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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Heh, bacchus'd say either "Hollies - Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress" or "The Guess Who - American Woman" or "No Sugar Tonight (New Mother Nature)". Dinghy, why is that song what you wanna be, what part of that song are you referring to? and in all sincereity, i dont like Bohemian Rhapsody....call me cliche here, but if its Queen, i wanna hear "Another one bites the dust."
  2. The NZA

    Forum Upgrade

    Got today's mail, lesse here....bills, bills...flyer..more junk...credit card offer with free $2.50 check, but if i sign & deposit it, i owe em $50 a month from now on for some service, so i guess its not a good idea...more junk...porn for Dinghy?...junk...cool, my bushido book finally came in! Damn Half.com, 3-4 business days my white ass...uh...nah sorry not quite yet, maybe tomorrow? ??? Fear not, the mailman tells me since 9-11, international mail taks a bit to get here, but it oughta be soon i imagine - again, got MLB's a few days back...ill post here immediately when it shows.
  3. I am the master of Hazuki-style. Even Lan Di fears my quick-time skills. > Right! X uh B! no no no fuck i meant X dammit you know i meant X
  4. Every Which Way but Loose (the sequel, Clint + more monkeys)
  5. First i gotta show up to clock in, now i gotta clock out? You want a lil dance with that too? I'm in the prime of my life, investing years i cant get back in service to your company, who in turn pays me as lil as the state allows sometimes. There's no honor here, its a business transaction, between m'self - a great individual with potential higher than your money-grubbing organization can imagine - and your department, which is so far below me, its an honor I even show up. So cmon, just gimme my money!
  6. Nah, sarcasm aside, id say while this feels like Current Events, i agree with it bein here. Were talkin bout music - perhaps the greatest art form at best, lil more than "another corporate slut at the capitalist gangbang" (thank you, Fr. Bill Hicks) at worst. Mediums like film manage through this, despite the fact that figures i read showed the cinema inustry makin less last year than videogames. Indies can still get some exposure, and great ones can have more staying power...even the quality of DVD's, while not helpin, is not pushin the theatre experience out of business, tho i like the new ones that are tryin to keep up. Comics, well...theyve been barstardized for years, gonna hit rock bottom before they fully turn around, sadly, but i kinda look forward to it. Now music...that Spin editor has a point when he says its naive to expect the industry to treat music as anythin but means to an end for stocks & such. But, again...i hate the Recording Industry. They dont listen to fans; for years now, it hasnt been fans demanding the music they like, but especially in the pop scene, the other way around - the industry's flooded the radio stations with what it wants to sell, and for the most part, we've been buyin. So forgive me if i dont shed a tear if the same industry notorious for supportin rock stars' drug habits, chewing them up & spitting them out is feelin the crunch of the "digital age". But this age can do much for music itself. Aside from the growing popularity of compilation albums we burn for ourselves (which presumably the execs tried to answer, besides sadly tryin to shut down the mp3 scene, with corporate compliations like that Now that's what I call music, which from when i wored in a record store, did sell like hotcakes in its first album or two), there's also the popularity of self-production: again, composers can now reasonably purchase sound engineering equipment & high quality software and record themselves, literally, out of their garages - the Foo Fighters did it, for one. Athena'd ( :kat: ) know more here than i would, tho. And while I'm no Pearl Jam fan, i respect them tryin to sell tickets outside of those sharks at TicketMaster; musicians make their money in concerts & merchandising (i.e., concert shirts), scalping them there is far worse to me than burning thier music. I do look forward to havin digital/satellite radio & seein what the rest of the country's niche stations play. Wish i could forsee a revolution in the industry, but its an industry & will stay one, best i can hope for is that the real talent out there that's gettin unexposed 'cause it dont have the general pop look (and possibly even plays instruments!) get exposure, and that people stop complacently listenin to the "hit stations" on the radio, supportin the industry & its singles, or worse yet, filler albums. One last point: I think Jazz is the best example of a pure musical art form. Unless you sell out like Kenny G, your ass aint makin a dime in jazz...those folks who still perform, they do it for love of the music - that's where the good shit comes from. No deadlines, no financial inspiration, no pressure, play 'cause you wanna be heard. PS Good conversation on MP3's here.
  7. Apparently not...at least not in this board's version. Theyre also not gonna work in topic titles, neither do smileys, it seems. Again, post em here if ya wanna.
  8. Never saw Cool World, looked like shit to me... Eh, i can edit your topic, not the actual polls: thats up to you, kinda set in stone. If ya want, PM me, ill delete this so you can do it over if its a big deal. I say just post the images in this thread; folks'll get it.
  9. ..while Apocalypse might not be constructed of metal, he's been destroyed by a single (albeit, very powerful & focused) beam from Cyclops in the past, as well as Cable takin him down not too far back. Now, while Cyke & Calbe are of that whole ask'ani line of immense power, until recently, Cable's been hindered by that techno-organic virus, and not nearly as powerful as he could be (i.e., X-Man), but now that that's all gone, he's on par with Xavier & Magneto, possibly more powerful when he learns to control his power. In any event, i recall seein Magneto fire off an EMP that short-circuited the whole of New York like it wasnt a big deal to him at all (think he was in some gravitational/magnetic field); even if he cant rip Apocalypse in half, he'd control enough things to destroy 'im, i think.
  10. Alright, Georgey-boy's doin better since episode II, i admit. That shit was cool. But Stan the man...i guess i should outline why i dont like his ass, as i did over in Preacher's. Christ, this oughta be moved to Xavier's, at this rate. ...that's all im tryin to say. Ya know i love comics, and i really love Marvel comics, but i love the creators more, and i hate not givin credit where its due; thats all i got against Stan.
  11. DA...you are such a cunt sometimes, but youre still a trip to have around. ..cunt. On an unrelated note, why do i get the feelin Junker fell back into alcoholism just in time for his new board abilities...? :wineo:
  12. Hmm...yeah, the costumes are a lil different, but again, if it looks better, go with it - I really didnt want Wolvy in the gold & blue for X-Men, ya know? Glad they ditched it. But i see your point; the DD's not a bad detail, oughta be there. Elektra might get headbands later, who knows - i think the sais are more important. JMT - Heh...all i did was prove m'self the bigger comic dork, not exactly the kinda thing one benefits society with/scores with a lot, ya know?
  13. *sigh* alright, no public relations dept here, just a sherrif an ol' deput Squarepants. Here goes... 1)Use common sense. Threads on, say Ghost World, i wanna toss into Xavier's, but if the talk stays around the movie & becomes other movie talk, it stays/gets moved back to movies. Cool Wolrd Vs Roger...hell, Fight Club, or here, dont much matter to me, tho "Vs" reeks of Fight Club. Bascially, if its animated & not based on a comic, im puttin it here in Animation. If animated characters go into real life worlds for 10 minutes, folks still payed for an animated flick, so here it goes. The anime video, id like it here 'cause music gets plenty of stuff and like you noted, its ambigous. The Wall's prolly more at home in music as well, ill stand by that. And yeah KISS can go in the Crap Shack, but that's just me. ...worse comes to worse, remember: start it any which place you please, if its inappropriate, ill just move it anyway. PS Uh back to topic, this movie's lookin more interestin, i admit. Eyeore, post more info/pics when ya can!
  14. Didnt know that bout Pitt, interestin. Jack - Actually, Namor (the 1st Marvel character after the original "Human Torch") 1st appeared in "Marvel Comics #1" as well as "Motion Picture Funnies Weekly" (1939), but thanks for playing. For what its worth, both characters - especially Aquaman - have had some really good runs on their solo books (Peter David's stint comes to mind, redid the character from the ground up), worth checking out before knockin em. Thanks again for the pic Chief, ill post more on Daredevil when i see it.
  15. Hmm, hadnt thought bout the year, guess it was a great one, cinematically. Were either of the Arnousky films that year, Reiqiuem or Pi? Its a lot of things, again. Fishbourne's delivery of somewhat complicated ideas, simplified & with stunning visuals, as Jack said, makes it amazingly approachable....im dyin to see "Waking Life" for another look at this sort of thing on a much smaller visual scale; were finding we can express complicated scientific/philosophical ideas so much easier with such visuals & delivery. I recall bein at a great museum in New York, and astronomy/big bang was being explained by a voiceover of Tom Hanks..i think damn near everyone in the room followed, and perhaps was sparked to investigate more on their own if they had the inclination...but all this is for another education post; the idea is that it meshed rather well. And yeah, Junker's got his points - this sci-fi/epic/action flick did little that hadnt been done before, but it was insightful, and oozed with style about it. I hung on Morpheus' words. And its incredible techno/rock soundtrack did nothing but accnentuate the film. This is the reason Xenosaga is my favorite RPG series; why i go for movies like this. Because at best, they can scratch the surface & devle a lil into complicated ideas, but not too much so within their time span. However, they can do this - they can get insightful perspectives across, provoke thought, etc - and look cool as shit doing it. If youre like me, youre watchin Star Wars for nothin but the Jeids. I wanna see their council, they tao/way, i wanna see em converse, and most of all, yes, fight. Everything else feels like filler to me, but then we all take what we like from such stories i guess. Its just The Matrix brings so much more to the table for someone like myself, lookin for, basically, cool shit with depth. There's no reason the one-liner hero badass cant be politically/philosophically motivated. ...P.S. Sorry to be crude, but Chiefy: that trailer there gave me a stiffy.
  16. Must..free up...hard drive space.... Got me a confession to make. Many folks of my generation (that's us) are diehard Star Wars fans. I can appreciate the series, and its fuckin amazing at times. Despite hokey lines here & there, even outside the badass lightsaber battles - which were cool even in the old trilogy, though they were poorly done; we were young and it looked fuckin cool - the Jedi Knight thing, in a very eastern way, is interestin as shit. Its a great epic, but i never went nuts over it like TopDawg, BigChief here, etc - never tried a jedi mind trick, for instance, and those look fun. Now, folks like artisticcartoon & Bacchus go for Lord of the Rings. Fair enough; it got the ball rolling, and if the next 2 flicks are in line with the first, i think itll be amazing as well...those guys think its the Star Wars for the next generation, but i think its a very traditional fantasy epic (again, because it began much of the traditioin). But, based on just the 1 movie so far - and pleae god dont let the sequels make me look the fool for this - The Matrix is my seires. The effects are incredible, yeah everyone knows this. But SW has that too, so its not that that gets me warm & fuzzy, its the hint of philosophy. Where SW had traces of eastern taosim, many buddhist ideals, and jedis based heavily on bushido/samurai, Matrix at times gets into ideas of existentialism in a very approachable way...tying this up with a futuristic fantasy epic, well... Again, as MLB implied, its not nearly as clever as, say, Pi, but for an epic seires, it feels so far ahead of the pack for me. ...and the next one has katanas! Fucking katanas!
  17. Thats weird to hear. Hadnt caught Atlantis m'self, but numerous people seemed to recommend it, includin Garth Ennis himself, i believe...what didnt ya like?
  18. Nice pic, Chiefy. Couple quick things: 1)Namor predates Aquaman by quite a bit, as i recall (he's actually one of Marvel's first characters). But he's far more lame, most times. Only time i think i liked him was in a story called "Earth X", Marvel's "Kingdom Come". 2)Team movies are gonna do that, yeah, but then the books do it a lot as well...you think you wanna hear more bout Iceman, Nightcrawler etc but most times, ya dont; a 5-10 minute origin bit in the movie bout covers it. Remember, outside of Wolvy & a few others, X-Men's a team of somewhate interestin characters (much more so than JLA or Averngers, i think) that still arent 3-D enough to hold their own in solo stories. 3)Bob - thanks for the Superman info, please keep us informed of any comic movie projects you come across.
  19. The NZA

    Forum Upgrade

    ..when next i see ya, possibly this Goldmember outing. KOS, SOF - not in today's mail, hopefully tomorrow, tho MLB's made it through yesterday...ill keep ya updated.
  20. ...with Stan teabagging DA8, his old wrinkly balls smackin on the forehead, yelling "is this the autograph you wanted, true believer?"...
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