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Hondo's Bar


Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Dear overweight/overtanned/spanglish-talkin/heathen, half-assed undisciplined child rasin/obscenely rich miami latin women whom my job forces me to associate with: 1) Remembering my name doesnt impress me; i wear a namebadge, and hate the fuckin thing. Im sure "7 habits of highly effective people" taught you to remember us lil people, but im not impressed, so no small talk. 2) I will smack your kids for you if you wont. Youve been warned. 3) Wear less perfume. Im sure there's cheaper, less trashy ways of maskin your phermones than that.
  2. ...especially if it was, however funny or not, obviously just a joke...
  3. I voted for Gunther. Sure, he's pretty fem, but he gets outta Central Perk & gets his hands on Ross or anyone near Rachel, i think he's gonna have some shit to vent.
  4. Hey everyone, Dinghy made spaghetti, be here by 930 tonite if ya want some. Those who've rsvp'd so far include Spiffytee, Yahven, Chi-Chan, and m'self, might be one more spot open if ya make it in time. She's a good lil chef too.
  5. Well, i know Sango'd prolly like more participation, so if you know miss Eyeore, help yourself...
  6. Yeah, im movin this one to Anime, section needs some help and it is animated. Trailer made it look interestin tho, post reveiws when you folks go see it!
  7. "Hey boy, what have i told you about trying? Trying is the first step towards failure! So, what's the lesson? Never try." - Homer J. Simpson
  8. Man, were seriously repeatin at this point; guess that was inevitable. Red River
  9. I say Carlito's Way; soon as more folks see this poll, Scarface might shoot through the roof, and Carlito deserves more. But hey, its your call. "Were even, you hear me? Say it! Say we're even!"
  10. Hmm...yeah, were pretty much agreeing here, tho i think if done properly, signings could work; of course, after a discussion panel like ya said. Gaiman does em all the time, but yeah, he gets lotsa goth freaks haunting him at his novel readings/signings as well, havta be careful there. More Ellis wisdom to come; for now, that's me & Junker investing in Hondo's, the legitimate comic/graphic novel store (needs better description, granted) if we fall ass-backwards into money? Cmon, i know more of you'd be interested & have suggestions. Im still gettin over how great an idea it could be to simply arrange the books by genre & creators, like music & movies, rather than just their respective labels.
  11. More inane comedy... Silence of the Hams
  12. "Ayna, ayna...migi migi migi migi! Oh no! You drop crate, Congo get in trouble!!" Dammit Congo, were movin fuckin crates here; if you wanted me to dance, just ask fucker!
  13. To be or not to be (Mel Brooks)
  14. "But, in my own way... I am a king." "Hail to the King, baby." - Ash, Army of Darkness
  15. Pretty thought out, Sango. And ill double check but i think those names for the Kimon devils are right. *In the voice of Ross from friends* Challenge..accepted! **Samurai** For Akira, I say B - Stadium For Eva, uhm I think i say C - Rei and for Ranma, i say B - Cold Water, tho i like option D, that's funny. :kitty: Did i get em right/was i supposed to try all 3? And as for code of the samurai, thought it was bushido, not "never losing!" But its the anime forum so i guess anythin goes. :wasabi: ..and for Sango: **Ninja** What are the names of the 3 magi in Evangelion?
  16. Alright, found it... Courtney Love on MP3's & The Recording Industry ...its actually pretty insightful, gotta give her more credit. Ill come back here later & highlight the stronger points, but give it a look. :shoot:
  17. Wanted to edit it down at KOS' request, but the whole thing's good, honestly. Not many rap songs in this section, but I think this one deserves a spot. NAS - One Mic One time...yeah..yeah... Yo, all I need is one mic, one beat, one stage One nigga front, my face on the front page Only if I had one gun, one girl and one crib One God to show me how to do things his son did Pure, like a cup of virgin blood; mixed with 151, one sip'll make a nigga flip Writin names on my hollow tips, plottin shit Mad violence who I'm gon' body, this hood politics Ackowledge it, leave bodies chopped in garbages Seeds watch us, grow up and try to follow us Police watch us {*siren*} roll up and try knockin us One knee I ducked, could it be my time is up But my luck, I got up, the cop shot again Bus stop glass bursts, a fiend drops his Heineken Richocheting between the spots that I'm hidin in Blackin out as I shoot back, fuck gettin hit! {*more sirens*} This is my hood I'ma rep, to the death of it 'til everybody come home, little niggaz is grown Hoodrats, don't abortion your womb, we need more warriors soon Sip from the star sun and the moon In this life of police chases street sweepers and coppers Stick-up kids with no conscience, leavin victims with doctors If you really think you ready to die, with 9's out This is what NAS is about, nigga, the time is now! {*whispering again*} Yo, all I need is one mic.. All I need is one mic.. that's all I need All I need is one mic.. all I need niggaz All I need is one mic.. yeah {*gradually getting louder*} All I need is one blunt, one page, and one pen One prayer - tell God forgive me for one sin Matter fact maybe more than one, look back at all the hatred against me, fuck alla them Jesus died at age 33, there's thirty-three shots from twin glocks there's sixteen apiece, that's thirty-two Which means, one of my guns was holdin 17 Twenty-seven hit your crew, six went into you Everybody gotta die sometime; hope your funeral never gets shot up, bullets tear through the innocent Nothin is spared, niggaz roll up, shootin from wheelchairs My heart is racin, tastin revenge in the air I let the shit slide for too many years, too many times Now I'm strapped with a couple of macs, too many nines If y'all niggaz really wit me get busy load up the semis Do more than just hold it explode the clip until you empty There's nothin in our way - they bust, we bust, they rust, we rust Lead flyin, feel it? I feel it in my gut That we take these bitches to war, lie 'em down Cause we stronger now nigga the time is now! {*whispering again*} All I need is one mic.. that's all I need, that's all I need All I need is one mic.. there's nuttin else in the world All I need is one mic.. that's all a nigga need to do his thing y'know All I need is one mic.. {*starting loud this time, getting quieter*} All i need is one life, one try, one breath - I'm one man What I stand for speaks for itself, they don't understand... Or wanna see me on top, too egotistical Talkin all that slick shit, the same way these bitches do Wonder what my secrets is, niggaz'll move on you only if they know, what your weakness: is I have none Too late to grab guns I'm blastin cause I'm a cool nigga Thought I wouldn't have that ass done? Fooled you niggaz What you call a infinite brawl, eternal souls clashin War gets deep, some beef is everlastin Complete with thick scars, brothers knifin each other up in prison yards; drama...where does it start? You know the block was ill as a youngster Every night it was like a, cop would get killed, body found in the dumpster For real a hustler, purchased my Range, niggaz throwin dirt on my name Jealous cause fiends got they work and complained Bitches left me cause they thought I was finished Shoulda knew she wasn't true she came to me when her man caught a sentence Diamonds are blindin, I never make the same mistakes Movin with a change of pace, lighter load, see now the king is straight Swellin my melon cause none of these niggaz real Heard he was, tellin police, how can a kingpin squeal? This is crazy, I'm on the right track I'm finally found You need some soul searchin, the time is now All I need is one mic.. yeah, yeah yeah yeah All I need is one mic.. that's all I ever needed in this world, fuck cash All I need is one mic.. fuck the cars, the jewelry... All I need is one mic.. to spread my voice to the whole world
  18. Alright, before this one gets started in another thread, i wanna discuss it here. While back, Courtney Love did a great article on MP3's and what the recording studios should do. Ill bring up the few points i remember, cant find it now, sadly. One idea, tho, was that perhaps the recording labels should, rather than ignore/attempt to destroy the problem, pay attention to what people are mixing, and capitalize on that. Even with CD burners these days, the cost of a CD at Best Buy when it first shows up is still less than $15 most times; if it had a variety of tracks i like - specifically, only the ones i wanted - it'd be much easier than downloading incomplete tracks, etc, and packaging/cd booklets are always cool. So one idea was: Why are artists still forced in contracts to churn out albums, destined to have a few great songs, but more often than not (especially with double albums, i think) crammed with filler tunes? These are the reaons CD Exchange places are filled with big name albums that, past their radio single, were kinda weak. So, how bout an artist just puts out singles when theyre ready (assuming theyve got some form of mass appeal)? You go to your respective music joint, and pay per each single, obviously some more than others (cheap, add-in/finish off your album songs might also help get lil guys exposure that the radio won't give em). I wanna hear more on this & attacks on MP3's, i personally think if Metallica was still a garage band, then yeah bitch, but goin after some of their fans the way they did...that struck me as just selling out. On sales & slimy recording studios, Jack said this: ...pretty much just want Love said, as far as the artists gettin their money. I cant argue with much here; im just happy to here from some musician friends that nowadays, its becomin more and more economically possible to set up your own studio in home, thanks to cheaper/more efficent software, such as Midi programs & such. For years, i think the recording lables have chewed up talent, exploited it & spit it out; im not losing any sleep if they actually did lose money, its the artists im concerened about. What's everyone else think? Are we hurting the artists, what with concerts still selling the way they do (I recall Tori Amos & a few others actually greatful for the exposure MP3s gave them, maybe thats an exception?)? Also, feel free to comment on that singles idea, i wanna hear more bout it.
  19. I demand to know why the awesome offensive power of the Nagasaki team is being neglected here! I read somewhere that the fallout has caused their players to be...more than human. You wouldnt want to see them angry. ..right, so i just wanted in on this thread & dont know shit bout soccer. Go America! If we lose, i say we buy the cup! :unclesam: PS My joke bout the French surrendering the cup last year to Germany was funny, fuck you! :D
  20. Damn...went to a few other board to mention this place, got editied/deleted/trashed for "advertising", guess i know what that feels like now. Id be pissy, but eletist fucks like that wouldnt quite fit in here anyway. Hey everyone, you see MLB? He's expressing himself Now, sure, you could have only the minimum amount of posts, but what would you think of someone who only does the minimum? Wear more flair!
  21. Has anyone checked Anime Hurricane? Theyre right here in the Wendy's/Subway shopping center across from FIU for those who havnet seen it (not much advertising), they cut fair deals on that kinda stuff; often you can haggle with em, espeically if you talk to the owner, Mike. Theyre good people, support your local comic/anime shop!
  22. I disagree with Chewie Vs Pradator. Sure, one predator got beatin by Danny Glover, but that was just shit storytellin. See, Boba Fett (who im surprised aint come up yet) has somehtin on that... ...see those strands down his left side? That's wookie hair, way i hear it, trophies from the ones he's killed. Now, yes, Fett is pretty tought, but if he can kill a few, i dont give em as much credit i guess; Chewie did whine a lot, somethin Predator's dont do. They may not be able to take him hand-to-hand, but that's why Preadtors have that discus thing, cant find a picture of it at Google tho...anger.
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