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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. I have these stupid little moth things all over my house. They're flying this way & that. All over. Not bothering anyone really, they don't bite or anything, but you see them doing their strange love dance over your bed and it makes you wonder... how the fuck did so many moths get inside the house.. and will they crawl in my ear and eat my brain?




    I guess I'm alone on that last one.

  2. 'S about what i expected i guess, i can deal with the Mario 64 controls but its a shame to hear repititive combat, odd boss fights etc. 

    Chief, you said voices were good but dialogue wasnt...how bout the plot? Im told it was written as a Wovly comic...you know how the Spidey game for PSX & Dreamcast had a very comic-esque plot? I thought it was cool...is this like that, or does it feel like plot was a last minute job?

    They're trying to milk the kids for the movie relation, but in fact this has little to do w/ the movie at all. I mean, Beast is there, in all his hairy glory, with the original voice from the Saturday series... yet Patrick Stewart does the voice of Prof. X.


    In my opinion, they took the whole "Find Wolvie's origin" plot line and successfully threw in as many cameos as they could... Lady Deathstrike, Sabertooth, Juggernaut, Wendigo... to make it interesting. I think the story plays out great and is the only thing saving this game from a D.

  3. Eh... I'm not giving this one two thumbs up.


    Played it today, rented it w/ a friend for XBox. Controls are a little tougher than they should. I can't stand the "Mario 64" camera angles when they occasionally kick in. Fighting is a little repetative, could've used some more variability. Performing some of the game tasks is somewhat hindered by the lack of hints at times... you'll get to a few spots and sit around wondering what the fuck to do, yet the game isn't as involving to be a puzzle game.



    The fight w/ Sabretooth at the beginning was cool, but... what was that? I clawed that guy for hours until I figured out that I had to toss him against that object a few times... how crappy. And why does he become invulnerable every so often?!?

    **spoiler over**


    The attitude is just right, the art is fantastic, the models look great. The voices are on point (though the dialog sucks cock). The fluidity of the moves is cool. The AI is absolutely fucking retarded.


    The game gets a C+ for now until I see something really cool.

  4. Did you get to read City of Hero's character descriptions? They give a pretty good idea of the whole "mutant" class.


    Mutants gain their super powers through a curious twist of genetic fate. Super powered mutants are not a natural occurrence but rather the product of large-scale genetic manipulation by unknown individuals. Starting in the late 1950's mutant children began to crop up all across the globe. Investigations into the startling phenomenon revealed that every one of these super powered individuals showed similar and otherwise unique genetic properties. A decade of further study revealed a mysterious link between the mutations and various disease immunization programs. A United Nations investigation team, headed by some of the world's most famous heroes failed to uncover the mysterious agency behind this bizarre and mysterious mutagenic program.




    The puzzles of its origin aside, the mutant gene has now so thoroughly penetrated humanity that new, super powered mutants manifest every day. Most mutants begin to realize their true nature during puberty, although often it takes some kind of stressful situation for a person's powers to activate. From that time forward the mutant's powers continue to grow and diversify. A single mutant often manifests numerous different abilities over time, more so than heroes from any other origin type.




    Mutant super powers use the mutant's own life energy to power their amazing effects. This means mutants can become one-person arsenals, needing no equipment, technology or magical relics to help them. On the down side, even a mutant body has its limits. As a general rule, mutant powers cannot reach the same staggering levels as powers belonging to heroes of some other origin types. Nevertheless, mutants can advance their powers to exceptional levels and often make up for a lack of high-level punch by possessing such a wide variety of abilities.

  5. Today was bitter sweet.


    Hit the bars w/ friends from my major. Everyone graduating, or soon to be. Got mad drunk @ Flannigans, met some girls, hit a club in Town & Country Mall, danced alot, it was great...


    Those girls we met.


    One of them was engaged.


    They went w/ us to the club, the girl & her friends. We danced... the "engaged" girl who was talking so well of her man ran off w/ one of my friends & did her thing... I lose more & more respect for women every day.

  6. Right... the idea of maintaining one extremely large adaptive city where thousands of people can physically impact the appearance of the city w/ skyscrapers & other objects has been done a zillion times for sure! :D


    Name another comic book style superhero game that's MMORPG.... still waiting... there is none. It's the first of its kind and so far is promising to dethrone EQ, Ultima, and many of the other MMORPG in playability & popularity.


    It's funny how nobody walked into the "Capcom" thread & said the same thing... "This fighting game stuff is boring & old school"

  7. Hey... here's an idea.


    Thinking ahead to the release of this game... I was wondering what type of hero I would design my character to be. The COH website goes in depth on the classification of hero's available for choosing, as well as shows a small list of powers you can make use of when decorating your guy...


    So... what type of hero would you make? What attributes would you like to mess around with?



    I guess for me, its a toss up between being a Gadgeteer class or a Cyberware class hero. Those who know me know I've always been into the Iron Man thing (even though he fucks sheep), and I guess I'd like to model a character somewhat like War Machine or something. Being a gadgeteer would allow him to use a ton of special weapons made / found along the way. Being a cyberware would make his abilities built in (not requiring special add ons) and powered by "batteries" for quick recharge (yet not as frequent use), so less variability but more specialization. He'd definitely have to shoot some mad stuff... maybe beam weapons, maybe missles of somesort. I'd like him to be able to fly, but I'd trade that off for strength if I had to. If I could get him an armored look I'd like to make him somewhat of a tank & be resistant to physical damage somewhat (not invulnerable, just thick).


    So what are your ideas? Check out the site & describe your hero.

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