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Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Join now! Praise Allah! Courtesy of Chiefy... Al Qaeda Employee Orientation Film More post 9-11 humor: ------------------------------------------------------------ The President of the United States, George W. Bush, has asked that all Americans and Canadians unite together in a common cause to root out terrorists hiding in our community. Since the Taliban cannot stand nudity, and consider it a sin to see a naked woman that is not one's wife, on Saturday afternoon at 2-00 p.m. EDT, all North American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighborhood terrorists. Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort. All men should position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their houses to prove that you think it's OK to see other women nude. (Since the terrorists do not approve of alcohol, a cold six-pack at your side is further proof of your anti-Taliban sentiment.) Names and addresses of non-participants should be sent to CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia. ------------------------------------------------------------ "Everyone seems to be wondering why the Arab terrorists are so quick to commit suicide? Let's see now No premarital sex. No booze. No bars. No television. No Internet. No organized sports, stadiums, tailgate parties. Actually, no tailgates. No Hooters. No pig meat Sand everywhere and not a dune buggy insight. (or water) Ever try to fish at an oasis? Rags for clothes and hats. Eating only with your right hand cause you wipe your butt only with your left. Like life isn't complicated enough already. Constant wailing from the guy next door because he is sick and no doctors. No music. No radio. You can't shave. You can't shower. Bar-B-Q donkey cooked over burning camel dung. The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times. Your bride is picked by someone else. Oh, and then they tell you that when you die it all gets better..... Who wouldn't go for it? 'Lord I'm coming home.' "
  2. Ok, few more things than its back to actual comics: 1) Colossus still rumored to be in X2, which is lookin more & more like an adaptation at Cleremont's "God loves, Man kills", which i never finished so off to Amazon.com i go. 2) It seems the Sam Neil call was just a rumor; Comic Book Resources.com says there's no association, no official casting calls yet for Spidey 2. Fuck, now there's a Lobo short film? If they make a feature film outta that one, there's one comic film im not seein: Lobo fucking sucks. This shit shoulda been released back when bad comic movies were all the rage: think late 80's Captain America, Punisher, Fantastic Four, Avengers etc. :ill:
  3. As a concept racer, i take great offense. You sir should be beaten with cocks.
  4. Mmm...girl, you've been away too long. I hear you're comin back Nov. 18th...damn. Let me love you.
  5. "Back in the day, people used to call me 'Sexy Randall the Pharoah Wizard.'" "No they didn't." *flashesback to Randall playin game, some random gay kid behind him* "Go sexy Randall, the Pharoah Wizard!" *mob chases kid down* - Clerks: The Animated Series Eh, ya had to be there i guess. ??? I loved that part tho.
  6. Ill take your word for it. Say Anything
  7. I am evil Ho-mer, I am evil Ho-mer!
  8. All of this is happening because you people forgot about Dre.
  9. No, no they really dont. That's why theyre a team and not individual stories. Sure, youd think they could hold their own for 15 minutes a piece, but how long did you wanna see Cyclops solo? Face it, he's a less inetestin character. Yeah, i wanna see guys like Gambit, Nightcrawler, Colossus etc get their time, and then i wanna see em work with the team, 'cause they can carry it for a bit. If you noticed X-Men 1 had too much Xavier, Magneto or Wovly, that's cause theyre about the most interestin characters in the flick. Then again, if the movie was up to me, it'd either be a Wolvy solo or one in which, when Wolvy's not the center of attention, he's in the background eatin cheerios or somethin; the few times he's off-screen, everyone's askin where he is or talkin bout what a badass he is or somethin. "Dammit man, what's with all these non-Jackman scenes!?"
  10. Courtesy of Junker... Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
  11. Personally, my dream as a musician is to have my own band, who performs numerous cool-sounding songs with insightful lyrics. Then, one day, we'll make it big for a minute and get the song we hate performing to have 2 of its chorus lines stripped & looped during one of those fancy, manipulative trailers for a mediocre movie. You know, the ones they play every other commercial break, sometimes twice. People will get so sick of the song, having not actually heard the whole thing, and associate it with the shit movie. We'll be the next Nickelback, one of those groups everyone hates without actually having heard anythin of us, much less know our name. Which is cool, 'cause it was just a trailer song; they never feature those on the actual soundtracks, anyway.
  12. Im most hyped bout Hulk, myself - good director, cool story behind him. I dig Daredevil but ill get back to ya after the trailer. As for X-Men 2, keep Wolvie central, dammit! Sure, I wanna see some Nightcrawler, but Jackman's got my boy to a tee...should get a solo movie! alright ill stop.
  13. Uh, hey, is Octopous still around? I emailed her a while back to compliment her site, never heard back.... Anyway, just noticed she took away her avatar & profile, perhaps after takin offense to JMT's joke here or somethin, dont know. Shame, she was alright, but if it does turn out she left 'cause of offense or somethin, i figure its for the best: those too sensitive to socialize with others and their different ideals....shouldn't.
  14. I'll beta, just lemme know when & what's to be done. Im low on hard drive room, shouldnt be a problem tho should it? Again, lemme know, and dont gimme any PC VD's or nothin either. :weed: :doctor:
  15. One more essay, one more class to go, then the transaction's complete.
  16. "What if...what if this is really as good as it gets?"
  17. Cant wait to see that trailer Bob...check it out, more pictures, courtesy of some German site or another... On the set Possible costume revision, at least it gots the DD This looks really cool...check out Murdock & Foggy, looks dead on. Karen Page...another good casting call on her behalf. ..and here's a quick collage of the stars of the flick as they appear in comics.
  18. Eh..not sure if i can watch it anytime soon but yeah id really appreicate it, heard it had stuff in common with Akira. Plus, the animator from that series is lookin to one of the upcoming Matrix animes, wanna see some of his stuff...id appreciate it, thanks Alita.
  19. The NZA


    Hmm...tried it out (after backin up Hosts file, natch), ill let ya know how it goes. PS Yahven - all those extra adresses at the bottom, should i copy alla them too? Be nice to have em all blocked.. PS Tried it out on Amazon, TheOnion, etc - no popups! Im curious bout their tip tho, they say if you change the IP to, it'd be quicker, might try that.
  20. I'm not internationally known, but im known to rock a microphone... Penny Arcade's the best.
  21. Buttercup alla way...she's hardcore. Wonder if Blossom gets any votes? Anyway, i might be up for movie.
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