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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Those of you who arent playin the Drunken RPG yet are whores. Whores! :plain: :dissappointed:
  2. Ok, its very specific & heavily religous/mythological overtones but Im sure somethin can be done with it, ill get him to post here next time i see 'im for a more 16-bit character...sounds like a good villian right now tho! PS Dinghy says her boat should have (or imply havin) "Killer Instincs" on the side of it; ill explain later. PPS Nick is cool, but could i just be Irish Cowboy or would that fit? Shame icant have a graphic to imply a shotgun shot or somethin, looks like im cuttin for now....i know i asked for no magic but maybe i could have a special attack of some kind?
  3. Glad to help, im up for this. Must save $ for bottle....one day maybe.... Hey people cmon lets get s'more ideas/details! Benny, didja see the ones KOS had? Theyre pretty cool, if you havent i can copy em over from Preacher's, lemme know. PS I gots the triforce first you monkeys.
  4. Cool. Dont get me wrong, i dont want it to be Everquest, but longer'd be cool, so we can include more people/quests. oooo...always wanted to write dialogue/plot for an RPG, ya need a writer? I wont fuck with the plot much, just dialogue mainly, im good with that... PS Game Hint: Save before steppin on skull & crossbones. :plain: Must..level up...more...
  5. Aww yeah. This game's too @#$%in cool. Cant switch JMT for other character tho, argh! Guess im stuck with that monkey. I wanna say a lot more but dont wanna spoil it for others....heh, Super Saijains are pretty powerful tho. :sneaky: Im gonna post more ideas here on plot, quests, my character etc, as well as details for a few folks who might not be on the board. Only other question is: how much room do we have to play with? How many characters can we have, can the overall quest or map be bigger? If not thats cool, its a lotta room to work with. Guess ill havta see the engine sometime. Speakin of which, Yahven wants to help you add stuff, is there any way you could pass along your files or somethin, if youre cool with that? This thing is so much more promising that i thought itd be. An RPG with me in it...
  6. 1st piece of...!?! Sonofa...back to the game i go, feets dont fail me now!
  7. Yeah, it gets that a lot, but believe it or not, Jerusalem is actually kinda old at the series' beginnings, despite too much drugs & tattoos makin him look young. Part of the series is bout him bein on his way out the door & wanting to take down the president with him, actually. Stewart - like Sam Jackson, Nick Cage and others - is a huge fan, whose personal favorite is Transmet, and the writer (Warren Ellis, also responsible for my "Come in Alone" thread over at Xavier's) thought him perfect, i hear Patrick approached him first, but who knows. Its prolly years off, but seein as how hte series ends in September, itd be cool to see if the flick's well done, and I'd love to see Stewart pull it off, im sure he could. "[i][b]Spider Jerusalem: cheap, but not AS cheap AS your girlfriend."[/b][/i]
  8. PS Benny - my 2nd character design is pretty cool, might go with that one if he can have the shotgun on his back too. Again, good job on the character designs. :link: Eeyore - Maybe, give a call over.
  9. Review: This is one of the coolest old-school RPGs ive played in a long while. Finished in a few hours or so...inside jokes & dialogue are well-thought out & a trip. The characters are fun, and Im dyin to see more of the game. If i had to critique anythin, id say: -there's a whole lotta random battles, just like old rpg's. Sometimes too many but i dont mind, that's what auto-battle's for. -yahven thought it was too easy. screw him, im just good. -maybe my "cowboy" theme song should be shorter, lower quality or a midi or somethin? Took a while to load... -more treasure chests! -were the last 2 towns not "turned on"? They were graphically there but i couldnt go in...argh.. Seriously tho, this one's a blast. Now i really wanna get on board & help with design & such. Benny hyped plent of his DBZ and the first joke in the castle with...nah, i wont ruin nothin, but its some of the funniest shit ive seen in an RPG. The entire game's 165 megs, and ive fully installed it so ive got about 2 extra discs of it, who else wants to get it on the action? Honestly, if youre on the board & have ever enjoyed an olf Final Fantasy game - or even if not - ya gotta give this one a go. Seriously Benny, congrats on a job very well done. I was expectin to have some quaint thing to treat nicely 'cause of the effort involved, but this was actually really cool.
  10. Yeah, but Hellblazer was gonna suck anyway. The great arcs that Ennis did, theyre too long, and we all know they seem to make every comic superhero (tho Constantine's not this, he might get treated as such) as an origin movie, so unless they got Sting himself to play him, i wasnt expectin much. Of the Vertigo books, i sincerely dont wanna see Preacher or Hellblazer, but if what ive heard of Transmetropolitan (Patrick Stewart as bastard outlaw journlaist Spider Jerusalem, hoo hah!) is true, that might be pretty cool. JMT - If ya wanna read the only feesable batman/superman fight, much less the greatest Batman tale of all time, check out Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by comic god Frank Miller. It could work, i just dont see em goin that way...this film'll get the "comic film" treatment: a lil brawl, then the 2 teamup for some odd reason. ???
  11. Nah, the sexy bitch onna right with them teeth is bein all prude!
  12. Well, we broke Preacher's record for replies, anyway. That's cool. On the customized member titles...while Junker's new "Rider of the Storm" is really cool, I got nothin on KOS, our resident Kogi Kaishakunin. That's just badass. :wasabi:
  13. Some interestin shit there....good point, im changin this thread to "comic book movies" to be all-inclusive (since relevance is so important round these parts ) Wait...Elekatra flick? Man, i hope we dont butcher comic flicks like in the 80's overdoing it.
  14. This is like the 5th time ive checked this thread just to see that chick (one on the left). Good one, SOF.
  15. Cant find one, didnt really look tho...help yourself to find one tho, and all you photoshop kids now have a challenge. PS let this thread die.
  16. Another good batch, Chiefy. Lifted from Jonty over at Preacher's... Crouching Cock, Hidden Snatch Fist of Fury Drunken Masturbation Enter the Dragon and Pull Out Sharply Before Ejaculation
  17. Ya may've gotten m'blood, but now you've got my pee, too! 107th ave, you are my bitch.
  18. Mean Streets? Never hearda that one, how was it?
  19. Oh, Brian. Thought you said "Bruce", that's what was odd. Ive been readin Hulk the last year or so - its never been as good, check it out at Marvel.com for free - but i dont remember any Brian...maybe a sibling or father?
  20. ? Seriously? Whered you hear that? Aint he a bit old for the role...?
  21. Argh! i want more comic talk in the comics forum! Off to movies you go! PS Lets hear more on the Hulk movie too.
  22. i love heartlessbitch. Marsh, you are goin' down! :shoot: :weed: :weed:
  23. Today....'s been one of those days even my new marsh couldnt ruin. Im hungry & have a wee headache, and still cant stop smiling like a fool.
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