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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. My name is Tina, and I'm an 18 years old (soon 19), and I attend highschool in so. cali.  I enjoy doing artwork, chatting with new people, and doing my shows.  You can see my homepage by clicking here.  Don't worry, it's PG-13!  ;)  Make sure to drop a line in my guestbook if you found my site interesting!




  2. Ok... going to elaborate on what I posted earlier a/b Agent Smith.


    *big time possible spoilers.  Not 100% accurate yet...*


    Remember when he took off his earpiece when he was interrogating Morpheus?  Well, from what I've been reading, that event had much more significance than what I originally had thought.  It attempts to show that this program known as Agent Smith had developed his own will.


    The death of Agent Smith in the Matrix awakened a sub-program of Smith which is no longer dependent on the Matrix... and is multiplying (yes, like a virus).  Apparently, the Matrix is pretty pissed at this and has it's own Anti-virus Agents trying to track him down.  Even more interesting, Agent Smith is trying to make contact with Neo b/c he somehow realizes they are connected.  


    The story could go a bunch of ways... first of all, it's possible that Neo creates the Virus Smith, or in killing Agent Smith he either jump-starts the virus program... who knows.

  3. if ($Nick eq "loser")




    elsif ($Nick eq "freak")




    else { ro_sham_bu($Nick); }


    while ($artistic eq "bad_speller")


        foreach $asshole(@drunkendeities)





  4. I think Michael Keaton had the personality & the acting ability, while Val Kilmer had the physical believability of being able to do all that acrobatic & fighting stuff.  I think Clooney would be good if he didn't make it seem like an episode of ER.

  5. Strident: The Shadow Front


    Well, from what the preview at IGN says, it supposedly will play like a mix of multiple genre's.


    1)  Tons of combat options.  You will get the option to sneak around Metal Gear Solid style, but to a higher degree.  You can use stealth maneuvers to avoid contact & confrontations.  Hide in the shadows, scale walls, crawl around...


    If that doesn't work, you can bust out the big guns and go for the huge fireworks a-la Matrix... complete with fighting on rafters high above the ground and performing acrobatic moves to avoid damage.  One handed weapons can go from blades to pistols.  A two handed option could put you with 2 Desert Eagles (for example) or something bigger, say a Bazooka (??).


    Your final option is to drop the mac 10's and go in for the close up kill.  Martial arts moves & such.  Full featured punching & kicking (perhaps like Tekken?), arial moves & more.


    2)  Story's pretty interesting.  A little bit of techno-post-apocalyptic setting mixed with Deus-Ex conspiracy theory stuff.


    3)  Lead character is a girl!  When's the last time we've seen a girl hero in a F/TPS?





    "the first teaser for The Matrix Reloaded will appear next month in front of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.  The information was reportedly gleaned from trailer scheduling sheets that are sent to distributors by the studios."

    - IGN Filmforce

  7. 2.5 Liter, dual-overhead cam, chain driven, 24 valve (4 valve per cylinder) 6 cylinder engine in Vee formation, positioned horizontally in the engine bay.  Variable intake valve timing and polished upper intake manifold and throttle body using the Extrude Hone process to provide the most efficient flowing air through the butterfly valves into the cylinders.  Mated to a five speed close ratio gearbox which drives the front wheels to a maximum stock horsepower of 200 and maximum peak torque at 183 lb-ft, all taking place at 6000 RPM.


  8. Well 3 things:


    1)Those are power chords.

    Power chords are NOT meant for strumming.  They're meant for mainly downstrokes on the strings your pressing on, and sometimes the next deepest one also, for added harmony.



    Muting is what you do when you ever so slightly inch one of your placed fingers over and brush against another string.  What you do is maintain your original string's sound and mute the noise from the other string you're brushing against... it' takes practice.  You can also do it with your picking hand, if you're good.



    You need to control the strum of your picking hand as to hit ONLY the strings you want to hear... listen to some old Neil Young if you want... he's the master at playing accoustic with continuous up & down strokes, yet you only hear what he wants you to hear.

  9. Ok, here's my review of Freedom Force & some additional FYI.


    Overall, this game completely rocks.  The entire package is extremely well developed and tons of fun.  Let me break it down for you, and yes, there *may* be some spoilers


    1)Gameplay:  This is a squad-based RTS based around superheroes.  Your view is pretty much from top-down, although you can zoom in & out as well as pan around on your group of characters to watch them in action.  Fighting is a little complicated at first, then becomes second nature.  You end up using the spacebar alot tho, which is pause.


    Basically, you wanna kick the patutie out of the guy in front of you, select your player with the number key & right click on the enemy, a drop down opens up, the game pauses for a sec, you choose your attack & he does it.  A quicker way is to simply left click on the enemy, but your player will perform a default attack instead of one you personally selected.  Another advantage of right-click, is that you can see how resistant the enemy is to your attack before commiting.  It will definitely take you a few missions before you can REALLY get the hang of fighting in a group & what attacks complement what other attacks & so forth.


    The majority of the game is single player, although there is an overIP multiplayer section for up to 4 seperate 4 man teams.  The game provides a character utility to skin your own characters over pre-loaded frames, while the in-game editor allows you to manipulate your new hero to fit into your story.  "Hey, I'll make some super-God character who'll do EVERYTHING"  Well, fine, but to use a character you have to EARN Prestige points enough to BUY the character, and the better he is, the more he costs, so you probably will never get to afford him during your single player game.  Reccommened to make a few chars that are average so you'll be able to use them in-game.  


    Traits for your characters can be positive or negative.  EX)  You can create someone who's physically superior (positive, raises Prestige Price), but that same person can be extremely slow (negative, makes character cheaper)  Thus you can deck your char out with several great skills, and then put that char at a slight disadvantage with some negative traits to make it fair.


    2)Presentation:  This shines above many games I've seen in a long time.  The graphics during game play are exceptional and transition b/w CGmovie & game play is seamless.  The story is extremely well written with it's fare share of ups & downs, you will be laughing the entire first 1/2 of the game at how well done it was, tho the story gets more serious as you progress.  As a player, you truly feel immersed in the game & in the lives of the characters.  There are still 1 or 2 bugs I've come across during movie-gameplay transition, but they've been no big deal, this is one game that hit the shelves WITHOUT needing any patching, a rarity in PC gaming.


    Well worth the $30 some bucks.  Great game, I really hope Irrational Games plans to expand on the game & the idea.  Would be nice to see them move this engine out of the 60's Silver Age style comics & into a newer style.

  10. There are alot of good ones:


    Early 90's we got Above the Rim SDTK.  What a great album.  Warren G & Nate Dogg - Regulators... bunch of great Tupac songs, a classic album.


    The Mortal Kombat SDTK wasn't bad either!  Lots of Techno / Rave & Hardcore rock music, good stuff.

  11. ChordFind.com


    Good little site I found that might help you.  CGI script shows you where the chords are located.  The picture is a bit difficult to look at tho, you'll find yourself tilting your head to the left.


    Remember there's always 3 - 5 different ways to play the same chord.


    I'm sorry, i may have overdone it on my last post... damn tequila.  I just mean that it's important for a beginning player to play with someone who's had a few years experience under their belt.  You need someone who's gone well over the hump of basics & can show you good technique, good ear training, things like that.  There's much more to guitar than reading tab & strumming.  Just an example, not a brag, but I've been learning the last few songs COMPLETELY by ear.  To some this comes natural, and to others you need a push.

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