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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. No!! WHY!!! GOD WHY!!


    They're taking the insider away from us! They've caught on! I got a warning today that the insider expires on the 26th b/c we have no credit card number on file, the teaser's over.

  2. Actually, there's something else you can do:


    While logged into battle.net, type this command:

    /f add acct_name

    This will add an account to your b.net buddy list. You can track when a person gets on & off, and also see what rooms they're playing in.


    To view your list hit

    /f list

    To remove an idiot, hit

    /f remove acct_name


    Add me to your list = chf_slapaho

  3. Ok, for all those who can't appreciate a great car chase, many great ass-kicking scenes, a decent amount of gunplay, a shizzle-bang-dizzle-bizzle Asian hottie, and good stunts... you can go now.


    Caught the Transporter today. Was pretty good IMHO. I really didn't know what to expect, whether it was a mobster film, a martial arts flick or what... turns out it's alot of things in one. More action than anything else, but the plot & acting is not too terribly thin. Actually the acting was pretty decent. Worth catching if you're in the mood for a good serving of violence.

  4. Remember the key w/ those guys.


    Find a 1 handed sword with good base damage & high magic damage: 1-100 ice damage / fire / poison / lightning for example. The guy will continue shooting what he usually shoots, but it will be stronger.


    Also, probably the best Act3 Merc to use is the Ice shooter. For a fighter, he'll help by completely freezing the enemies so you can hit them, the more power in his shot, the better he gets w/ freezing.


    Another tip: if you put stuff on your merc that say "##% to find magic item", it adds to your own % to find magic item. The catch is, it only adds when the MERC kills something. So if you have 100% MF, and your merc has 70%... and you kill something by yourself, you chances are only 100%. But if your merc kills something, it adds and goes to 170%.

  5. Yeah... unfortunately, only the Act3 merc can carry a sword & a shield, using both slots. Everyone else gets 1 weapon.


    If you find ANY item that gives +1 to all skills and give it to you Rogue, she'll start shooting different kinds of arrows at enemies (fire, magic, ice, lightning, poison, buncha weird shit) Check Diabloii.net for more information.

  6. Yes they can. If your an assasin, you'll probably want a shooting merc to back you up, like an Act1 Rogue / Act3 Mageknight.


    The mageknights have much better defense b/c they can use shields. The key to making their damage go sky high is giving them a 1 handed sword that has + to fire, ice, lightning and/or poison damage. Other damage really doesn't count for them. I have a sword w/ 1-348 lightning damage that will make this merc go insane on people.


    The Rogues have a faster attack b/c they can use bows. I have a few bows in stock, but you can make a quick bow w/ 3 perfect gems of the same kind & a socketed bow. The damage of that bow will fly up. When she gets hit, she drops quick though.


    If you want a fighter merc, don't use a barbarian... they are good, but they don't give you any protection. Grab an Act2 defensive / offensive merc b/c their aura's will affect everyone in the group.

  7. Yeah, the new classes are pretty good. Problem with the Assasins is that the claw weapons they depend on so much are kinda weak, due to the fact that their skills with them are very strong. There's only 1 unique claw they can use... I posted a pic of it earlier above.


    Druids are very cool. I'm hoping to start one soon. Let me know when the time to kick your ass is.

  8. The mission is pretty straightforward...


    It's an 8 player combat mission, not a melee. 4 on 4 Imperials vs. Rebels. Your ship categories are X-Wings, A-Wings or B-Wings if you Rebel... TIE Interceptors, Gunboats, and TIE Advanced if your Imperial. Mission parameters are simple:


    Rebels are trying to hit & run on an Imperial Shipyard. The shipyard is guarded by one Modified Frigate & several squadrons of fighters. The Rebels are coming with one Light CRL and one Dreadnaught (pretty much the same stats, just slower). The Rebels will try to take down the Frigate first, then make their move on the factory. Imperials will try to push back each cruiser, starting with the closest threat. Also, any shuttle craft caught fleeing the area must be taken down (Bonus points).


    X-Wings & TIE Int - anything is fair game. Basically, whatever crosses the 50-yard line is open season. Pay careful attention to the warning messages.


    A-Wings & Tie Adv - bomber intercept. Focus on keeping the bombers too busy to shoot.


    B-Wings & Gunboats - heavy attack. Let the warheads fly. Careful tho, the cruisers can target incoming warheads.

  9. I figured TD would get a kick out of this...


    A while back I started meddling in level-editing for a classic game X-Wing vs Tie Fighter: Balance of Power. You see, my flying ability had already dominated so many... and my only compeditor, TD, was barely able to keep up on my bad days.


    So, I decided to upload my first working level for XWvsTIE:BOP. After updating it about 182658671 times... the thing is working now.


    SB3 is the name of the game. That link will download a ZIP file... inside it should be 1 .tie file. To install the game, it's a bit tricky, but here's how...


    1) Extract the .tie file into your Lucasarts\XWingTie\BalanceOfPower\Combat directory.


    2) Find the 3 .lst files in that same directory (Imperial, Rebel, Mission). Open these files with notepad.


    3) If you notice, each file has a listing of the missions in the game. Adding a mission simply means finding the highest # on that list, and adding another listing to that. Here's what I reccommend. If your version of the game is unmodified and you have no new levels already dl-ed and added, copy the following lines:

    [Customized Clusterfucks]
    Rebel Hit & Run on Imperial Factory


    Now, in each .lst file, paste that section above and SAVE EACH .lst file. That will make a new category of missions "Customized Clusterfucks" (or whatever you want to name it) and then add the mission to the 24th position in the COMBAT list in each .lst file. All you gotta do from now on to add more missions is to start from the # (24... 25...26...) and follow the pattern, you don't have to redo the //[]// part.


    When you start the game, you should find the new category & level in your combat section of the menu.


    If anyone besides me still has that game installed, try my level & GOOD LUCK! Here's a hint... if you're in a bomber, blow the big things up first!

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