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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. I see on Kazaa you can download them.  I'm going to try a few from there.  I use SNES9xW  good program.  Also have NESticle, GeneCYST and KBMame... but it doesn't work.


    I want Mega Man games... Castlevania... Metroid... Samurai Showdown 2+... alot of stuff.  I just want to make a compilation of them and I'm sick of going to that top 100 site & being led in circles by banners.

  2. Sup guys & gals.  I need to get my hands on some ROMS.  I pulled out Mayte's ol NES the other day & we were having a trip.  I need to get her & myself some of these games.  If you know a good spot to grab SNES, NES, Genesis, NeoGeo emulators & Roms, please leave the links here.  I've been running into a bunch of dead ends & endless banners.

  3. Well... I think Crate amps rock.  You can get a little 10-15 watter that sounds really nice & has a good EQ.  Also, you might want to grab some effects, since if it brings distortion it probably sounds crappy.  Grab some DOD Overdrive / Distortion peddals & enjoy.


    Starting guitars?  Charvel is pretty good its a sub-brand of Jackson which is a classic metal guitar brand.  The king of the starters is Squire (Fender-sub) & Epiphone (Gibson-sub).  Those are truly great guitars.  There's a few others, just gotta take a look around the shop one day.


    God bless the child that gets their first MusicMan 5150... (cries uncontrollably)

  4. actually... accoustic is a great place to start.  Put I wouldn't reccommend a full-body accoustic just yet.  Go out & get a hollow-body electric (a la Dave Mathews) that way you can plug in when you want & keep that clean sound without the amp.


    To start up, if you're playing accoustic, most people reccommend the nylon strings, so you don't commit finger suicide.  Otherwise, if you've already calused up a bit, go ahead & grab the metal strings alot more sound... remember tho, the nylon strings won't be picked up in an AMP.  


    If you need more noise, go for the electric.  Problem is, when you're alone & practicing, you won't hear much, b/c without the amp most electric guitars are useless.  That big hole in an accoustic.. that's it's amp.


    Anyhow, drop by MARS in Dolphin Mall... great stuff & great prices.  Let me know if you want me to tag along.

  5. Nah dog... GT3 won't let you put Dayton's on Vogues... what a piece of shit.


    Actually, sad to say, the majority of the taggin' up you could do in GT3 was engine work & suspension.  You could make your car ride lower, although you had to drop it to the floor to really notice it.  Paint jobs are chosen when you buy the car and you're stuck with them... and they took out the best feature.  You used to be able to snap a racing body with full gear & spoilers & paint on almost every car.  Now, none except the designated GT cars have them

  6. I guess I missed it.  Apparently a lot of people did.  This fight took place Wednesday night, and everyone I've asked about it said they didn't watch it.  But not to worry, more shit-fights coming from wonderful FOX!

  7. Well... goddammit... that just complicates EVERYTHING now...   I mean, I go and mention what I thought were some great bands of the 90's and Kee says...  :plain: ... I mean... SHIT MAN!  What the hell am I supposed to do now?  Now I've gotta go change my whole perspective on auditory stimuli, dammit.  What's a guy to do?  I say "BBD", he says  :plain: .  It's fucking heartbreaking.

  8. Wait wait... what name did you use for Yahve?  Yahve Paredes?  What about ******?  What about Jeovanny?  What about all of them?!?!  He may end up with a 6 word name...  OH!  shnap, maybe I wasn't supposed to mention the J one.


    Explicit language edited for our younger audience

  9. No way!!! IBANEZ kicks ass!  I mean, it's no Les Paul, but they're good guitars!  Especially the accoustics, but the electrics are good too.


    Mine is a POS Charvel, also plugged into a Crate amp.  Have a few effects, Flanger, Distortion, came with Floyd Rose floating bridge & wammy bar.  Maybe one day I'll get something better.  Although I am picking up a nice little hollow-body electric sometime soon (DMB!)


    Accoustic is not that tough, learning to play with your FINGERS & no pick is tough, I still haven't mastered that.  Not that coordinated yet.  


    Still downloading that song... goddamned dial up.

  10. ... Featuring none other than the world's greatest collection of teeny-bopper actors & actresses.


    Shaggy - Mathew Lillard (the "But wait, there's more!" guy from Scream)


    Fred - none other than Freddie Prinze Jr.


    Daphne - Sarah Michelle Gellar... no sir, i don't like it


    Velma - a newcomer (??)  Linda Cardelini


    Scooby - CGI.


    Good luck with this piece of trash.

  11. Well, here's the deal.  The graphics are CEL.  They kinda look 2D when you get them in a still shot.  But actually, the dimensions are apparent when you play the game.  Plus, Capcom went all out on another detail that GT3 missed on... EFFECTS... explosions, dents, skid marks, smoke, stuff like that.  GT3 was high on car & track detail but low on indirect details.

  12. Auto Modellista game preview


    Another preview


    This one's for Timbo.  Capcom must be tired of Sony running around with the greatest race game of all time, GT3.  The game looks sweet so far, and I'm happy that Capcom's focusing in on the one aspect that GT3 didn't do so well at... customization.  GT3 had the engine mods & the suspension & such... but left out the player who wanted to decorate the car in new ways & make it look meaner (other than rims).


    Here's hoping it doesn't suck

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