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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. ...is what Chief said true, Spider-Man? Did you make me gay!?
  2. Im not clever enough to make this stuff up. Acclaim Entertainment seeks to use tombstones for advertising space Picture from said article: :uhuh:
  3. Courtesy of huw over at Preacher's...
  4. ...wha? Road towhoozit? Ah, a review....anger, words make head hurt... ! Wait, 8 Legged Freaks is out?! Feets, dont fail me now! *Grabs hat & shuffles out door to support B-films*
  5. Oh, mr fancy-pants film guy dont want us watchin bad comic movies! So youd just have Dolph Lundgren starve, wouldnt you?! Eh, he's got a point. I wont judge any till i see/hear s'more but even the Marvel reserves - Namor, Dr Strage, Ghost Rider, the ones who cant quite hold a monthly book, but a good mini-series with a skilled writer at best - are now gettin movies. The Daredevil franchise has me worried as well, especially with an Elektra spinoff already up for grabs..? Quite literally, any big namer at Marvel, DC or Image (Strazinsky's Rising Stars might be interestin, not plannin on seein Spawn 2 tho) are being bought up. As an obviously avid comic reader, my best guess for movies goes like this: If theyve had good writing - specifically, good story arcs - in the books, youve got a chance at somethin good on screen, at least past the formulaic "origin" 1st movie anyway. Spider-Man, for instance, has had far too many good villians and stories not to produce just a few strong movies, and again, with Frank Miller and Kevin Smith among his big-namers, believe it or not, Daredevil has some stories i consider even better, but again you wont see them in the first movie, at least. Characters like Ghost Rider and Green Lantern are ones i find interestin, but with very few really good stories. The only way i think they'd come out good is if they had a director like the guy who did the first Crow movie. Not to rank on James O' Barr's original Crow story, but i didnt think it was all that great m'self (perhaps i shouldve been gothic, i hear its the best thing since Poe and Vincent Price to them). But you can get a good hour or two out of them, if the guy who's makin up the story as he goes along has some strong ideas himself..i think Blade's another example of a much better movie than the book. Now, the Vertigo titles have a different mission entirely: theyre finite series, and you cant tell their entire tale in one movie, nor will it do well enough to get more of em out. I honestly dont think ill see the Constantine/Hellblazer one for all its been butchered. and as ive told Junker, ill catch the Preacher one, despite his previous rant, just to behold it in the same way one insists on rubbernecking the car wreck of a loved one. Bascially, your big name Marvel ones that youre hearing about i expect will, at the least, stay entertaining, as Spider-Man or X-Men have been. The only comic-esque films i think have a shot at breaking new ground are Batman: Year One, possibly The Hulk, and of course Matrix 2. Give these ones a shot. Read reviews, here and otherwise, before the lesser-known characters (although i assure you, if you catch the Vertigo movies you aint gonna save it, these ones either become quiet hits like Ghost World of fade away), and for godsake dont watch any Lobo movies. :ill:
  6. "No one knoooows....what it's like... to be a dust bin..in Shafsbry...." We're the hooligans! Be careful, or we might become skullywags!
  7. NES & SNES seem dead these days, need to replace em soon. I see where he says how to do it, but where can i send em & get this thing built for me? Cmon, if its all me & my engineering skills were just gonna get like 8 console CPU's sodered together..."that oughta do it!"
  8. ...Stracynski! Good pick, people.
  9. ...if i stopped before he finished, am i still gay? ???
  10. Cmon, there's only like 3 buttons...and hey no spoilin the game here! PS good job so far Eeyore.
  11. heywhazzat huh? Oh, right right... Uhm, Yahven uses "home of some crazy mofos" but id say "great place to shoot the shit, featuring a philosophy corner, fight club, 2 bars and finally, an RPG! 10% fewer wankers." Hey, next time ya pimp the site, lets see some sketches!
  12. "Mm. I love that song. Reminds me of elephants." Glaven!
  13. I enjoy today more than most. I cant wait for tomorrow...lotta big things happening soon. But even so...i cant think of much i wouldnt trade to be in 9th grade right now, worryin bout football plays, beating ariel in street fighter 2, making out with silly girls, fights with fools, and other nonsense. The best i can do, aside from remember alla that, is keep tomorrow simple.
  14. Sounds cool, but i want expansion quests down the road when we can get em together...this 1-2 hour quest here left me wantin! Omega sounds so...final. Then again, weve had almost 11 "final" fantasies so i guess i cant object. :dcecil:
  15. A joke? A joke!? You sir should be bitchslapped! It's riveting! Just you wait till you hear the pleas of the piano woman, the desperate drunken cry of King Yahven, the amazing tutorial, the constant DBZ references, the...its not even a game! It's an experience! A way of life! Oh, but to mr funnyman, its all a joke! You see? This is why you get traded for Link! :link: PS those of you who wanna be in the game, it'd be really helpful if you supplied us some kinda visual - ie, if you wanted to be some Zelda-type adventurer, find a good pic of Link to be your in-game avatar or somethin. That'd be helpful - try Google.com PS Now at level 15 PPS
  16. I wanna trust ya'll on this one - tho i didnt think JMT's Pleasentville was so hot, Election was fun - but man, Spy Kids looks like shit, it really does. I know, i know, judgin books by their covers & alla that, but sell me a lil more on this one, and do it on a thread of its own or somethin if ya could...i gotta be convinced just a lil bit more. PS good luck with them sunglasses.
  17. I thought subtitles & #'s were for sequels...? I dont wanna see "Drunken Fantasy: A New Hope", tho Yahven'd recommend "Drunken Fantasy 1.1" or somethin. I think the final name comes down to Benny's decision, but i guess id go with the standard "Drunken Fantasy: Alpha" or somethin.
  18. "Good evening, fellow classmates. Tonite, i shall entice you with a tale of lies, sex, and espionage! *puffs cigar* Ok, i tell a lie; i got nothin. But then, half of you dont speak proper english and the other half think Celine Dion's the greatest "hero" to come out of America's tragic 7-11 disaster, so you can see where your opinion doesnt count. So insted of an actual speech, you will now watch this broken kalidoscope on the projecter whilst i go jerk off in the bathroom for my remaining 5 minutes. Silencio!" ..speaker # 2... :plain: ...fuck.
  19. Uh...yeah, the Transmet's are cool but hurt your eyes after a bit (think theyre supposed to be props), Mulan ( :kitty: ) got em offa online comic site, i forget which. Dont know bout the Vash the Stampede ones (tho theyre cool, i agree) but ill look it up for ya. Im sure if they exist theyre not reasonably priced, tho. PS Transmet is great Vertigo readin, kids. Go grab yourselves a trade & help vote in the long-off forthcomin Stewart Vs Malko poll.
  20. ..except alcoholic... :wineo:
  21. No, actually, he's the best mage in the game; some helpful spells to attack all enemies at once, has very lil dialogue so far, high MP & such, its just you vs Link is all...ya understand. ; ) I shall spoil this game no more! You people must play it soon! :link: vs :monkey:
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