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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Meant to make a sepearte Gamecube thead, my fault... Mario Sunshine is scheduled for the last week of August, seems to still be on time but E3's around the corner so we'll know then. Like the article said, Metroid Prime should make holiday season but who knows, that producing team's been shaky this last year or so. Now Zelda...the cel-shading thing's takin a beating. First off, when has Miyamoto ever let us down, espeically with this series? Dan's got the right idea: i like the story to be a little deeper, and Zelda 64 had a bit of it, but i dont expect Xenogears, nor do i want Devil May Cry type action - that's not what the series is about, and there's plenty of those games. It can stand to grow up a bit, i agree, but not terribly so. Still curious what happened to the ultra-detailed promo they originally showed? On a side note...a few reviewers, after seein the promo video, noted somethin interestin: watch the mpeg file again, and take a look at the overworld shots...they look strikingly like 3D versions of the Zelda: Link to the Past (SNES) overwolrd shots. I'm not sayin its a remake, but it is odd.
  2. Little Mac beat that ass beat that ass!
  3. On that note, Junker, youve got some extra time... Zelda Gamecube delayed? Yeah, i agree, tho not entirely - part 2 had plentiful ammo at first, granted, but by the game's end it was scarce; but yeah, again not nearly as much as part 1 where you were always runnin low, especially if you squandered it in the beginnin or wasted valuable shotgun/python ammo on dogs, etc. That's the main reason i never got into part 3 i guess: i recall startin out with a machine gun of some kind ? and an assload of ammo, just wasnt scary for me. And again, the kerosene thing adds quite a bit, admittedly - i find myself only burnin zombies in rooms i come to often, and payin the price for my poor decision by walkin by corpses time & again, hopin this wont be the time they spring to life...it really worked as an idea. They just got me crappin myself outta fear of when the @#$%in hunters show up.
  4. First things first - the game's added enough that I dont mind the fact its the third fucking time I've bought it. No lie. The graphics are stunning, the overall ambience of the game is much scarier - tho not quite Silent Hill, its far above what it's been. Fortunately, the voice acting has been redone, so while not quite Soul Reaver or Shenmue, its not as bad as, say, Resident Evil. Again, lotsa new rooms, enemies, puzzles etc. The enemies are much harder, as well. My 2 favorite new features: -Defensive moves: find daggers & tasers to fend off Zombies' lunges, hit em before they bite you. -Killin aint enough - leave a zombie for dead and later theyll come back in a frenzy, way too fast to handle....now youve gotta douse em in kerosene & light em. The trick is, there's only so much kerosene, so pick and choose your targets. All this and I havent quite cleared the mansion yet with Jill...i'm impressed tho. Animation's top notch, but again if youve played this before, you know what youre gettin into - puzzles, popus and not enough ammo. Overall, a great game if you havent played it, but surprisingly worth it even if you did play Director's Cut. Here's to hopin their remake of part 2 is on par, i really liked that one. And hey, maybe one day we'll get a new installment.
  5. I'm with Junker. Nah, MLB, it wasnt Pi, but for a superhero action flick, it hinted at existentialism amongst other such ideals, and that's light years ahead of most. Techno music, bullets & John Woo shots? Sure, and plenty, but toss in some philosophy to boot and I'm sold. I cant fuckin wait....are we sure theyre comin out back-to-back? Closest ive seen that was the last 2 Back to the Future ones, they were less than a year apart if i recall...does anyone know exactly the time between 2 & 3?
  6. Keeping :kitty: 's idea... Hondo
  7. Ernest Saves Christmas Ok, done with the Ernest movies, i swear. But you folks dont know what youre missin here....itll be a fine day when i get my DVD box set of the Ernest Saga!
  8. Since it came up recently in the movies section...i thought id let everyone have a sneak peek at the costume for "Batman: Year One."
  9. Fuckin hell, Star Wars was badass. That last fight scene....ha. Chiefy said he'd waited damn near 20 years to see that shit happen... Critics be fucked, that was fun.
  10. *ATTENTION: THIS THREAD WILL ATTEMPT TO BE A SPOILER-FREE ZONE, BUT EVERY POST AFTER MINE...READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.* ...holy shit. That may very well've been the best of the series so far. Great action & visuals like usual, but solid plot to boot. Junker says some of the acting was flat; guess the action kept me from noticin. Go see it when you get a chance, it really helped that it didnt need setup like Episode 1 did. Lucas really delivered to the fans by the end of this one...you wont be disappointed.
  11. In light of Jack's suggestion.... Ernest Scared Stupid (Hey Vern!)
  12. Never saw Analyze this or Showtime, havta give em a try i guess. Again, the man's entitled to do those or the next 12 Bullwinkles if he wants - flicks like Deer Hunter, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver entitle you to do whatever the fuck ya want in my book - , but...eh, Ill give your King of Comedy a go, you have that one?
  13. 21.4 gigs, over 6,700 files...and that's after i weeded out shit i didnt really like. Helluva mp3 directory. It's safe to say i like music. Wish my FTP was still up & runnin, id share it with ya'll.
  14. Was lookin at IMDB.com, one of Junker's favorite sites, to see what certain actors were up to - Pacino's gonna be busy, Eastwood's got one comin up, and De Niro...has 2 sequels on the way, both of his comedies. Unless its a joke, I'm seein "Analyze That" and "Meet the Fockers" (sequel to "Meet the Parents")....certainly the man's free to do as he damn well pleases, and he doesnt havta consult Sorcese on every flick, but over the least few years, ive really enjoyed a few - Ronin, The Score, etc - but i guess i just wanted others to know what he's up to, makes me kinda sad I guess. He's certainly still got some years of actin ahead of him, just hopin he'll take on another serious project sometime's all. Again, before i get flamed here, I'm not sayin the man has to do Godfather II again, but even a cameo like Brazil would be a lot cooler than another Bullwinkle.
  15. One I've been meanin to see for some time now... Glengarry Glenn Ross
  16. Star Wars tomorrow...here's hopin for more Jedis, less Jar-Jar. I really think this one's got a chance at bein a lot better than episode 1; not that i think it wasnt good, but coulda been better, as far as the pace went at least. Anyway, if it beats out Spider-Man in opening weekend (does it count, openin on a thursday?), drinks at Hondo's are on me.
  17. ...is that a zit on her ass...?
  18. ...I'd write more, but Typing of the Dead for Dreamcast is givin me carpul tunnel...
  19. Yeah, actually saw Requiem first....disturbing, great stuff, but overall not quite as good as Pi i'd say. Damn, i cant wait till Batman: Year One. Rio Grande
  20. Very true, wish i had better Forlain pics. Nah sorry KOS been meanin to, didnt see it as of yet, why ya ask?
  21. To the women of Miami - today makes 2 of you now in the last week who've failed to maintain your automobiles & therefore are unable to keep our booty call appointments. This is gettin to be a problem. Aside from the fact one should not ignore the warnin lights on the dash, one must consider that i believe my skill level in this department more than warrants me sayin goddammit woman take a bus or hail a taxi, I'm killin kittens by the dozen here without any argument or this "Why dont you come see me?!" nonsense; let's be reasonable.
  22. Taken from Gameforms.com Sony drops price of PlayStations ยป Including that rectangular black one. News | Monday, May 13, 2002 | Alex Fraioli [News Editor] In a move previously scheduled for E3, Sony has announced that it will be lowering prices on both PS2 and PSone systems. The PlayStation 2 will now go for a suggested retail price of $199, with Sony's old-school machine ringing up as a paltry $49. The PSone/LCD screen combo will be available for $149, also a $50 drop. Additionally, PlayStation accessories will also see a decent cost reduction. PS2 memory cards and Dual Shock 2 controllers are now both $24, with the original Dual Shock being priced at $19. *on a side note - im told the X-box dropped in price as well to bout the same amount if youre interested in a lesser system; that makes all 3 (including Nintendo Gamecube) round the same price. Its a good time for console games, tho id say the PS2 is still the best bet for the money right now, prolly will be for quite some time.
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