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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. € 13
    Whoa. You guys pay more for EVERYTHING over there, jeesh!

    Nah, it's not that bad, it's just that this poor sap has to pay in for the missus too!

    Oh, Ok then, € 13 for two people is fine (especially if it was an evening show).


    PS Hehe, Quote inside a quote inside a quote. Is nothing sacred?

    I wonder how many quotes this thing can take!

    I mean how long until the computer crashes or your eyes bleed...or both!

    You have now found yourself, trapped in the incomprehensible maze.

    This can't go on forever. What happens at like 100 interwoven quotes?

    I have no idea...

    ...let's keep quoting...

    ...and we'll find out.

    Three quote replies in a row. that's just gratuatous! No two-in-a-row quotes for this. Be patient!

    Hey guys! Can I play too! This is starting to look like an optical illusion.


    Saw the movie, was relatively good. I mean, once you get past the plot being fruity, the dragons did inspire fear and seemed to be pretty brutal fuckers. Wasn't as bad as I thought.

  2. [puff, puff, pass]  Now, think about this.  Do you really want to go to a place where everybody knows your name?  What if your name was Periwinkle, or Saliva, or Chlamydia, or something wack like that?  Would you want all of these people to know your name?  I think not.  :D[/puff, puff, pass]

  3. * some spoilers, perhaps *




    Well, it left a similar taste in my mouth as the first one.  I think they rushed the story alot.  You're catching up on so much history in such little time that it doesn't make the information seem important.  Also, the whole conflict of Jay learning to deal with the whole anonymity of the MIB life and losing the girl was never really dealt with, just at the end accepted and "Hey, no big deal."  The effects were good.  Moments were kinda funny.

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