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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Dear Mr FinalFantasyBaseball: I see youve posted thrice, yet for the life o' me i can only find this one. Are you a valid member, or do you...ah fuck diplomacy, are you a damn troll? If so, lemme know, we gots room in the House.
  2. "Trust Allah, but tie your camel." - anonymous
  3. Metal Gear Solid 2, if for no other reason than sheer cinematic value: there were parts where that shit was like watchin a great movie, and the Zimmerman orhcestral soundtrack didnt hurt either. I think the first cutscene i recall was from Ninja Gaiden 2.
  4. Well, it seems Fury's sucess landed it a regular series in a few month's time, but no Ennis, sadly. Only, wha, 2 more shit issues of Punisher left till he's back on, right? Swear to god, im writin in to Just A Pilgrim soon, ill crap myself if he does another new, regular series of his own again any time soon, especially if its Vertigo.
  5. MLB - thanks for the recommandation; ill get back to ya if i get my hands on it. His work's not easy to come by round here; i found Ghost World by accident in the philosophy section of a bookstore & remembered your mentionin it.
  6. Ok, this kinda thing's been goin on over this corner for a while, i just wanted to centralize it: It seems a number of us have similar music tastes, so to get someone into a particular band or album, let's pimp out a great track to download offa Kaza or WinMX. For instance, Spiffytee wanted to get me into Chicane back in the day, so he had me download "Offshore" and "Salt Water", two badass tracks, the likes of which id like to hear more of. I guess ill get the ball rollin: ive yet to finally pick up Bjork's new album, but the one song i have offa it's great; granted ive mentioned it here before but it's a start: Bjork - Pagan Poetry. No hype for it; if you like Bjork, its great, feels like...uh, like being inside one of those glass balls they have round christmas, where ya shake em up & they fill with snow? Yeah, anyway, if you dont like Bjork you prolly suck, but there it is. Cmon folks, pick a song or two ya really think some of us are missin out on & let us know. *Warning: if your songs suck and you make too many bad calls, no one listens to ya, so make em good.
  7. I like the part where it goes "i said hip, hop, the hippa, the hippa to the hip hip hop and ya dont stop, a rockin to the bang bang boogey say up jump the boogey to the rhythm of the boogedy-bee". That part's badass. ...wha? damn Kaza mislabelin their mp3's. :plain:
  8. Surprised not to see "Mindfields", "One Love", "Firestarter" etc, maybe i missed em up there. Eh, only 10 spots i guess. Tought poll, between Out of Space, Poisoin, Naryan, Voodoo...leanin towards Naryan (thanks Chiefy) but ill havta think it over.
  9. Yeah, i wanted "D'yer Wanna be a Spaceman" myself, lesser known & short but i really took to it. Good poll tho, Oasis does take a beatin at times.
  10. Dear bacchus: The next time my toilet overflows & unleashes gallons of poopy water on m'floor, im waitin till a chunk floats by & beamin you with it, 'cause you didnt fill out the @#$%in work order that mornin i asked you to. I also asked for an ark. Still waitin. Dont make me fling my poo at you. - love, Irish Cowboy
  11. Well, i hope youre happy. You people went & done it now. Ya missed Irish Cowboy's Marsh, the water finally dried up today or so, seaped forever into m' carpet. The sloshin is gone, now only the pugnance remains. On an unrelated note, I'd like to annouce the grand openin of Irish Cowboy's Shithole. Bring the kids, smell the likes of ass incarante, and happily flee home to your non-urine/feces scented homes.
  12. Wait...who's Kevin Conroy/what's he been in?
  13. Hey Jewels, ya gotta pimp it out more n' that! Cmon, sell us on it. :D
  14. Fair enough...maybe this'll help tho: Usin the comic example ya cited, id say my all-time comic, hands down, is Preacher. Most who've read it seem to place it high on their lists. Exceptions might be artisticartoon (liked it, but claims he's read better) and kee (seemed to enjoy it, but got offended by the end). Now, both those 2 individuals more than gave it a chance: they read all 66 issues. Yahven & others completed it as well, and tho not their favorite, i think it'd at least make their top 10...id say Yahven's favorite is most likely Sandman: a fine book, cant argue with that. But let's use artistic as an example. If he said "Preacher was great, but Watchmen (or Batman: The Dark Knight Returns) kicks the shit outta it", intially i might disagree, but not for long: like it or not, the writin in these 2 books is superior, and not just amongst critics - those 2 books alone ushered in a new age for comics, that's gotta say somethin. I can acknowledge theyre better, but Preacher's still my favorite; the book felt like it was written for me at times, and even those not into the western theme can enjoy it. But, at the end of the day, id still kinda havta admit those 2 are better books. That's all i was tryin to establish with Zeppelin: no way can i deny Rush bein god of all in Jack's world, but I was curious if, overall, youd acknowledge Zeppelin to be greater, if even in the "influetnial" sense of greatness: granted, greatness might mean sometin else entierly to you & others. But then again, if/when Kee says Preacher's shit, i cant argue...the man read the whole damn series, and he's certainly entitled to that opinion. So either way, no hard feelings, i figure i oughta be happy if folks've a band or thing theyre "all about" rather than kiddie porn or somethin... fuck, this rant woudla worked in the lyceum, or comics, or anywhere, and i havent been on topic for a page or so...uh...back to finals.
  15. Ha...damn, nice render Chiefy. If its heroes/superheroes, i think this one's badass if your windowns background is black, lemme know whatya think.
  16. Smoove B, Love Man Girl, please allow me to break it down for you. You are the love of my life, and I would travel to the ends of the earth to prove my love for you. I would fly to Europe in order to personally select the finest champagne for you to drink. I would climb to the peak of the highest mountain to demonstrate that my lower-back muscles are powerful and won't give out. I would weave for you the most comfortable silk sheets ever known to creation. I am the man for you, and I will make you want to get down and get funk-ass nasty with me. I will make you scream and shout all hours of the night. I will make sweet love to you like no man has ever before. In addition to all of that, I will wash you. Every time I see you, you will be presented with a lovely gift. I will give you golden bracelets that shine like sparkles of sunlight on the ocean. I will give you a necklace of pearls that beams like the moon in the evening. I will give you earrings that are more beautiful than a flock of seagulls or some such other type of romantic bird. You are the loveliest creature in the world, and I promise that I will freak you wild. We will do the freak in the bed. We will do the freak on the floor. We will also do the freak in the bathtub. At this time, you may desire to know how I will treat you before we freak. Baby, let me put it down for you: First, I will pick you up at your apartment dressed in a shimmering, gold satin suit. At that point, I will present a gift of a dozen roses to you. Also, I will be polite and not enter your home until you verbally invite me in. Then we will take a romantic horse-and-carriage ride to dine at the most expensive restaurant we can find. We will eat a meal of boiled lobsters and enjoy greens and fine wine. The waiter will do my every bidding, bringing whatever I ask, be that butter, salt, extra sauce, more napkins, or even an additional serving of boiled lobsters. There will be bread also. Next, we will attend an exquisite Broadway musical. We will enjoy the finest singing, dancing and showmanship that is available anywhere. We will be among the upper crust of society, enjoying a night of theater. Woman, I can't stand it. I want to freak you right here on my desk. Come here and jump on my saddle right now. When the show is completed, we will return to your apartment, and you will change into a white silk robe. I will then lead you to the balcony of your apartment, which looks out over the city. Your white robe will cascade to the ground underneath you as I run my fingers softly over the smooth skin of your legs. The breeze will send a chill up and down your spine. Next, I will run my fingers softly over the remaining portions of your body, including the arms, neck and hair. Girl, tell me that you are soaking wet at this stage. I know that you are. I want to hold you tight in my arms and swear to you that I will be your man forever. I want to look deep into your eyes so you will know by the seriousness of my gaze that I will put a sting in you. You and me, baby. We will freak crazy. damn.
  17. That...id like to see. After finals end, Yahven, lets see them Photoship skills at work, we could make a helluva logo for either here or the Lyceum that way! Junker - when ya see this, lemme know which one ya go for. With you, my $'s on the "guns dont kill people" one. :shoot:
  18. That's true, many liked Secret of Mana for that reason: i dont know why more games dont like the 2nd player control the other party memebers sometimes, to be honest. Chrono Trigger's a classic, but that's werid to hear ya say that Eyeore...most Chrono fans really liked Chrono Cross, i know it was 3d but i thought it was similar - lotsa endings, time travel, great gameplay & music, etc...plus the way it ties into Trigger (revealed by the game's end) is great. If ya dont mind my askin, what didnt you like bout the game?
  19. Chieftan - Ya know i got great comic, video game, western etc wallpapers, but i dont know which one you'd like, gimme somethin specific man. Uh..here's one of the X-Men's blackbird.
  20. Others still die of drug overdoses during plane crashes...
  21. Clever, now its some kinda boyband argument....i only picked that up from this: You were citing big namer's whove covered Rush as a justification of such crap as : ...so rather than bring up things like Enocinum & all the greats that've covered Zeppelin, i figured if youre goin for popularity, id dance that dance & cite the massive edge Zeppelin has, and not with wankers who write comics off or listen to boy bands, but by both artistis and fans contemporary to these groups. Doesnt prove all that much, but i figured you'd follow, guess not. As for ...while i cannot attest to spendin my childhood earnings on an Ebay-bought dixie cup of Lee's semen, i can account for havin heard way more Rush than I care too. My EMT partner used to drive me to class over by JMH (Jackson Memorial), thats 45 minutes or so of traffic, there & back, several times a week. Tho i managed to pull off some Stevie Ray and Doobie Brothers, it was mostly a Rush-fest. I was haunted by this that nite you & Brigit came by Yahvne's place & blasted "Rush's greatest hits" for hours on end (by the way, the one who shut it off when ya left the room? Yeah, that was me.) I cant name the albums, i dont know which powerpuff is Geddy's favorite, etc. But while i go outta my way most times not to piss on everyone else's favorites, i still reserve the right to criticize stuff ive given a chance & struck me as ass incarnate, tho i have given Rush credit in the past as one of those bands I can see is alright but just aint for me. I do, however, strongly disagree with the "Plant, Morrison, Dylan & Lennon all suck Lee's cock!"-type statements 's all.
  22. Another classic And finally, my personal favorite...
  23. I have a confession to make. I lied at the beginnin of our relationship, the truth is...i wasnt a forum virgin. I actually had 800+ posts over at Preacher's Divinity, but tried to stay true to you. Since then, ive gone through at least 5 other forums, tryin to recruit other members....the Kevin Smith forum, Brian Micheal Bendins, Dork Tower, Penny Arcade, etc.... ..but i was thinkin of you the whole time!
  24. *WARNIN: PORNO-ESQUE PICTURE BELOW, IF EASILY OFFENDED, FUCK OFF* ok there's the disclaimer, didnt want another "dick-bowl" uprisin. Careful, they travel in packs.
  25. I...I...yeah, I only smoke :weed: when I need to and i need to get some rest, where's the sex, i confess i burned a hole in the matress, yes yes it was me and at the count of 3 i pull back the duvet make my way to the refridgaratah one dry pataytah inside, no lie, not even bread Jam, when the light above my head went bam. Ah cahnt sleep, something's all over me, greasy Insomnia, please release me, and let me dream about making mad love on the heath - tearing off tights with may teeth but there's no release, I'm wide awake in my kitchen, it's black and i'm lonley, oh if ah could only get some...sleep creaky noises make my skin creep. I need to get some sleep... ah cahn't get no sleep. - Faithless, Insomnia
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