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Hondo's Bar


Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. ...spunking all over those stupid 70's glasses & leisure suit, while he yells "Exclesior!"...
  2. By midgets in purple hats...
  3. Argh, lost track of this one, its got such damn potential. He made some other fine ponts - if i can find em - on manga; how prevelant it is, how wide the genres are, how the Japenese people see it as just another storytelling medium, etc. I'll dig it up later, inisightful stuff for those who read all this. Ive been throwin around the idea of this "relaxed professional" comic shop for down the road if/when ive got $, so i was meanin to ask you folks what ya thought a good name'd be...? Now that i think bout it, i'd go with "Hondo's" for the hell of it, such a fine name, but youre welcome to convince me otherwise. Just wanted some more discussion here (god, i love The Old Bastard's Manifesto), so uh, who's with me on Hondo's? Cmon, get in on the ground floor! Here's some other possible ideas: -Incorporate more culture, make it a coffee shop as well, with trades lyin about, perhaps even a small stage for local bands at night...sound interestin? -Alex Ross & Glenn Fabry painted art about, with sections by genre & creators like Ellis said, rather than label. -No soliciting by non-bathing folk. -A good downtown location, where it'd be exposed. You walk into bookstores, dont you? Here in the grove, again, specialty shops like the sex one get curious folk alla time; whether they buy or not, they come in & look plenty. No reason not to have that here. More to come...while id love to please friends & fanboys, this idea's evolving into an actual comic/graphic novel shop, one that really looks like its hosting a visual art medium, not just action figures, hentai & eight thousand "Superman meets big-titty girl" books. (My analogies pale in comparison to Ellis', i still love "Xavier's School for Horrible Sexy Mutants" and "The Lonely Death of Got No Legs boy"). So, whaddya'll think?
  4. Bruce is cool. Unbreakable was great, dammit. Al is gooood. Insomnia was good but not nearly my favorite. I go back to work now. PS Bruce baby woo hoo
  5. Yup, i think movies should all be exactly what the trailer says they are so there's no twists and i think critics should definitely walk out of films & then be heard...no, no wait i dont thats just dumb. OK i wont totally jump on Heartless' ass but then she damn near walked outta Lord of the Rings, way i hear it so if youre a different kinda person - ie those that enjoy good movies - i wouldnt take this to heart too much. Yes, Insomnia was slow, and for its cast & such coulda been better but fuck, i watched most of Speed II and that was just shit on film really. But this one, it aint winnin Oscars and i aint buyin it on DVD but it was a fair movie, defintely woth seein if your a fan of Al. But then, im also not payin eight bucks to see it. Christ, are you goin with the director or what?
  6. For Chief & other Freedom Force people: This month's Wizard pointed out a great site for popular comic character skins, check it out if ya havent already: Comic book skins - Marvel, DC etc
  7. Mmmm....Jennifer Connely. Ive heard folks say she's the "girl next door"-type. Man, these people had some amazin neighbors.
  8. The NZA

    Forum Upgrade

    Christ, dont you start now! I donated ten bucks! So did Yahven. It's not that ya twat. See, like i said, Yahven cringes at new groups, for whatever reason. Benny's got one....Benny also laid down a chunk, more than either of us, and he lives within our means as well, dorms, part time job, classes etc - he went above & beyond, so Yahven had to make the exception. KOS & SOF are tossin in a bit as well, and last i checked, theyre not daddy war bucks either. I'm not at all pissin on the ten bucks, as i said thats all i could toss in, and its very much appreciated. Truth be told, Yahven prolly dont figure it enough to change a member group/title, but i figured it's enough for the one anyway. Had to consider it (hence the "eh..", cmon you cant actually hear tone on the internet, it was pensive by god) and figured no, its not a terrible amount, but youre within our means & donatin the same amount, so its actually really cool of ya. JunkerSeed tossed in a fiver yesterday, ya think we mocked him? Remember, there's over 150 people here (yes, yes many many trolls too) and a very small handful donatin. Got nothin but gratitude for those that do. ....but seein as im now in "SOF's pocket" (christ, howd that happen?) i cant pass the helm of admin over, even if it was $100. I thought the reward/gratitude was the new board and your own spot on it, if ya want a certificate and a warm, hearty slap on the ass, feel free to ask Yahven & Im sure he'll comply. In conclusion....(you fuckin wank, i grew up poor! ), sincerely, thank you very much Jack, it means the world to us, and we'll keep our heads above water that much longer 'cause of your genorosity. ...tho you might notice some folks got off free: certain chicks got their own groups just for sleepin with us admins, so the question is: just how bad do you want that member title?
  9. ...can you name the six (think it was six) devils of Kimon that Jubei fought in Ninja Scroll? :wasabi:
  10. ...Right, then, Minstrels of the Gods it is, for lack of somethin better.
  11. Christ, i forgot all bout Star Wars. Any more conspiracy theory an im tempted to throw it into current events!
  12. Glad t'see Hayek made the list, but Britney over Shakira? Wait, that sounds interestin...anyway, how did that hack take Shakira's #1 spot from ya? Very well. I ever conquer, Britney's all yours, and i gets Shakira.
  13. The NZA

    Forum Upgrade

    Alright, let the junk mail begin, here's m'adress for the non-locals... Please send donations to: Nicholas Watson (TM, patent pending) 10491 SW 15th Lane Apt 1-203 Miami, FL 33174 Since Yahven's funding for thsi thing runs on Paypal, i basically keeps your $ ( ) and wire the same amount to him from my account or credit card, he then checks it, adjusts our meter, and were that much closer to the new board, which Yahven believes we'll make in the next week or two. Just wanted everyone to know the system, i assure you ya aint helpin buy me comics/whores/etc. $10, eh...that'd really help, thanks. But Yahven usually cringes at all the new groups & such, he really wanted us to stay uniform....howzabout this: either one or the other, customized group or member title? Id recommend group m'self so you can keep racing & changing rank, god knows at the end of it you can change your member title, anyway, but its a long way down. Lemme know.
  14. 0E1784169716874864 This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. If this problem persists please contact the admninstrator.
  15. ...youre not really readin the thigns we put here, are you? Its poetry, somehow or another. Just fuckin look at it! Dance, Hitler, dance!
  16. Ok,this thread's dead anyway, and a post from Jont over at Preacher's inspired this lame idea, so takin from the shit-on-paper idea i shelled out a bit for called "Just Imagine Stan Lee..." (Where he attempts to redo the DC universe; dont worry, it sucks), here's a go at a fun game with ol' Stan the Man, lets keep this shit idea goin for a wee bit. Just Imagine Stan Lee... Naked ...
  17. Hey, i admitted from the start this's mindless. And now for another one of those great Westerns that aint on DVD yet, with Hoffman no less... Little Big Man
  18. Dear Shenmue, Did you miss me today? I thought about you all day. I have tomorrow off...soon, we will be together.
  19. KOS - "Until the End of the World" a movie? Thought it was just a Preacher line...and hey, youve used Next of Kin like 3 times havent ya? Orange County
  20. Heh, since were tossin round movie lines... "Jules, how do you feel about killin that Battlefield Earth guy?" "Yes, he deserved to die, and I hope he burns in hell!"
  21. Yeah, actually KOS that was my guess. I cant argue with the Obi-Wan & Fett fight, that was definitely one of the highlings...me, Yahven & Chief were on the edges of our seats that whole way through, well done. But Windu makin short work of him the way he did...yeah, i kinda got the feelin they were settin him up as "2nd in lightsaber badassness to Yoda"; *CONSPIRACY THEORY TIME WITH POSSIBLE SPOILE..ah fuck it youve read this far* ...we all kinda know (i think) that Anakin has to go on a massive Jedi-killin spree in Episode III, and the only ones spared as far as i know have to be Yoda (hides on a dark planet by that tree, accordin to the original triology) an Obi-Wan, who fucks his ass up good (hence the funny breathin apparatus). So, if Anakin's gonna be takin down a buncha jedi, they cant all be nameless, and what better way to hype his ass then makin short work of Mace? Just a guess. Someone mentioned to take the "Sith Lord" or whatever title it is he'd have to kill Darth Maul (possibly cloned by then, too marketable not to bring back i figure) to take his roll as Darth Vader. What's everyone think of that? Makes III sound pretty eventful if im anywhere near on target. Read somewhere that Lucas commented "its going to be a dark movie, especially for Star Wars."
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