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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. I tell you what. If I wasn't so booked with work right now, I'd love to lend a hand in making that DD:FPS game with you. We could have alot of fun with that! We could have a level where the player has to help IC clear HONDO's of a mob of trolls... we could bring all the great ones back, Madman, Hitler, Mega Man X, God, Zeus, all of them.

  2. Saw it last night. Very very good. In a few ways, better than Hannibal. Extremely suspensful and very well done.


    *possible spoilers*


    I know I'm going to take heat for this from certain Ed Norton lovers, but oh well. IMHO - I think Ed physically acted well, but there's something about the tone of his voice that doesn't communicate urgency. I think he did an overall very good job, but there's something about him that doesn't necessarily fit in to terribly well, but that's just me.

  3. Well... I think I wet my pants. She's a great singer in my opinion, and thank God she's not singing bubble gum pop music. 2nd album flopped BTW, she went on a European-rave binge and it quickly disappeared from the shelves, so I guess she's gotta make a come back.


    Go download the Dirrty video, that's not a typo. Get a towel.

  4. Would be great to do it in Q2... then I could track down that Matrix Quake setup and we'd have a ball.


    Had a funny ass notion today for a DD game. 17 players against 1. Make that 1 player invulnerable, but only able to carry a pee-shooter. Time the match, give him 2 minutes to try to make it from one end of the map to another while everyone else has to keep him back. Then mess with the Quake2 console and make the game real bouncy, so that if he gets hit by, say, a rocket, he'll fly about 200 feet back. Would be fun seeing who could make it... bets are on Yahve of course.

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