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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Uhm...does anyone know anythin bout Metropolis?
  2. It's 3pm on my day off; the fuck am i doin on the board?! "Nas is like...."
  3. That list was pretty cool...didnt know there'd be sequels to Bad Boys (thought it was cancelled) or Exorcist, cool. Of course the Matrix ones get me all warm & fuzzy, but is X2 X-Men? wasnt sure. Weird, im actually up for Resident Evil: Nemesis after the last one surprsied me, was fun. Wait, MK? Under Siege? :ill:
  4. Wait...i didnt read much Spawn past the first 30 issues or so, but the man was definitely black. There was a part where he was "cursed" with being white, but that was after he died. He was black before being killed, as was his family, so i have no idea what Mcfarlane's sayin there. He's fulla shit anyway. Here's that Bullseye pic: Colin Farrel PS Sam Neil? I know that name, where from?
  5. The first rule of Blargh's randomness is you do not talk about Blargh's randomness! Though, if some random figure - not a troll - who doesnt know the rules randomly comes on the board & randomly posts on a random thread, but it's connecting, isnt that in itself random? Oh yeah: People, if you call here & your number is "blocked" im not answering, period. And Team Wireless, fuck you!
  6. Alright, some more thoughts on the writers: -Kevin Smith: Golden boy these days, anythin he touches makes top ten outta nowhere. Again, i like how he picks the no-namers: gives him room to work with, yet he chooses to stay within its weak contiunity sometimes, almost outta respect. I wouldnt mind if he didnt, to be honest. Current projects: Just signed onto Marvel exclusively for a year or so; theyre handing him Amazing Spider-Man after he finishes Spider-Man/Black Cat miniseries. Should be really exciting, i dont know what artist he'll get tho (possibly Romita Jr?) -Morrison: Gettin crazier by the day, but damn is New X-Men goin strong. Cassandra Nova's been dealt with, i hear rumors of a great Pheonix saga comin up. Currnet projects: Vertigo's The Filth miniseries of his just started, reminds me of his old Invisibles but cant say for sure till a few more issues come out. -Azarello: Seems to be tying up some of his loose threads in Hellblazer, wonder if theyre pullin him from it soon? Hope not. Current projects: Dunno, but i really wish i could read more 100 Bullets and that fucked-up Hulk miniseries he did, Banner. -Bendis: Did anyone read Ultimate Spider-Man special? It was the ending to his Ultimate Marvel Teamup book, went out with a bang. He's trimming down the books a bit, which is good: i have a recent interview of his on CD if anyone wants to hear it. Current projects: Too many to name, think he's one of the hardest workin guys out there: Ultimate Spider-Man, Powers, Alias, Daredevil (i think), few others. -Stracynski: Mignight Nation's over! Damn, that was a fun run. He's only a few issues shy of ending his epic Watchmen-esque Rising Stars: after that, he's got the same exclusive Marvel deal as Smith. Current Projects: Finishing up Rising Stars, possibly a movie out of it, and a new Spidey book for him when he gets bumped over for Kevin Smith, tho i hope he stays with Romita Jr as his artist, that guy's great. -Mark Millar: I dont know much bout this guy outside of Ultiamte X-Men and [/b]Ultimates[/b] (Avengers), but he seems good at juggling cast members of team books, that aint easy. -Paul Jenkins: Origin's done, got the hardcover and its nice..i admit the ending was rushed, tho. Ill post more on him when i finish his run on Inhumans, i hear it really stands out. Oh, read The Sentry, that Marvel Stan Lee hoax...was a fun book, 6 issues or so, i recommend it for abstract superhero stuff. -Bruce Jones: Heh, he's even got a comic book name...seriously, i know fuck all bout this guy, but he's makin The Hulk one of those marvel books alongside Ennis' Punisher that i really look forward too each month: if youre not readin this one, youre a fool, go check out Marvel.com (the link is at the top of this indiviual forum). Its intelligent, very cinematic, fudgitive-esque. Banner's on the run from government agencies, while Hulk's back to Jekyl & Hyde (the most interestin part of his charcter, often gets neglected). I cant recall a time this book's been this good. -Greg Rucka: I liked the 1st issue of Queen & Country, wish i could find more of it, or that Whiteout book he started on. More on this guy in a few months when he (supposedly) starts a regular series of Fury, which i fear will suffer in Ennis' shadow. -Joe Kelly: I put this guy down strictly for Action Comics # 775, the one on why a modern-day Superman doesnt killl: that's the single best Superman tale ive read in a long ass time, at least since Ennis' Hitman featured him, or perhaps since Superman: Man for all seasons.
  7. Especially if you read the good Kingpin stuff - Frank Miller's Daredevil - age wont matter as much as imposing size, and he's got that in spades. Think Pulp Fiction before he gets ass-fucked. As for the race thing...it's easy to look past in under-developed characters, unless its just silly: Sgt. Nick Fury in the Ultimate lines is a Sam Jackson-Shaft ripoff, and that's dumb, 'cause his ass wouldntve been a Sgt in a white platoon in WW II like the story goes. Follow? Take Preacher. Custer should obviously be played by a white guy 'cause that's how he was developed, but if a black guy were to play, say, the Saint of Killers, and nail the part, then why not? And dont get caught in "who looks dead on for it", 'cause that leads to crazy shit like havin Elton John play a limpwrist Doc Ock, when clearly Fishbourne, while not matching the look quite as well (tho the sunglasses he uses in the Matrix are dead on), will play the part much better, id think. Daredevil should be white 'cause he's been developed as a white protagonist character, tough irish guy in a bad neighborhood. Less developed characters, i say fuck it, cast a guy who's purple if he halfway looks the part & will play it to a tee, i wont get so caught on the details as to let it ruin a well-acted story for me. Argh there's no more comic talk in the comic forum these days...guess ill go look up the other comic movies m'self, im kinda hyped bout the Ang Lee Hulk flick.
  8. No sympathy from me, Bob - my neighbors dont speak english, even if they were hot. DJ - for future reference, just right-click a picture you've hosted on your site, copy its URL (web adress) and then when posting, click "Image" and paste it into there, that oughta do it...PM me or read the FAQ for details on it. PS here is Judge's pic, taken from his life-altering site. Hey Judge, what's the "Wonder Stuff"?
  9. Just saw "Ghost World"....let's give it up for Thora Birch, also known as the chick from American Beauty (Spacey's daughter) Onna right...look at dem eyes.
  10. Movies that are not currently being reviewed by our "movie" section: Father, Mirror, Father The flower that drank the moon and on and on....and you call yourself a film critic, Mr JunkerSeed! For shame! :dissappointed:
  11. That....that's an interestin analogy. Ouch. If i was even the box designer, id be wounded. heh...christ.
  12. Very good alita, ya got the 3 magi right! Your turn, ask away.
  13. Bitch, you wathed Batman & Robin like the rest of us, youre just as tainted. "Youre in the dark lord's realm now, dont get coy!" - Rev. Bill Hicks. 'Sides, just switch the letters around a bit here & there and its "All the pretty whores". Lil more interested now, aint ya?
  14. ...I'm afraid i dont have anythin even remotely clever to add here this time, sorry.... ???
  15. Torn between AC-DC and G & R for the moment; im sure Metallica'll get plenty o' votes, whereas my money's on Junker layin down his love for Van Halen. ..man, i love G & R but i dont think theyre gonna get my vote...
  16. Yeah, id call it hard rock too; not a metal fan m'self but it does sound different. Eh...of this list, id say Incubus is cool, havent listened much to SOAD, but since ive seen em live & they were cool, my vote goes for Korn.
  17. Heh...i loved that conversation. Lion face! Lemon face! As for Damon's gay cowobys eatin pudding, i havent seen his artsy ones, but did anyone besides me & Mulan see "All the Pretty Horses"? That movie...was brief. Actually a bit long, but no transitions whatsoever, felt like anythin that wasnt directly plot was edited to shit.
  18. ...'cause i kinda likes "Mr Roboto" even tho its rather gay, but i was listenin to "Renegade" when i saw your poll, so they win.
  19. I dunno, i look right past race if the actor looks the part; i thought Lawrence Fishbourne for Doctor Octopus was brilliant, and this guy...he's bout the only person i see in movies these days the right size for Kingpin. Unless you wanna give it to Butterbean (fat boxer), i say he's a shoe-in.
  20. Pretty solid bands to choose from; i went for STP m'elf 'cause ive consistently liked almost everythin ive heard by them across the years, theyre great. The Unplugged/acoustic stuff's prolly my favorite tho.
  21. Stop or my mom will shoot! :ill:
  22. "Man, sometimes they had to peel Ringo off the roof with a spatula" - Bill Hicks Ed Wood
  23. You people missed it. My last shit was epic. It talked to me. I had to kill it with a stick.
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