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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. The NZA

    Forum Upgrade

    Go to "Your Control Panel", then "Board Settings." The time zone isnt universal for the board since we have folks from all over the wolrd here; each user has to set there specific time zone under their options.
  2. fucka you! Anyway, ill post more on this *spoier option over in "forum upgrade" later, 's a good idea Jack. Austin was fun, viewable.
  3. Coulda sworn i already put that pic up there...alright, ill go do that now. Lemme know what website to put as your favorite, too. PMs? Workin fine for me...
  4. Nah, spiffy's right & everybody knows it. If you prefer Woo's U.S. flicks, youre prolly some kinda commie.
  5. So, bascically, you can play Chu-Chu Rocket, Bomberman Online, any of the 2k sports ones, etc online; only exceptions are Shenmue 1 (network's down, last i heard. Was cool while it was up) and Phantasy Star Online 2.0, basically the only game i wanna play online....in any event, 1.0's free. Just wanted to let anyone with a Dreamcast know, take advantage of it while its still up...
  6. Wow, i looked it up, and you werent kiddin. Dont know much bout the BMX one, i imainge itll catch a small part of the Tony Hawk crowd. Dead or Alive's a license that was beggin for some kinda smut-game tho, i guess. If i was to make a prediction....yeah, we'll see more of these types, as PC games have ever since Leisure Suit Larry or so. Thing is, unless there's strong gameplay, its just tits coverin up a crap game. Might as well watch porn; its cheaper. So nah, i dont think these 2 will spawn a whole new smut genre, just a few more nudie easter eggs in other games or somethin. Who knows, maybe MK5 will get those "nudalities" everyone spoke of back in the day.
  7. Haha...you almost went a whole thread without mention Chow Yun Fat, gun god. I hear Gamecube's anti-piracy is insane; remember, that's one of the reasons Yamanunchi (former Nintendo president) wanted to keep usin cartridges when it seemed foolish to do so. At least with Dreamcast's GC-ROM's, the physical size was the same. Being that this is Nintendo's first next-gen console with discs, i imagine the next few systems down the line wanna keep this format, to build a library (the way Sony is doing with the Playstation; keep em backward-compatible, and you appease a lot of people). So anyway, give it time, youll slowly hear of more people with the hardware to do it here in the states, but just like when you & I went lookin for PSX burns back in the day, the technology will trickle down our way dead last or so, i imagine. :( "Excuse me, me & my roomate here live in the next apartment complex over, and noticed you were playin Playstation. Would you happen to know where we could find burned games?" "What, are you guys feds or somethin?"
  8. Mouse & keyboard...sicko! That's not gaming, thats browsing! Argh, i just never got used to it.
  9. Ok, finally watched this one (on bootleg no less) so missed a few jokes here & there...funny shit, definitely had its moments. The opening was indeed impressive, also enjoyed the prison scene. Rehashed jokes, but enough original stuff to make it viewable (is it me, or are these things gettin more disgustin as they go along?). If youve got time & want entertainment, give it a go, if even by bootleg. Ok, so Jack might have an idea while im tryin to get the » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « tags to work: from now on, just spoil all ya want to, but label it first, and open it up with "" and end it with "" except without the quotes. Then, the rest of ya who dont mind the spoiler just click & drag over the white spot below the warning, like this:*spoiler "Godzilla!" "But due to international copyright law, not Godzilla!" "...But we should run like it is Godzilla!" "...but its not".
  10. Good points from Spiffy...hey, werent they makin a Doom movie too? Coulda sworn i heard bout one.
  11. So...Yahven left me in charge of profiles (found under the tab at the bottom that says "The Gods"), finally Ive already had requests to alter profiles from Heartless & Dinghy both, tho neither really said what they wanted, specifically. If ya look at mine here, its a bit off center, but i added a bunch of graphic shit. Yeah, that's mostly for me, dont expect alla that, but the point is that i can add questions if ya want em, alter things ya dont care for, toss up new shit, etc. New profiles for Alita, Take Me To Your Lizard, and pictures for a few of ya on the way, theyre on Yahven's temporarily defunct comp. I think we have Silent Bob's too, cant remember. Dirty Gypsy, Return of the Stimpy, Donovan, anyone else who doesnt have a profle & is interested in one, answer these questions & email it to me or private message me, whatever youre comfortable with. We encourage digital pictures, if ya got em. Real Name: Born: Languages: Size: . School: Home: Favorite movies: Most listened to CDs: Single favorite song: Hobbies: Most likely to burn $10 on: Finally, Yahven asks that you give a paragraph or two of creative writing, about what makes you so great - basically, use this spot to get into what youre all about, etc if ya can. Remember, these profiles are really a big part of the forum, as it humanizes you as a member; peole can see what ya look like, where youre from, etc so its not all made up-like. Also, feel free to improvise questions, if even from the F.Y.I. thread or somethin. Those of you with profiles - send pictures if ya dont have em. Also, i need your favorite website (besides this one - help me out here, dont make me guess or ya get gayporn.com or somethin) and a personal quote. These quotes dont need to be shakespeare; just somethin youve said, usually a phrase or somethin funny others have mocked ya for is what we go with, as you can see from the others. Id really appreciate it, folks - we got us a whole new site, with new people comin in, and over 175 members, many of which are real people (honest injun), let people know who ya are so were not all strangers here.
  12. The NZA

    Forum Upgrade

    Ok, Yahven had an idea, for you kids in the Senate, and those onna way: If we put you each in your own member group (once ya reach the Senate, of course), we could replace your blue blocks (or stars) with whatever ya want; for instance, Senate members have a because MyLeakyBucket got in first and picked that for ya. But...Yahven wants everyone to stay in the Senate somehow. So here's the idea, usin SOF as an example: SOF makes the Senate, and is given a member title to indicate his position, such as The Senate - Hitman. Now, we can use crosshairs instead of blue blocks or whatever, since that's what he wants (tho you only get 1 off the bat, havta earn the others). How's that sound? That way, say, JunkerSeed can be "The Senate - Monkeyfucker" or somethin and get any .gif file he wants there, and so on. Lemme know what ya think, especially you Senate kids. PS Youd better like the .gif file ya pick, cause its tricky to change and im not doin it on a whim every week or so!
  13. 's true, im wonderin if those Hellblazer trades are gonna make it out at all; them & the Hitman ones are way behind. Anyway, just wanted to post Bendis' views to counter Ellis' pro-trades over in "Come In Alone", what do the rest of ya think?
  14. The NZA

    Forum Upgrade

    Just put in some some new "post icons", check below next time youre posting. SOF brings up the next graphical thing i wanted to work on, tho - i can replace the blue blocks with the old stars, or maybe better ones if we see em. What would you people prefer? Blue blocks, stars, or...?
  15. ...i miss dinghy. :( ...but not that vile Junkerseed! What, with all his hippin, and the hoppin, and the bippin, and the boppin...
  16. On an unrelated note down here in blargh, im movin to Texas in a few weeks. Way i hear it, some long-haired hippie's comin into town, stereotypin folks in one of the largest states in the union as all cowboys & such, and callin that "open-mindendness". Fortunately, being a wanker is, in actuallity, against state law, so me & George Bush is gonna have us a good ol' fashioned lynching, yeeee-hawww! PS En route to Texas, one passes through Louisiana (a giant mudhole, not much outside of mari gras) and Alabama (beautiful state, but reminds me of parts of "Cool Hand Luke"), both of which are pretty backward states. Texas, home of Ft Worth, Dallas, Houston etc are not all necessarily El Paso or the Alamo, and is like any ohter big city; dont let fools tell ya otherwise. PPS in texas, we cant distinguish no high-flootin' sar-casm over the interent, so we hang em high just in case. :P
  17. I had to see the trailer for that one three times or so before i was convinced it wasnt some kinda joke. Thought it was Teddy Ruxpin the first time, but that's just as bad i guess. Although, trailers like that are fun, 'casue im quite certain its a time capsule from the 80's...check out the way those bears rock on a guitar for no reason at all. Dinghy knows what im talkin bout...that's the kinda shit the 80's were all about.
  18. The NZA

    Forum Upgrade

    More cool shit bout this board: 1)Im really liking the "Top 10 posters today" option, upper right of the front page. Lets ya see who's been here. Also, try clickin on user profiles now, it says where they spend most of their time, thats cool. 2) Jack's + few others asked about this, now i know for sure - polls can now be edited, by moderators at least. So, options can be changed as others open & such, pretty cool. 3) Skins are workin cool, more on that as it comes. Were lookin at lettin moderators help choose the skin for their respective forums; basically, we take a graphic base & replace certain things inside it with .gif's and such of appropriate stuff (i.e., Junker might have somethin of Taxi Driver around Movies). 4) Log out problem seems officially wiped. Yahven, drink's on me at Hondo's, as well as my apartment...just dont get greedy. 5) Hacks onna way, i swear. Honest injun.
  19. But I wonder if Final Fantasy bein somethin of a franchise name (after VII) helped it any, or hindered it...? Still think Titan A.E. has more recognizable names overall (remember, many people dont seem to know Buscemi by name, for instance) but it dont matter since A.E. apparently didnt do that well either. I thought it did, but never looked it up...if its studio too was forced to close, then hell, that just sadly proves m'point...American markets dont quite seem ready for theatre-released mature animation. ??? Maybe one day soon.
  20. Yeah, i know, another damn MP3 thread...just thought itd be interestin to see what we listen to at odd hours of the day. Whilst workin on my thesis & messin around here, im listenin to "Mary J Blige - Share my Wolrd". It's been a general R & B mood, with "Mos Def - Umi Says" following "Boyz II Men - Pass you by" (spiffy, youd like that one), Groove Theory "Tell me if you want me to" and of course, D'Angelo's "Brown Sugar", cause where's an R & B fest without that one. God bless digital piracy, sincerely.
  21. The NZA

    Forum Upgrade

    Dont know bout the rest of ya, but it seems to be workin fine for me, now. I can open multiple windows without bein logged out, hoo-hah! Again, thanks for swattin them :butterfly: 's Mr Y. Hey, lets put that » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « thing in now, cmon! Yeah i know, if it aint one thing its another....PM me.
  22. The sayin was "well, excuuuuuuuuse me, princess!" as i recall, annoyin as hell, ripped offa some movie or another but fuck i loved that cartoon anyway. As for FF, nah i was surprised, it was dangerous. Cost Square, wha, over $160 million, and here in the states where animation means "for kids", but aimed at an older market? Sure, maybe Titan A.E. pulled it off, cant say for sure, but maybe that was the (more) famous/easily recognizable voice acting, i dunno. Just didnt have its niche; sure, the recent trend of disney/pixar/dreamworks stuff has been more inclusive of us older kids, but like it or not, its geared at the kids, whereas FF, despite the toys, clearly wasnt, i thought. 'S a tough market i think, animation for adults in U.S. theatres.
  23. "Yeah...as a shorty, playin in the front yard of the crib, i fell down an' bumped my head. somebody helped me up and asked if i bumped my head, and i said 'yeah'. and then he said 'oh. so that mean...you gon'..you gon' switch it on em?' i said 'yeah. flipmode. flipmode is the greatest.' ..you know, as a shorty, i was always told, that if i aint gonna be part of the greatest, gotta be the greatest myself... cmon, cmon...yeah, cmon..." :afro: Gimme s'mo!
  24. Hmm...not a bad method Spiffy, looks not-to-terribly hard to undo if need be, pretty cool. Yeah, what you said bout the CD-ROMs should be true, but i dont think that'll last for long, seems like most new games are DVD format, arent they? Even Dreamcast GD-ROMs got cracked, but we always had to dowload em to make em fit on a disc...im curious to see if anyone outside of Hong Kong has cracked Gamecube discs. Its a shame the standard new game price went back up to $50, seemed like it was $40 or so for a a while. So, whaddya think? I figure, another couple years, tops, DVD-writers will become cheaper (actually, theyre not so bad, i think its the blank DVD's that hurt), then this wont be an issue, at least for PS2 anyway.
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