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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. I'm with SB on that one.


    Didn't Neo seem a bit powered down for this movie? How come he never did any blurring fist moves / insane dodging? Why didn't he make any other agents explode? Was that a one-time deal in part 1?


    On the other hand, like deacon says, seeing him be all powerful gets a little boring. If he can beat anyone he wants without effort at all, then yeah the movie would've been tremendously gay. I see the point of making Neo have to concentrate more & still take hits, but then I have to say that they mislead us with the first Matrix in his abilities... shit, he beat Smith 1 handed after getting shot 8 times. It was cool to see him stop all the bullets from the mac10's, tho.

  2. Sorry... I'd have to agree w/ US. If I was born into that much money, and my parents were brutally murdered in some vicious way, (and I never got over it) I'd probably take it upon myself to do get revenge for their deaths somehow... maybe not obsess about it so much that I'd want to make all criminals pay, but lets say for a minute I am crazy and I did obsess over it... then yeah, I'd probably make like Tony Stark & build me a suit of armor, or do me a Bruce Wayne and train to become some sort of ruthless fighting machine backed by my endless wealth and ever-good business ventures.


    I guess that's why I like Iron Man... besides the obvious wealth, I get to see a pretty much normal guy use science, engineering & technology to become something 100x more than what he normally is and overcome superhuman obstacles. I guess Batman has a similar appeal to it, with a more minimalist approach to technology and a greater emphasis on physical & mental acumen.

  3. Madlibs


    Went searching for some Madlibs on Google today. I was remembering my elementary school days & how every once and a while a new Madlib book would come out and all of us had to have one. There are a ton of Madlib fan sites, this guy's site is pretty ingenious. Give it a shot.

  4. It was very very very good. Just as good as the first, yet I find it hard for me to say that it was better than the first. I feel a bit short changed on the story of the matrix... its funny when an incredible story is interrupted by the best fight scenes I've ever seen and I find myself a bit upset about it. I have to go watch it again.

  5. Ok, fuck it. I have a digicam now. I'm on a quest this summer to take pics of me & my friends humping things. I know we can make better material than this site. (Except for maybe the guys humping the statue of the pig) Who's with me!



  6. Hey, Chiefy, where was Quicksilver in X1?

    Quicksilver was playing basketball with the kids outside. When he scored the kids started chanting "No powers, no powers!" cause he ran a circle around them.


    I think if they don't do Apocalypse, they shouldn't do Angel. Thinking about this again, the Sentinel idea is pretty good, but who would be the final bad guy of the series? They'd have to do a really good job to keep the Sentinels from looking corny. I mean, in 2005 we still won't have nuclear fusion power, so how the fuck are there going to be 50 foot tall Sentinels wandering around like nothing special?


    Hey, howabout throwing Havok against his brother?!

  7. OK, there's not much I didn't like about the movie but here's what I thought could've been better:


    1) Sabretooth: I'm going to miss that guy if he doesn't come back for part 3. There's tons of bad blood there that the writers haven't touched since that fight over the Statue in part 1. Would be sad if he just fell through the boat in part 1 and that's it, no more Sabretooth. He should've been at Akali Lake also, maybe to get his shit kicked in by Lady Deathstrike, emphasizing just how bad ass she is.


    2) Lady Deathstrike: Too bad they didn't pay her more against wolvies emotions. No "love-affair-gone-bad", but then again, it would probably take another 15 - 30 minutes just to explain that part of his life. You don't really get a sense of how bad she really is until towards the end, she just storms around alot and asks stupid questions "Hey! What are you doing here!?". To someone who hasn't followed the comics (huh?), you don't understand how a lil chinese girl can kick Cyclops' ass in 2 seconds while taking a blast to the chest... although you get the idea that there's something fishy.


    3) Obviously they're pulling the Phoenix card, but they should leave the Shiar out of it... but they're going to need a big bad boss to pick on, because I think the Phoenix will be too much for the enemies they've encountered so far.


    Looking at the current roster for X3:


    Wolvie, Cyclops, NightCrawler, Rogue, Iceman, Colossus, Storm on for sure.

    In X1 they had a preview of Quicksilver, don't know if he'd be interesting enough... oooh, maybe as a bad guy... Brotherhood of Evil Mutants... yeah maybe they can pull some hot redhead for Scarlet Witch?

    I don't think Gambit will make it, they've already given Rogue a boyfriend, they can deal w/ the story from that angle.

    Beast made a lil cameo (good eye Nick), maybe he'll make it as a full fledged character.

    The story needs some really bad guys... Juggernaut would rock.. get one of the guys from the World's Strongest Man competition on ESPN. White Queen would be cool... cast Gwyneth Paltrow. Omega Red? Cyber? I think Cyber's cooler & more menacing, but Omega's more popular. Apocalypse would make me shit my pants... I know I may sound stupid but ever since I saw that godawful Batman w/ Arnold as Mr. Freeze, all I thought was how cool that guy would look as Apocalypse. As long as its not the bad guy from Mortal Kombat 2.

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