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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. Ok, I'm trying to make a compilation of funny games... Junker was mentioning a few that I hadn't played in a very very long time:


    Leisure Suit Larry (series) - PC

    Conker's Bad Fur Day - N64


    I'm sure the game-heads here know a few more that were really funny to play. Post away.

  2. yeah, Bellsouth offers $16.00+ a month for basic dial up, but I think it requires you switching phone plans to fit their requirements. Plus, my mom uses SupraTelecom, its cheaper.


    I heard about NetZero's $10.00 a month thing, sounds good, but when I visited the site it made me think that there was a catch to it. They were using all these small print words about "possible fees" & "additional charges". I'll have to look into it more.


    I think Mindspring got swallowed by Earthlink. Earthlink's about $20.00 a month now.

  3. My mother's company is finally moving off of AOL.


    I need to get information on other ISP's that hopefully are cheaper than $23.00+ a month with very simple services. I don't even need e-mail, we have a website for the company that provides 25 email accounts no prob.


    Unfortunately I can't use DSL or I would, so scratching that out... what companies are good out there? How much do they cost? Personal experience w/ them??

  4. Here's what I can tell is the difference:


    + Graphics, colors & effects are WAY up in quality & animation performance. More movements added, characters look more realistic.


    + If you get hit w/ a flashbang, your hearing turns into nothing but a ring and you go blind, then slowly everything blurs itself back to normal. If you hit a tear gas, your char starts to cough & can't aim right.


    - Characters seem a "bit" too stocky, get in the way alot, in Rogue Spear, it seemed that they had done a good job working with that, now it seems to be a problem again in the demo.


    - Characters seem really dumb. Before, if you entered a room, they'd clear it, now they just stand there... pretty sad to take a step back in AI.


    + Cool feature of point & click, you can direct people to places by lighting up the floor w/ your mouse & ordering people to perform tasks at the highlighted spot you picked... reminds me of SWAT3.

  5. Ok, game review time again!


    Downloaded this lil 100MB demo too. Showcases a smidgeon of storyline w/ 2 little races, pretty cool.


    Gameplay - Driving is not as realistic as Gran Turismo 3, but it is fun in a slightly arcade sort of way. Mind you, there are simulation aspects of the game (you can adjust the wing angles, mod the suspension, gears...) but the game still plays kind of like a tuned up version of TOCA2 (another Codemasters game). Rear wheel drive cars will spin out if provoked, which is a nice touch.


    Graphics - Fantastic! Mind you, I'm playing on a GeForce4, but my system is old as hell and it still looked really good. Major details into each car & track.


    The first race is a trial run, you can beat the hell out of the car all day, just to get used to it.


    The second run is cool as hell, you get to race a Supra Turbo against Corvettes, Lotus Elise's, and others. I liked it alot.


    So, yeah, I'm getting it when it arrives.

  6. Well, downloaded the 200+MB demo & tried it out.... I'm not convinced on this one.


    The game has switched engines, from its own R6 engine to the Unreal system. The graphics have definitely improved, the way each character kicks the bucket has MADLY improved, the look of the levels seems pretty cool & interactive... but, something's missing. I'll have to play it more & let you guys know later...

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