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Town Sheriff
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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. For starters, the special edition of Pulp Fiction - long overdue, that barebones one sucked ass - is scheduled for August 20th according to Amazon.com. Same date for Jackie Brown, i believe. Memento speical edition looks like it has come cool extras as well, check it out here at DVD Shrine.com Uhm...a Rambo box set onna way, take a look... Uh...Resident Evil looks like its gettin a good release...uhm, runnin low here...right! All you John Wayne fans out there, i know how you feel - where the fuck are the rest of the classics? Hondo, Big Jake, Chisum, Cahill: United States Marshall, Rio Lobo, etc? Bad enough Fonda's classic The Ox Bow Incident is nowhere to be seen, to boot. Fear not! While those greats are still looming and !@#$in no one's respondin to my emails to those with the rights to such fine films, the good news is that the last of Ford's classic cavalry trilogy - She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - will finally see releae the 4th of June, woo hoo! While I'm not sure if i liked it more than The Horse Soldiers, i still feel it was better than Rio Grande, despite the critics. Regardless, such a debate should not sepearte us, to each their own - now, the way i plan it, we can get Junker & a few others to drive us to Best Buy on the 4th, but I'm afraid the overwhelming number of us Duke fans might require at least 2 trips, or one of us picking up multiple copes, ill devise a more intricate system between now & then. Meantime, mark your calendars! Im sure I'm not the only one who cares about this! :D ....
  2. Rio Lobo ...and that does it for the John Wayne Rio movies...
  3. Crap, sorry to hear that, good luck. "If i had a million dollars, the first thing I'd do? Man, i'd do two chicks at once." Heh, the boss, he's a trip. "Yeeeah....uh, could you...move a little over to the left? Yeah, that'd be great. Oh hey, do you have that TPS report?"
  4. VHS or DVD? I'd check Amazon.com or Reel.com, theyre usually fair on both. "Anyone ever ask if you've got a bad case of 'The Mondays'"? "...nah. Nah, nah man! Shit like that gets your ass kicked." I personally love Milton, the lil mumblin guy. Reminds me of Celso (another board member). "My...my red stapler...i could....i could...burn this place down..."
  5. *fart* ...pardon me. Christ, what did i eat this afternoon? :ill:
  6. Flames are forthcomin, im sure. Luke = Nazi poster boy Darth Vader = Strong, Nubian man. what's that? ...shut the fuck up! Qui'Gon = Micheal Collins, badass Irish.
  7. Ha...that one's good. Griffith's a trip. On the humor side tho, in light of recent movies shown round here.. "I'm gonna show her my O-face. 'Oh, oh, oh...'" Office Space - so many great lines from that movie
  8. Uh, Jack, you want in on the action...? Not that there's anythin wrong with that.... *adds University Towers to the list of bulidings not to use the bathroom in*
  9. They were together in the house. Just the two of them. It was a cold, dark, stormy night. The storm had come quickly and each time the thunder boomed he watched her jump. She looked across the room and admired his strong appearance... and wished that he would take her in his arms, comfort her and protect her from the storm. She wanted that...more than anything. Suddenly, with a pop, the power went out. She screamed. He raced to the sofa where she was cowering. He didn't hesitate to pull her into his arms. He knew this was a forbidden union and expected her to pull back. He was surprised when she didn't resist but instead clung to him. Thestorm raged on...as did their growing passion. And there came a moment when each knew that they had to be together. They knew it was wrong. Their families would never understand. So consumed were they in their passion that they heard no opening of doors...just the faint click of a camera......
  10. There aint enough time in a day. This goddamn list....family, lawyers, employers, doctor, realtors...too many fuckin people to call, and i hate the goddamn phone. Essays, full time work, skills to learn - all by the summer's end. Even tho the jobs are easy, pay well & often allow for the things i like, theyre still time-consuming nonetheless...should I be watchin a clock, "killing time"? How much of it do i have left to kill? I want to excercise, to hang with friends, drinking, video games, comics, etc and there's less time for alla that. Is this how i oughta spend my youth, with a goddamn list? Something aint right here. The future will not continue on a priority list like this.
  11. See? You see? That's just like you Hingis-ass people, always tryin to placate the struggle of me & my Kournikova-ass people! For years, we've endured with fewer .jpg's & such, and now you try to pretend Hingis' zitty ass makes it all better! No, no my "friend". We shall have the better ass, and all ass in the west bank, perhaps the gaza-strip ass as well. This...this is why there shall be no peace! Kournokova's ass...is the will of allah! :D :D
  12. Uh...right, that's that then. Congrats & all, i guess...head is always good... on an unrelated note, PSA 530 (that be me), when on duty in the DM building will, from now on, use the bushes to pee.
  13. The NZA


    ...and now for periphrials.... Nintendo cuts 'Cube controller cost, cords » The industry price-dropping spree rages on. Nintendo has moved up the release of its cordless controller, the WaveBird, and dropped the price for both it and standard GameCube controllers. Previously set to debut at $39.95, the WaveBird will now be sold for $34.95, the same price standard controllers had been sold for since launch. The WaveBird controllers can operate up to 20 feet (about 6 meters) away from the GameCube for up to 100 hours on two AA batteries, and they will now ship two weeks early on June 10th. Nintendo is also lowering the price of the standard GameCube controller to $24.95 effective immediately, enabling gamers to grasp solid plastic things for less.
  14. The NZA


    Taken fromGameforms.com, fomerly TheGIA.com... Nintendo kicks off E3 week with a price drop » Could Link still arrive in 2002? And to save a family member? Nintendo has announced a 25% price cut for the GameCube, firmly entering them into the brewing console price war. Starting tomorrow, the GameCube will retail at an MSRP of $149.95, restoring the 'Cube to its position as the least expensive option for console gamers. Also included was more information about Nintendo's flagship titles for this week's expo. The first plot details for the latest Legend of Zelda were released, revealing that Link will be travelling across land and sea to save his sister. Yes, his sister. More importantly, the release alludes to Nintendo's intent to release the latest Mario, Zelda, Metriod, and Star Fox titles "this year," contradicting recent reports that Zelda would slip to early 2003.
  15. Heh...beat SOF to the punch! Since someone mentioned the movie anyway... "...you thought you smelled some good ol' pussy here. But there's no pussy here, mate. Just a hard one that'll make you wish you were born a woman." *Suggested by DA8 over on Preacher's* "You gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?" - Resevoir Dogs
  16. "Where the fuck are the admins these days?" "I heard got Sheumue 2 and Yahven got crabs." "...oh." Gonna get myself, gonna get myself, gonna get myself connected...
  17. It dont hurt that youve seen the 1st trilogy a few dozen times... "What are you doing here, Anakin?" "I'm here to rescue you." "...good job."
  18. "Ned Pepper, I intend to bring you in or see you hang at the judge's convenience. Which'll it be?" "I call that bold talk from a one-eyed fat man!" *taken aback, grabs winchester in one hand, colt in the other* "..fill your hand, you sonofabitch!" *puts horse's reins in his teeh & comes chargin, guns blazin. - The Duke, True Grit "...drunken piano player. Yer so drunk, you cant hit nothin. In fact, youre prolly seein' double..." "I have two guns." *draws & cocks barrel* "...one for each of ya." - Doc Holiday, Tombstone "Two kinds've people in this world, Tuco. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig" *draws, tosses shovel with other hand* "..you dig." - The Man With No Name, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
  19. Good job, welcome aboard! Year of the Gun
  20. Think someone used it, but hell we're repeatin plenty by now.. Selena
  21. Heh..before SOF gets a go at it... "Yipee Ki-yay Motherfucker!"
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