice in your head by finally seein this one, itd just get worse. "...Ok asshole, now time for Spy Kids! Watch it, bitch! Watch it now!! God, i hate that guy." see and all that just leads to the dark side, so really im tryin to help you out here.
  22. Let's try this again... Dont pay any attention to such humorous notes as potshots on Vin or the "Seriously tho" comment underneath it. Just fly off the handle, now youre cookin with gas. So, wait...so others cant make the same judgement calls on a book's cover as you can? Oh, alright, just wanted to make sure. I assure you, youre free to do what ya will with my credibility & opinion, may others closer to me have em too and i dont much listen to them, either. No hard feelings, i just think too many people live their lives like everyone's watching and that's supposed to matter somehow. ...ive read eastern philosophy that made more sense to me that that 'n. You lost me there.
  23. Again, i didnt even know it was a comic flick till Junker mentioned it, and the "non-superhero comics" thing is supported plenty by about $20 a week goin straight to the industry. I made the Come in Alone thread partly becasue i realized Warren Ellis is right, movies simply dont sell or justify comics to the public, that has to be done by comic book shops, by the industry itself. The man's got a point when he sees the huge sucess of the Spider-Man flick and the Ultimate Spider-Man book sales as a treatment rather than a cure, its not solvin the problem. It oughta be noted i do take that end seriously, as i scoured Ft Worth last time i was there to find a comic shop that supported independent press, and that's the shop ill buy from. So this movie, it can wait. I'm happy to know there's possibly a good film out there havin somethin to do with a comic, so ill catch it when im up for it.
  24. You can take it up with Yahven, but yeah i think Ancient gods is kinda closed off as an eletist group, but then again, at 15 or so posts a day, you are a rising member, right?
  25. I havent, yet. But its got Clint, by god! Not Vin Weasel, Clint! Its gotta be gold. Seriously tho, Signs was really good, might go see this one again with a friend o' mine soon; Spiffy, try to catch this one (without Chi-chan, wouldnt be her thing) if ya can, i know ya liked Sixth Sense anyway.
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