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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. For all that don't know. Nvidia is on the verge of releasing their newest GeForce 3D card titled the GeForce FX. Of course, this card is the one to blow all other cards completely out of the water, especially the big one out from ATI, the Radeon.


    Well, check the images on the link below to get a good look at the card. The thing is a monstrosity. Uses more RAM than your entire PC, and with that huge alien-green fan over the chip, you'll bet it runs hotter than your PC too.


    Check teh funney!

  2. Nah, they got together w/ a big MMORPG company and are restructuring the game. They're working on a Blizzard-esque time table. At least they'll get the game working right the first time. I'll wait.


    Too many MMORPG's coming out tho. SW:Galaxies is coming soon. Knights of the Old Republic will shortly follow. There's talk about a Matrix MMORPG. Too many monthly fees. I need a jobby job.

  3. I know this topic has been long dead... but since revisiting the site this week, I feel its a good time to get to know City of Heroes again.


    Their site has progressed tremendously and most of the areas describing powers & types of hero origins are done. The enemies section has had several major updates with new enemy groups added often. Better yet, the screenshot page has been updated a few times... and its orgasmic.


    Give it a looksie City Of Heroes

  4. Sad news, it's been a while since I've played and Battle.net decided to erase many of my chars with their collection of goodies. Oh well.. I guess it's a good time to stop playing.


    I'll be handing out what's left if you guys want them.



  5. Every single cookie cutter, depressing lyric-ed, overly made up, one-hit-wonder, "alternative" rock band that came out in the last two years. The radio is so congested with depressing, suicidal bullshit that I've made the switch from 94.9 to 105.9 when I'm in a rock mood. Nothin' like the classics, plus, they got Howard Stern in the mornings & they play 80's hair band heavy metal from time to time!

  6. Sorry for my Pootie Tang expressions, if you haven't caught that horrible movie on HBO by now, dont' worry, you're not missing anything.


    I miss KI & fighting tournaments. Nowadays everyone's moved on to gay games like DDR. What ever happened to the old testosterone flinging days of old? Where true digital gladiators battled for supremacy so they didn't have to get back in line & pay another 50 cents?

  7. I still remember going to Bird Bowl w/ Julio and playing in the tournament for Killer Instinct. Back when the N64 was coming out & I thought it was the best shit since sliced bread.


    I think I still have the cap somewhere. Won 1 round against some punk kid who had me against the ropes for the duration of the fight. Beat him w/ the Godzilla lizard thing. That tournament was fun as hell & well organized for a local event.

  8. ONI - Well, I'm a few more missions deep and I still can't say that for $7.50 it was a bad deal. The game is relatively cool, but, like Max Payne, is missing the multiplayer fury we all love. Still somewhat entertaining, the story ain't half bad, the game difficulty is still very challenging, and the fighting is still cool.


    MW3 & MW4 - From what I heard from Julio, MW3 was tougher on PC's than MW4. MW3 involves a hell of alot more simming... every key on the keyboard does something, as well as ALT, CTRL and SHIFT combinations for each key. Like Tekken3 you'll never learn it all. Graphics on MW4 are more scalable and it's much less complicated. Besides, MW4: Mercenaries just arrived, and kicks much ass. But, for $5.00, even I'd try MW3. Off I go to find my copy. Speaking of upgrades... I'm seeing just how long I can keep this old PC alive... bought myself a GeForce 4 64MB DDR card. :D


    XBOX - Mech Assault fuckin' rocks.

  9. Mechwarrior3 requires a Doctorate in Physics and Mechanical Engineering to even get the fuckin' mech walking. I know you're a sim nut, but check out MW4 first.

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