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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Damn...well, Kee tells me this one's been decided finally, sounded like a good fight too...be checkin Kazaa for it tomorrow. Heard it went 8 rounds or so (?) and Lewis did a number on him; dont know if that's the end of Tyson or not, but good job to Lewis in any event, many (as in many off the board too) didnt think he'd pull it off, includin m'self, and he showed us wrong. Havta start follow this guy more i guess, last guy to pull this kinda thing off was Holyfield, and i really liked 'im. Anyone catch the fight?
  2. Brazillian movies are like Brazillian asses: nice to look at, sure, but by god its gotta end somewhere.
  3. Heh.."If ya dont beat ya meat, ya cant have any pudding! How can ya 'ave your pudding if ya dont beat your meat!?"
  4. Right, sorry SOF. Heston! Damn, he'd be a big contender. "Remember this: No matter what happens...no matter how bad you stink up the place...never, ever use my shower."
  5. Does no one round here appreciate good rap!? "I hate rap!" my god, its an entire genre, thats like sayin you hate drama movies or somethin. Run DMC, Tribe Called Quest, NAS, Notorious BIG, Wu-Tang Clan, Public Enemy, NWA, fuck even the Beastie Boys & Rage Against the Machine to an extent, that's not good enough for you?
  6. $100k? Goddamn! Ill learn to play! Nah, i get my ass whupped by those "mouse & keyboard" people, be a fun experience tho Yahven, whats stoppin ya?
  7. I love the visuals & captions... Ah, I remember this course, it's the boring one. The other 24 are commonly known as the "ass boring" ones. The orange car, lucky bastard, has finished the race. I too am at the finish line, only my hell ceases to end.
  8. Oddly, no ive only seen the first 4 episodes of Trigun...i did enjoy it, but havent been able to see any of it since, hopin to have a friend dub it to tape for me sometime soon, so ill get back to ya on it.
  9. The Simpsons are located in Springfield, OhiyaMaud!
  10. No plot to speak of, be honest. But brilliant, if you even remotely dig philosophy/provoking thought, cell-shading & various kinds of animation, etc this one's really worth a go, im pickin this one up for my collection this weekend. I wouldnt recommend it to everyone, but if youve passed through the Lyceum & participated, you may very well really enjoy this one. Let it never be said that Junker recommends bad movies, fuck that was a great call. Now his brother & Thin Red Line... (Heh, where'd TD go?)
  11. Again, Freebird's my song (tho i also go for Marty Robbins "Gonna be a Cowboy" or Kid Rock's "American Badass"), but if the forum's title was "Im as free as a bird, now" that too'd seem wanky. Single, misplaced lines of lyrics do that...my favorite use to this day is "KissthisGuy.com", the archive of misinterpreted lyrics.
  12. Office Space....yeah, that'd be great. i..i was..i was told at...at a reasonable volume...
  13. "Stupid Old Man." "Were no better. He's all action, no theory; we're all theory, no action." - Waking Life
  14. Ha, good call KOS. Ross: "I'm dating your daughter, and quite frankly, if you dont like me, I.." Bruce Willis: "Are you yelling at me?!" Ross: "..good, god no!"
  15. I'm makin $8 an hour to sit at home, watchin movies, postin here with my hand in my pants! I fear future jobs might require effort... :wary: In the meantime...Rock the Casbah!
  16. Id agree, but then i couldnt pic out a part of "One Mic" to post, and no one rightfully looked at that long list. Then again, youd have to A) Hear the song and B) At least kinda dig rap to appreciate the levels it works on anyway; i mean, if its fuckin great poetry but its in death metal or even punk i prolly wont go for it.
  17. See? There goes KOS with more of his disrespectin the dead nonsense! But...that would be cool...
  18. Holy shit, i got lil over 50% right...im gonna havta card my next few dates. ??? PS "Girl, youll be a woman soon" in the background's a nice touch.
  19. ...did i use this one? Aw, fuck, like were keepin track... Papillion (possibly a better escape movie than "The Great Escape", McQueen + Hoffman, give it a look)
  20. Not quite sure, Jack, ill look into it..i think the polls stay the same for now to be honest, tho there is a page of hacks somewhere that might allow small .gifs of somethin in a poll's description...again, most stuff here in Fight Club has a poll and then pictures, works fine most times. ...what's the competition exactly tho, better movie, or better chick? 'Cause Jessica Rabbit's winnin hands down thus far, if even for her booby trap. :blush:
  21. It...is finished. Bring on the next RPG! :link: :dcecil:
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