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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. *cricket, cricket* Very well! I shall continue. GTO's a funny anime, good manga too tho much longer. I shall soon start Bastard, more on that after ive read it. Halfway through Akira now...again, as it goes on, you can see more & more why it influenced as much as it did; great storytelling & pace (especially with the action), extremely detailed art. Might havta check out Domo (?) On KOS' brother Jont's recommendation, also by Otomo. Lone Wolf & Cub books 2 & 3 were incredible...this thing starts as a clever hack-and-slash and turns into this scenic, elaborate, extremely well-told samurai tale, cant believe this thing's over 20 years old. 28 volumes or so in total, but i believe i'll see it through.
  2. Go Brazil! Man, i gotta visit that place.
  3. For a few Dollars More, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Godfather II here's to hopin we can add "Matrix Relodead" here soon...
  4. SOF - finally downloadin your next recommendations, ill get back to ya on em but keep em comin! Few i got today: -Dreadzone - Dream within a dream (off of The Saint soundtrack, fuckin great techno albulm if ya havent heard it) -Fionna Apple - Across the Universe (Pleasentville) -Nas - The Message, New World
  5. So many loose ends to tie up before the journey...but what if the old ghosts don't want to be found? :pblock:
  6. "By the way, I quit. Take it easy." Not quite the shootout i was expectin, but i went out with style. *tips hat* goodbye, Grand Bay Club, was fun for a bit. Fuck the bridges! Let em burn.
  7. Interestingly enough, IMDB.com says he directed Michael Jackson's "Bad" video, didnt know that. Left off a few, feel free to bitch if ya think theyre significant. "Gangs of New York" is lookin interestin, as well. While Taxi Driver is indeed a classic - Junker put it in a whole new light by callin it a "more modern Searchers", i still might lean towards Raging Bull. Even so, i wont vote till i see "King of Comedy". Hell, i havent seen Cape Fear or After Hours, either. Finally, id like to thank DA JUDGe for this badass pic of Scorses & De Niro on the set of "Raging Bull".
  8. I miss the hell outta rippin off HBO back home. Back then it was just Dennis Miller, Chris Rock, Spawn, random movies & comedy speicals, etc. They had a season or two of Oz before i left, really got into it. Wasnt a fan of Sex & The City, but Arliss is fun. This 6 feet Under sounds interestin, as does Band of Brothers; havent seen either. However...after seeing 2 seasons of Sopranos, im tempted to get HBO just to watch that one. Fuckin great show.
  9. Othello ....followed by "Omen"! A 2-for-1 since this thread's been on ice for a bit, so that leaves us back on N.
  10. Guess ill join in... Rolling Stones, "Sympathy for the Devil" Another easy one: "I wanna hear that funky dixieland, pretty mama, come'n take me by the hand. (By the hand, take me by the hand pretty mama, come'n dance with ya daddy all nite long...)"
  11. I've no regrets. That was a Tommy Hill frisbee; it had it comin.
  12. Yahven, your plannin skills suck!
  13. Uh...Al, ya do realize that's part of the "women drivers" joke, right? See, the idea is youre not supposed to be driving whilst doing all those things, that's how accidents happen. While these individuals were indeed morons, i dont think much more highly of people - and before some ass points it out, yes men do it too - on their cellphones & such while on the wheel. Youre not that important, pull over.
  14. I know...I'll pee in the pool at Grand Bay and key the head bitch's car, then ill quit! Ha! Didnt see that idea in Preacher, lil miss Dinghy!
  15. I dunno...i try to leave the womanoid alone, but when she manages to lodge a car in between what looks like 2 apartment complexes, i think its worth postin. ...sudden burst of estrogen? Some guy cut ya off on the way home? PS C'mon that french bitch was dumb.
  16. [Random lines you had to watch the episode to get] "Joe Joey Jojo...that's a horrible name!" "Aww, its true! *sobs*" "Joey JoJo wait come back!" *Homer reads hand* "Ok, there's something ive been meaning to tell you..." *Massive-handed guy reads hand* "..and i'm sick and tired of these hand jokes! I think it all began back in 1978..." [/Random lines you had to watch the episode to get]
  17. Dinghy's almost finished Preacher and genuinely seems to be enjoyin it - another convert, woo hoo! PS plus, today, July 3rd, at 5:40 AM or so, she fucked up & actually said "bless you" when i sneezed...see? This book does wonders!
  18. *Note: there were 666 replies to Blargh! at the time of this postin. Interesting. And now, an actual conversation between m'self & miss Dinghy over AIM. Chat programs tell no lies! Behold, the truth about Dinghy!
  19. Well despite the nay saying of bitter mr Junker here, PS2 has dropped the price of its early games - the 1st batch has now joined Sony's "Greatest Hits' Collection, retailing for @ $20/each, a great deal for Gran Turismo 3. In addition, Japan will soon be seeing the premeire of the "Ocean Blue" PS2, as opposed to the old "Zen Black" one we all have, here it be.
  20. "Fellas, I got a fevah...and the remedy...is more of that cowbell!"
  21. "I wanna dip mah balls in it!" PS Dear Dinghy... ...FEET!
  22. One day, Jack's will exhaust his need to give his opinions on everything, or simply run outta opinions. What a glorious day that shall be!
  23. Chi-Chan on Yahven's batch of hot chocolate: "It no good! It taste like...from out of nowhere; taste like...from hell!"
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