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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Was Teri Hatcher the one with the "spectacular" boobs? Cant believe i forgot Peterman, loved that guy - anyone remember the "Apocalypse Now" ending after the new catalogs came out when he was in some far off country? Dammit, im too lazy; Bob or someone, make a Seinfeld thread in Movies & TV!
  2. Ah, so were Che Guevara's & Michael Collins' in an Orson Wells matrix or somethin? Sounds cool.
  3. Hmm....Putty wasnt a guest star i guess. There were tons of women...but off the bat, i dug Kramer's friends, the midget & his shyster lawyer. We should have a Seinfeld thread for best lines & moments, favorite episode etc.
  4. Christ, no one told me we were gonna be evil...I vote for KOS & MLB to be glitches in the matrix.
  5. Can i look like a sherrif or somethin? I like the ideas so far, but i vote Dinghy be our lil escape boat. Sounds like fun so far tho Benny, i like the title screen too. Lemme know if we can help, ill try to get more ideas.
  6. Heh...JMT, i think those are both actual movies, if i recall right. Eraser (man, was that one shit)
  7. Chasing Amy here. Theyre all solid - i just wished there was more of Bishop Carlin in Dogma. I think the Clerks series is relevant, and for what its worth, i think Jay & Bob strike back might very well be my 2nd pick. :jay: :bob:
  8. There's one at every fuckin party. If I've one pet peeve, its bully-types, wont stand for em.
  9. They also play "Simon & Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair", my favorite one by them but sounds a bit eerie when it comes outta nowhere & the campus is empty. :emotions:
  10. Just cut & pasting, nothin more. Yeah, youre right, the transition thing'd be a good idea, but even so...
  11. Yeah, but he might sap the budget a bit too...look, me & my friends always had "ideal" Wolverine calls, then Hugh Jackman showed up & did it better than any of em. I know were not all huge Keanu fans, but between Matrix (especially if you watch "Matrix Revisited" and see his dedication to training & such), Devil's Advocate, few others, I think he'dve done the Gambit role just fine. He's got the look, more or less, just needs a cajun accent. Man, you guys default cast Pitt in everythin like i do with Norton, its funny.
  12. ...just thought this was kinda funny now, everyone thought it great to piss on/mock another dead musician outside of their taste, but here its a tragedy... Anyway, whether or not i liked the Ramones beyond "Sedated", its sad to see a musician of any genre go, even if it was one of those interestin ones that too many people like Yahven couldnt find time to actually listen to. Guess ive caught onto people's limited musical scopes a bit lately, tried gettin both Dinghy & Yahven to listen to lil more than a verse of various rap songs, held their sad attention spans for about half that time. ??? To each their own & alla that, i guess. I just dont think people should profess to have a genuine love for music if theyre gonna be close-minded bout its origins.
  13. Kazaa dont work with your mac? I thought they had a Mac version...might wanna ask over at Monty Python's, ill check with Yahven when he's around & see if he knows, we cant have a discussion on piratin music without another pirate!
  14. First, the Philosopher-King was toppled, then the Lizard King...tis a sad day for monarchs. 'S ok, i fancy m'self more a "-san" than a "-sama" by far, anyway. Still, this board could use an Unmovable Mover (Yahven?). Well, back to duty, with my trusty deput Musclebob Buffpants..heh, had to see today's episode.
  15. ..KOS, ya didnt like "Sing for the Moment"? Odd, that was my favorite. Ah well. Glad someone agrees on the album anyway.
  16. Prolly a safe bet, damn am i hyped for Matrix Reloaded. Yeah, Square Pictures said they might do a short for AniMatrix (forthcomin Matrix anime series) but its all kinda heresay after the loss they took on Final Fantasy. Thanks for the X-Men 2 details, should be cool...i remember hearin Keanu was a possible Gambit back in part 1 but wouldve costed too much post-Matrix....ah well. ??? Did anyone else know that the X-Men movies are written by David Hayter, the guy who plays the voice role of Metal Gear badass, Solid Snake? I thought that was interestin. Hey, lets hear some details on the next Indiana Jones flick, Bob. And yeah im not sure if i can endure another Jurassic Park, but im sure ill be sadly compelled to see it as well. Man, those release dates look made-up.
  17. ..isnt that Tora! Tora! Tora! ? 's Ok, when i was a wee one, i was told that the Russian (or rather the USSR) version of Rocky IV had Drago winning. Guess he "crushed" him after all...thatdve been funny tho.
  18. Nietzsche was right...one should philosophize with a hammer.
  19. 502 replies, 2321 views since April 7th (bout 2 months ago) vs 672 replies, 3571 views at Preacher's in 6 months, dont know how many when it supposedly started back at the DC Comics boards....ah well, were gonna lap em at this rate!
  20. "Dont talk about S-E-X in front of the C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N." "SEX CAULDRON!?! I thought they closed that place down."
  21. Ok, im sure we've all heard Eminem's new single "Without Me", another great track. But the new album, from what ive heard, is great. Try "White America" and "Square Dance" to see. I havent heard the song he sings yet, but by far & away, my favorite song by the guy has to be "Sing for the Moment"; the beat & chorus come from Aerosmith's classic "Dream On", and its an unusually insightful song, really good shit. Check it out when youve got a chance. :frontman:
  22. This whole song's great.. "They say music can alter moods, and talk to you But can it load a gun for you, and cock it too? Well if it can, then the next time you assault a dude Just tell the judge it was my fault, and i'll get sued.." - Eminem, Sing for the Moment
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