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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. If you get a chance to stop by EBWorld or GameStop or any other chain of game retailers... pass by the cheap rack and pick up your copy of ONI. Bought it yesterday for $7.50. Game is very fun. It's what Max Payne would've been with fist fighting, without the slow mo.


    The gameplay is Max Payne-ish third person style, but only allows your character to carry one weapon at a time. (Dose of realism) Thus, the character must rely on sneaking abilities as well as a variety of hand to hand combat moves which are learned & earned throughout the game. Gameplay is entertaining, although somewhat typical of the "find the key, open the door" style Quake play. The fighting is what makes the game tho. I'm a few levels into it, so I'll write back if my opinion changes, but for right now... for less than $8.00, this is a cool game to get.


    Plus, for all you anime folks. The entire game is done anime style w/ anime cutscenes & art all over the place. With an American touch tho.



  2. Master of Orion 3


    Looks like there will be no stopping this one, at least for those who love the Space Strategy genre. The closest contender to the throne here was Imperium Galactica 2... which was one incredible game. Sadly, that team has moved on to Hegemonia, another great title poised to knock Homeworld off it's pedestal. I know you care.

  3. I want to see some art dammit! I'd really like to see this guy's take on Cap.


    Besides... the old Cap represented someone who was educated, professional, compassionate, world-minded... something obviously not white! (bad racist joke... sorry... incoming spick jokes expected)

  4. Ok, so what's the deal. During the holiday break, who's going to be playing D2X with us on b.net?


    I"m hording all those items & more for youz guyz & galz... hoping that at least for the few weeks we're off we can get some good games in & have some fun, who'll be joining me?

  5. I think you forgot to mention the most important part.


    Salma was very very naked in alot of the movie and playing for the other team, if you get my drift.


    ::all of a sudden, the entire male population of the board rushes out to see Frida::

  6. You know... working as a bill collector for over 2 years w/ FUNB, I've heard them all.


    I do know that it can be extremely frustrating to get calls from people when you're past due on things, but sadly, that's the way it goes. Noone told you to ring up the balance you have and all of a sudden realize you can't pay it. You should accept the consequences and realize that the Banks WILL call for their money, often. I've seen the damage that credit cards can do to a person's future when payments aren't made, I handled people's Equifax reports on a daily basis... it's not pretty.


    Telemarketing is a whole other ballgame though. Those people should be shot.

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